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r·avontc Quote· Prm. I . 24 Academoc Letter Place· Ft. Lauderdale. 11.
ccumpli hmcnl . lOth· Beta Club. Mu Alpha Theta. f-avonte Song lm- Goo Goo Doll>
9th: FCA. Dnlltcam ational Honor Society. French Club. Favome Quote: " It\ okay, Luc\ on the
lOth f'CA. Drill team/Color guard Academoc Letter miS\Ion"
lith: FCA. Drill team/Color guard, Honor lith: V. Tigercttc,, Beta club, Mu Alpha Accomphshmcnt,:
roll Theta. ational llonor Socoety, Key Club 9th Band, Color Guard
12th: FCA Tre<~surer. French Club. Academic Letter I Oth Band. Color guard. Span~>h Club.
12th enoor Cia ., Treasurer. V Tigerctte' Leo Club
Donzell Roberson Lieutenant. Beta Club Mu Alpha Theta. lith: Band. Color guard. Spanosh Club.
atoonal lion r ociety. Key Club. Leo Club
Christopher Roberts Interact. f-rench Club. 12th Spanosh Secretary. An Club. Leo
Club. Honor roll
Holly Robertson Ronsae' Rossin
D.O B 5-30-85 D.O B 1-24-85 Valinda cippio
Place: Gmne,Hlle,R Place Lake City, FL D.OB 11 -11 -85
f'avonte ong: " I woll remember you" Favonte ong: I know I've been Changed Place: Miamo, Fl
Favorite Qu te: "you ~now it'\ true love Favonte Quote: "God osGood" Favorite Song: Still ain't forgave my;clf-
when you can't leep becau;c realny o; Accomph>hment> TI
better than your dreams." 9th: Perfect Attendance. Honor roll. Favorite Quote: It' really not that serious
Accomph;hments: Academic Letter Boo'
9th: Beta Club, F A. cademic Letter I Oth. Honor roll. Academoc Letter, Beta Accomplishments:
lOth: Honor roll. Beta lub. Spanish Club, Club lOth: Pep Club. Basketball Manger
Cnmonal Ju;ticc. Ac<~dcmoc Letter, Teen lith· Academic Letter, Beta lub. liS
Coun 12th: Academo Letter. Honor roiL liS, Delanna hepherd
lith: Who'; Who.CJ A. pano>h,Beta, Beta lub. HO A. Mu Alpha Theta D.O B.: 6-30-85
Honor roll. Teen >ummit. Bowling, Place: Atlanta. Ga
Academic Letter Jason Rowe Favonte Song: Baby- Ashanti
12th OSA. panosh.Bcta. Teen >ummit, D.O.B 8-9- 5 Favontc Quote· " I! old On, ..
Bowhng.Teen Coun Place: L Petersburg. Fl Accomplishments:
Accompli hments· 12th: CBE
mber Robinson 9th: Band. Perfect Attendance
D.O.B.: 5-12-85 I Oth: pam h Club, Drama Club. Band Angelica heppard
Place: Gaonewi lie. R II th: Band, Junoor Class Club, Leo Club. D 0 B 11-18-84
Favorite ong: Fast Car-Tracy Chapman Perfect Attendance Place. Jacksonvolle. .C.
Favorite Quote: Stand for something or 12th: CJ A. Honor roll Favorite ong: I will always love you-
you'll fall for anythong Whotncy Hou>ton
Accomplishments: hawn Rowe Favonte Quote: "Everythong happens for a
9th: J.Y. Tigerettcs. Beta lub, JIIS reason, so it must was meant to be"
lOth: J.Y. Tigerettes. Beta club, WAT Leeann Royster Accomplishments·
12th: Y. Tigerettes. Beta Club D.O.B.: 2-28- 5 9th: Beta Club, FCCLA. tudent Council.
Place: Gaoncwille.FL WAT, Homecomong c un. Trac~
Blair Robinson Favonte ong: Rode,Ride,Rode lOth: SWAT. Student class hostonan,
Favonte Quote: " Lofe goes on" Trac~. Pep Club. SADD. Crimonal Ju tice
Brooks Robinson Accomplishments: lith: SWAT, tudcnt Councol. Vice
I Oth: Spanish Club. Beta Club President. SADD, Cnmonal Jusuce
Lavon Robinson lith: Spanosh Club, Junior Class Club 12th: SWAT. riminal Justice. lass
12th: Dual Enrollment, Honor roll. enior representative
Sheila Rojas Ad Editor. CBE Club
D O.B.: 11 -8-84 J ermaine heppard
Place: ew Orleans. La Kevin Ruppert
Favonte Song Fine Again- Scether D.O B.: 4-23-85 Brian hipp
Favorite Quote: Don't be afraod of their Place: Key We>l. R
faces, For I am with you to deliver you. Favonte ong: We Ready Christopher Silver
Accomplishment,. Favorite Quote: " Yeah Ok ... Great story"
9th: FCA, Beta. Scoence and History Fair, Accomplishments: Julie immons
Soccer 9th: Academic Letter
I Oth: FCA. auonal Honor ociety, Math lith: Honor roll Krystal immons
Faor, Soccer 12th: Beta club D.O.B.: 6-5-85
lith: National Honor ocoety. Spanish Place: Houston, Tx
Club. Mu Alpha Theta. An Club, Beta Thomas Rushing Favorite ong: Thug llohday
Club. Who's who Favorite Quote: " The boggest mi t~e in
12th Student body Trea>urer. auonal s life os the chance you never take"
Honor Society. Beta. panish. An. Accomplishments:
Interact, Honor roll 9th: Volleyball
lOth: V Volleyball. llomecomong Coun
Tyler app
ick Rollison lith: V Volleyball
D.O.B.: 11-15-84
D.O. B.: 7-27-85 12th: V. Volleyball
Place: Lake City,Fl
Place: Orlando,FL Favonte ong: "Anytime"- Brian
Favorite Song. "Question Everything"-8 McKnoght Oyanna Sloan
\lOp 7 Favorite Quote .. tand for something. or D 0 B 11-29-84
Favome Quote: ·· o Womes Mate" you'll fall for anythong" Place: Gaone volle.R.
Accompli hment>: Accomplishment>: Favonte Song: 'This w man's work"
9th: Academic Letter 9th: J Cheerleadong, Academic Letter. Fa,onte Quote: I don't ~now
lOth: Criminal Jusucc. Teen oun Homecomong Coun Accomplishments:
lith Key Club. French Club, Academoc I Oth· Capotai-J Cheerlcadong,acadcmoc 9th JV hecrleadong, Tra ~
Team leller .. HOBY Ambas ador. lOth: JV Cheerlcadong
12th: Key Club. French Club, Academic I I th:Varsoty heerleading.Junior class lith: V Cheerleading.HOSA. Mo . H
ream treasurer.Academoc lener.Leadel'\hop 12th: V Tigerelle>, 110 A pre\ldent
Kelly Rosenfeld 12th: enoor class President.Co-Captaon cotty mart
D O.B. 10-4-84 varsity cheerle dong.Homccomong
Place: Venice.FI queen. H .Beta,Mu Alpha ddie mith
Favorite ong: "If I am"- inc days Theta. WAT. ADD.Interact DOB ·2- 17-85
Place: J per.FL
Favorite Quote: " Fix ot"
Accompli hments: Laura argent Favonte ong: hut up- Tnc~ Daddy
9th: Beta Club, French Club. F A, D.O B -21 85 Favonte Quote: "A lie get' halfway