Page 262 - chs-2004
P. 262
Senior Index
Class of 2004
Accompl1~hment\ 9th Band
lOth; Span"h· Leo. Art. FCA lOth Band. Men· Choru . Solo and
A lith. Soccer. pani\h. Leo. Art. rCA. En,emble
En\lrothon, JuniOr prom club
lith: Band. Chamba S1ngers
12th. Span"h. BETA. Leo. Art 12th: Band. Chamber Smger . Soh• and
Memone\: \end1ng mach1ne. St Augu\Une, En\emble
Key \\e\t, Prom\, mult1ple actual \IIC \top MemonC> Band. Solo and En emblc
Amanda Adam' \lgn. booger,, 'Pit. ABS. orange Choru\, Wa h1ngton. Teu
D 0 B 02-1 - 6 granny. bowling. field. Hunung.
Fa ... onu~ Song: Adag1o for Stnng' b) Barber ltchetucknee. PENCERS VAN WI DOW Sara Berryh11l
hi\Onte Quote· "If at llr't )Ou don't \uc.:ceed. DOB 08-01-6
deny you e ... er tned'' Fa .. ontc Song: Hne a lutle faith m me
Accompli\hmcnt Fa\onte Quote: "To the "'orld )OU may be
9th. Ouhtandmg Fr.-hman A-.ard. All- B one per,on. but to one per,on you m3.) be
Count) Orche,tra.Cro'' ountr).Tra~oJ. -.orld""
lOth: All-county and All-state Orchestra. Accomplishment'
Cro\s Country lllh· SADD H1stonan. Interact
lith: All·,tate Orche tra. ACYO.Academ1c Andrew Barrington 12th. SADD V1ce Pre"dent. S\\'AT H1 to•
Letler. GYC en,emble D 0 B 05-2M-86 Interact, E:tecutl\e Intern ... hlp. Year~k
Memorie\. sla). coconut. ">Iauffer, Fa\iOrtle ong:Hey Ya Memones: Be\t fnend\: JR. ES, The craz
pantalone\, Favonte Quote;"We are all born equal" "'eekend\ go1ng around 1n Circle\
AHf'.AGR.Ouych.BAPI.pud,ng.Jacl.Me Accompll\hmcnt\
Tram. BDALE. lith An1me lub Cheyenne Blair
12th: Anime club D 0 B I 0-20-85
El11abeth Alh,on Memones My be\1 fnend' are. MD. AB. R Fa ... orue Song: Fnend.., by 11chael W S
D 0 B 09-08 85 H. YB. TA. T . TS. SS. PM. DB. A . SD. fa\onte Quote "Don't put oft until
Favonte Song. Hurt 'o good by John RJ, SA. MR. JD. MT. EC. JH. TF tomorrow what you could get done toJ<i)
Cougar-Melancamp Accompli\hment
Fa ... onte Quote; "Lo ... e not looked for 1s IO\C Andrea Bell 9th Letter 1n Choru'
that \hall be found"" D 0 B:08-19·86 lOth: !ROTC
Accomplishments Fa\ionte ong; Let's Get Away lith: !ROTC
9th Span"h Club. Leo Club. FCA Fa\iort1e Quote; "A lot of growing up has to 12 !ROTC
I Oth Span"h Club do w11h learn1ng which thing' to remember Mcrnone\: I will remember all the goud
lith: Span'h Club and wh1ch th1ngs to forget" tllnes 1n JROTC. I w1ll always rememba
12th CBE pre;ident. CBE Sweetheart Accompli.!.hments: the fnends and teacher'> I've met thC\C ra!
Memone\. lnfreakm-cred1ble 255, TL wath 9th HOSA. JV soccer. Dance club four year\.Thank\
Jut. 1·75 Bandits, \1/C 9 \hOe\, good limes. lOth HOSA
TL and CJ. NYE200J. great tim"' 1n or II th: HOSA. Academ1c Letter Michael Bon\
pleaser, "All about Tami!" 12th: HOSA. Who\ Who, atlonal Honor D 0 B: 06-25-85
Roll Favone Song; Th1s 1\ how we do
Latlfa AI-Qantan1 Memones. Summer 01 PCB 7·8·02, SB02. f'avonte Quote ""Don't -.orry. be happ)"
D 0 B 05-24-86 DC 02. MR G-ville w1th CN. Prom OJ.
Favorite Quote: ''Pa ·· Homecom1ng 03. kablam. Drop top che\iy, athan Borer
C . CF. PW. AF. J FORD. THE RD REW D.O. B. 04·01·86
Jack1e Ark1n on Favonte Song In da Club
D.O B 12-07-86 Kareece Bell Favonte Quote: "You \ee 11 1 "
Favonte Song: Hey Ya! by Outka\t D.O. B. 08-n-86
Favorue Quote· "You may be one per\on to Favontc Song In Tho\e Jean\
9th Tenn1\ Team
the world ,but you may al\o be the "'orld to F.-orue Quote ""Keep God f1N and you will Memone\: JK' car count up to ~4. goang
one per\on" ~uceed 1n life" Ga1newille an the \ummer. Friday and
Accompl1'ihments Accompli,hmen\ aturday n~ght\, e"ery v.eekend. ~!!Om~ to
12th DCT. OJT 9th: Ba>ketball Wild Ad\enture\ "'Hh \Orne fnemh
Memone 11. BW. EM. CB, lOth Basketball. Tracl. Pep Club. F CLA
AA,SD.CB.Journah\m. Hernandez· cla!-ts, II th Weighthftlng. Track. Manager of D1ana Braden
fun game\, n\er partie\, friend .lo\e.Spnng Vamty Football DOB08·24·6
Break, france,great time'> 12th· we~ghthftlng. Track. Manager of Favonte ong: I hehe\oe 10 you
Var lty Football. auonal Honor Roll. Accomplishment
MelaniC:: Alvarado Memones: 9th grade. I Oth grade. 12th grade. 9th: Band. Academic Letter
D O.B: 10-16·85 play1ng B-Ball. Homecom1ng OJ. VF game;. lOth: Band. Academ1c Letter
Favonte Song:l'\e had the ume of my hfe Homecom1ng 01. B·Ball practice. SR P1cnu.:. II th Band. National Honor St>Ciet). I CA
Favonte Quote: "You laugh becau e I'm VF practice. Track meet\. 8-Ball games. Academ1c Letter
d1fferent I laugh becau\e you're all the Track practJc.:e, Homeco1mng02 12th· NHS, Beta. Academ1c Letter. Df1
\arne'' Memont\:. tarted dat1ng PB on 01-lb 02
Accompll\hment\ Lane ha Bell I 0-04-02. gomg toT
9th· Journah\m. Newspaper taff. float D 0 B 05-15-85
build1ng Favonte Quote: "Famou'' We on da map"
C1era Bradley
lOth. Joumal"m· "''paper Staff Accompll\hment\ DOB 10-10·85
I I th Leo Club. Alligator lake clean-up. 9th Football tra1ner. !ROTC. Fa\Onte Song: I m1 you
"'ho' who I Oth. Football tramer.J ROTC Fa\Onte Quote· "No pa1n. no ga1n"'
12th Leo Club. SpaniSh Club. Journal,.m. I I th · Football trBI ner J ROTC Memone Pep Rally. Prom. game •
"'ho' who 12: Football tra1ner Homecom1ng
Memorie\ Tm Part•e~. Ri\er 9 IO\e, hate, Memones: My m0\1 memorable moment wa~
CLB, KF"\. PDS\. K • TR. 11-9-02. late "'hen my cousin and I went to Ft. \\alton for Ph1hp Berhm
n1ght . LR. Ad hou e. S ·-r·. G-\llle. L· Spnng Break D 0 B 05-25
Booboo. Sweete\t k" e;. MARIE Fa\onte on I behe\e 10 you
Mariana Bell
Accompli hment
Talr.e ... ha Arm\lrong D 0. B 08·22·85 9th Band
DOB 06-IM· 5 Fa\orite Song Get Low I Oth Band. Ba eball
l·a\orue ..,ong. My Lo\e 1 hke wo Fa,orite Quote: "Be k1nd to e\eryone on lith Band
Fa\onte Quote: "Money doe. ... n't buy love" your way up becau e you never know when 12th Band
Accomplhhment · you will need them on your way do"'n .. lemone . tarted dating DB 01-16
9th Student cia repre entall\C::, member of Accompli. hment\ getting 8\ed '"09-02, g01ng toT
Homecom1ng Court. member of FCC LA 9th Art Club.FCA
lOth: Placed in the top t\Aoenly of "'tate for lOth Art Club Chadd Bnnlle}
lady we1ght hft1ng, FCC LA -.eetheart lith. Art Club D 0 B 09-J0-85
lith: Member of homecom1ng court 12th Art Club. FEA.Journah\m. voted Favonte Song Smell.., hle Team p1nt
12th Recie.ed CDA '"earl} childhood ··Most hkely to bnghten your day"" Fl\ionte Quote: "GeHt Done'"
educauon Memone~: My fa\iorue memories are of all Accompll\hment
Memone McDonald, The h.:e Box, Snake, my best fnend\ II th: Golf Team
The Van. 200 I. 5-0 I, Meda. The Concen. FO.BM.AK.JL.SH.CH.ED.JC.A D SF. you 12th. Golf Team
Wai·Mart. The Danch, Late !\i1ghh, Poem , are ~o great, I love you Memone CB. MB. KB. JB. EP. AW. Tl
1e ... \age ... CB. MB. KL. KB. PC. JB. RG. TAT. CB.
Jonathan Benefield
Je\..,lca Ayer!-t D 0 B I 0-09·85
D O.B: 09-09-86 Fa\orlte Song: Carry on Wayword Song Allch1a Bryant
Fa\iorie Song· Ba ket Ca e Fa\ionte Quote: "It's commg ri,ht at u ! 1 " DO B OJ-18· 6
Fa\ionte Quote. · Lat my du!t.t .. Accompli hment\ F'avunte Song Oangerou ly In LO\e