Page 270 - chs-2003
P. 270
F.IH>nlc Quote: Ll\e hfc 10 the fullc\1 Heather Lee Accompli;hmenl\:
Accompli,hmenl\: D O.B 4-25-85 9th: Honor\ classe;
9th.JV Tigcrcnes. Who's Who Among PI.Ice: Gau1esvillc. FL I Oth Cll T1gcrcncs. Honors cia
H1gh chool Students Favonlc Song: Love will find a way· Crumm1l Ju;11ce club. Dance cluh
IOth:JV. Tigercnes. WW A.H. Ble;;ed Umon of Souls lith: Dance club. AB Honor Roll, I rench 1
Criminal Ju,tice Club Favorite Qume·'Th1s 100 shall" 12th AB Honor Roll. Bright l'ulur•
lllh: V T1gercllc\. V W.A II. .Be\1 ccomphshments: Scholarship. DCT club. French 2,
dancer a"ard 9th· OOm District Ch•unp10n. OOm Gradual mg.
12th T1gcrcnc. -co captam. Beta Club. chool record holder (Track& Field). CroS\
Mu Alpha Theta Club Country & Track Field, Interact. S"al Wineca Lucas
lOth: 800m DIStrict Champ1on. OOm DOB52885
Dustin King school record holder (Track Field). Cro" Place Lake Cily,FL
DO.B 417-84 Country & Track favonte Song: Don 'I say nOJU I ay )
Place aple\, H. lllh M1\s CIIS Pageant. 2nd runner up Avant
FaHlrlle ong. Take that '1uf11o Mr. and Mi\S Congcmahly. Cro\S-Crountry Favontc Qume: "II am'l thai cnou "
Blgg' MVP. Track. Jumor club. alional Honor Accomplishment;
f-avonle Quote· Kang Don 'I Give A Dem Society. Spani;h club. Best offensive 9th: Ftl'>hiOn Show
Accompli\hmen": soccer player award(JV). I Oth: Ba;kelball Manager
9th J V. football and Baseball 12th: Interact Prc,idenl. SpaniSh club lith: l'rcnch club, pep club. AB Honor
lOth· Var\lly football Pres1dent, allonal Honor Soc1e1y. VaNIY Roll.
lith: Var\ily football Tigerelle>. Semor cia;; Vice Pre;ident 12th: Bemg a teacher's aide in the front
orr.ce. AB Honor Roll
'f)-avis King Joshua Lee
D.O.B .. I0-6-84 Winola Lucas
Place· Lake ily. Fl. Lynsey Lee D.O.B 5-28-85
Favonle Song "Roll out" DOB 12 15-84 Place: Lake City Fl
Favorite Quote: .. o maner ho" bad Place: Lake City.FL l·avonte Song. D1lemma -Nelly
things gel. never gl\e up" Favonle Song: Allison Crou,.>-.. You say Favorite Quote· II\ a D.ny Game
ccomphshmenl\: il be\1, when you say nolhmg at all." Accompli;hmem;:
9th: Honor Society Fa\Onle Quote: "Why not?" 9th Ba;~clball
lOth: Crinunal Jusuce Accomplishments: I Oth: Ba;ketball. Pep Club. \VAT Club
lith: Crimmal Ju,uce 9th: Tenni> Team lith: French lub. Pep Club. A B Honor
12th: ocr. Crimmal Ju\lice I Olh Varslly lenn~; roll
12th ocr club. Gradua11ng 12th: A B Honor roll
ica Kirby
DO B 8-8-85 Carlton Le,.is hawna Lumpkin
Place Lake Cny. Fl. D 0 B 12 25 84
Favonte Quote: ""halever" thena Limam Place: Lake ity n
Accomphshmenl\: D 0 89-17-85 Favorite ong "Give Me A Rednec~ G1rl"
9th: Tigercnes Place: ew Orlean;,LA Famnle Quote "Alright-Den"
IOth:Tigcrelle\ 1-avornc Quote:"Better keep your\elt Accompli;hmenl\:
12th·Tigerenes. 110 A clean and bright" ,"You are the window 9th: 1-1-A
through which you ;ee the whole world" 12th: OCT I. ocr II, OJT
Judy Kitaif Accomplishments:
D.O B.: 2 19 85 9th:Beta club, Fellowship ofChn\11an John Lyle
Place: Ja;per.FI. Alhleles(F A), Honor Roll, Academic
Lcner Award.
Favonte Song: "Keep your head up"-2 pac 10th:2000-200 1 Member of Who'; Who M
Favorite Qume: "Everylhmg happens for a
rea.,on" among American High School \ludent;,
Spani>h Club, alional Honor Society. Yatevia Manning
L Beta Club, Bowhng Team, Academic D.O.B : 7-25-85
Lcner Award.
Place Delray Beach Fl
llth:2001-2002 Member of Who'' Who
Famnle ng: I Care 4 -Aaliyah
Curtis Lang among Amencan H1gh School !.ludenl\, Favonle Quote: .. We all \Ome playa\
pan"h Club. ational Honor ociely.
d n 'I nde no benche;"
Amanda Langston Beta Club. Bowhng Team, Cnmmal Accomplishment;
Jusllce ludent Association. Mu Alpha
I Oth: Spani>h Club. Swat
Lacey Larson Theta, 2001-2002 ational Youth lith· Junior Club. Criminal Ju\lice, Teen
Lcader\hip Forum on Law panic1pant.
J eremy Lashley 200 I -2002 Teen Summit Pre,enter. H n r 12th· rumnal Ju;tice. Teen Coun
Roll. Academic Letter Award.
12th:Cumulauve GPA of 3.87, Member of
James Lasko Marcus Marshall
allonal Society of H1gh chool Scholars.
D.O.B 8-8-85
manda Lee Place: Ja;pcr Fl.
Erica Loftsgard
D.O. B. 4-17-85 Fav rile Song: Keep 11 on the hush -
Pia c· Ocala. Fl Ludacri;
Place:Lake ily.FI
Favonte Song: "Arms w1dc open" -Creed Favorite Quote: " I can do allthmgs
1-avontc ong: "I don'tlove you"-Giory
Favonte Quote: "Smile! Tom rrow could through Chri;l whom >trenglhen; me"
Fa•orite Quote: "Why do today whal you
be worse" Accompli'>hment;:
can pul ofllo tomorrow"
Accomplishments: 9th: ross Country and Trac~
9th: FFA honl\ F A I Oth: Stale ro;s ounlry
9th: FCA.Band,Auxiliary.
lOth: JROTC -Dnll Team- State Comp, lith: tale Runner up Cross Country and
I Oth: Spani;h
Armed& unanned squad tale Ch:unp1on; Track
Club,Band.Auxiliary.Studenl Council
lllh.JROT -Color Guard Stale Comp. 12th: Stale ro" ountry
f·emalc exh1b1110n Team Commander.
lllh: Spani;h Club. Var;ily Bowling.
Drill Team Erica Mayo
12th: FCA, panish Club, Student ouncil
12th EnhSled 111 to the mled Stales A1r D 0 B 10-13-84
Rep. Var\IIY Bowling
Force. JROT Drill team & Guard Place: Gainewlllc. Fl
Favonte Song One in a Million -Aall)"dh
Blanton Lord
Daniel Lee Accompli;hments:
D 0 B 3 22 85 9th: V Ba;kelball. Beta Club. alional
Je sica Luea
Place llanford,CT II nor OC1c1yJionor roll
DO.B.6-7 85
Favorite ong: Dro m Da Wind-Trick lOth V Ba'>kelball. Beta Club. auonal
Daddy Place:Game;VIIIe Flonda Honor Society, Honor roll
Favonte Song:"My Baby Love Me" by
Favonle Quote: "I am" lllh: V Ba'>kelball, Beta Club. alional
Manma McBride
Honor OC1e1y. Junior Ia\\ Prcs1den1,