Page 262 - chs-2004
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Senior Index

                                    Class of 2004

                                                                           Accompl1~hment\          9th  Band
                                                                           lOth; Span"h· Leo. Art.  FCA   lOth  Band. Men·  Choru  . Solo and
                                                  A                        lith. Soccer.  pani\h. Leo. Art. rCA.   En,emble
                                                                           En\lrothon, JuniOr prom club
                                                                                                    lith: Band. Chamba S1ngers
                                                                           12th. Span"h. BETA. Leo. Art   12th:  Band. Chamber Smger  . Soh• and
                                                                           Memone\: \end1ng mach1ne.  St  Augu\Une,   En\emble
                                                                           Key \\e\t, Prom\, mult1ple actual  \IIC \top   MemonC>  Band.  Solo and  En  emblc
                                                  Amanda Adam'             \lgn.  booger,, 'Pit. ABS. orange   Choru\, Wa  h1ngton. Teu
                                                  D 0  B  02-1  - 6        granny.  bowling. field.  Hunung.
                                                  Fa ... onu~ Song: Adag1o for Stnng' b) Barber   ltchetucknee.  PENCERS VAN WI  DOW   Sara Berryh11l
                                                  hi\Onte Quote·  "If at  llr't )Ou don't \uc.:ceed.   DOB  08-01-6
                                                 deny  you e ... er  tned''                         Fa .. ontc Song:  Hne a lutle faith  m me
                                                  Accompli\hmcnt                                    Fa\onte Quote:  "To the "'orld )OU  may be
                                                 9th. Ouhtandmg Fr.-hman A-.ard. All-  B            one per,on. but  to one per,on you  m3.)  be
                                                 Count) Orche,tra.Cro''  ountr).Tra~oJ.             -.orld""
                                                  lOth:  All-county and All-state  Orchestra.       Accomplishment'
                                                 Cro\s Country                                      lllh· SADD H1stonan. Interact
                                                  lith: All·,tate Orche  tra. ACYO.Academ1c   Andrew Barrington   12th. SADD V1ce  Pre"dent. S\\'AT H1  to•
                                                  Letler. GYC en,emble     D 0  B  05-2M-86         Interact, E:tecutl\e Intern ... hlp. Year~k
                                                 Memorie\. sla). coconut. ">Iauffer,   Fa\iOrtle  ong:Hey  Ya   Memones:  Be\t fnend\:  JR. ES, The craz
                                                 pantalone\,               Favonte  Quote;"We are all  born equal"   "'eekend\ go1ng around 1n  Circle\
                                                 AHf'.AGR.Ouych.BAPI.pud,ng.Jacl.Me   Accompll\hmcnt\
                                                 Tram.  BDALE.             lith  An1me  lub         Cheyenne Blair
                                                                           12th: Anime club         D 0  B  I 0-20-85
                                                 El11abeth Alh,on          Memones  My  be\1  fnend' are.  MD. AB. R   Fa ... orue Song:  Fnend.., by  11chael W  S
                                                 D 0  B  09-08  85          H. YB. TA. T  . TS. SS. PM. DB. A  . SD.   fa\onte Quote  "Don't put oft until
                                                 Favonte Song.  Hurt 'o good by John   RJ, SA. MR. JD. MT.  EC. JH. TF   tomorrow what  you could get done toJ<i)
                                                 Cougar-Melancamp                                   Accompli\hment
                                                 Fa ... onte Quote; "Lo ... e  not looked for 1s  IO\C   Andrea Bell   9th  Letter 1n  Choru'
                                                 that \hall  be  found""   D 0  B:08-19·86          lOth:  !ROTC
                                                 Accomplishments           Fa\ionte  ong;  Let's Get Away   lith: !ROTC
                                                 9th  Span"h Club. Leo Club.  FCA   Fa\iort1e Quote; "A  lot of growing up has  to   12  !ROTC
                                                  I Oth  Span"h Club       do w11h  learn1ng which thing' to remember   Mcrnone\:  I will  remember all  the goud
                                                  lith: Span'h Club        and wh1ch th1ngs  to  forget"   tllnes 1n  JROTC. I w1ll  always rememba
                                                  12th  CBE pre;ident. CBE Sweetheart   Accompli.!.hments:   the fnends and  teacher'>  I've  met  thC\C  ra!
                                                  Memone\.  lnfreakm-cred1ble 255, TL wath   9th  HOSA. JV soccer. Dance club   four year\.Thank\
                                                 Jut.  1·75  Bandits,  \1/C 9 \hOe\, good limes.   lOth  HOSA
                                                 TL and CJ.  NYE200J.  great tim"' 1n or   II th:  HOSA. Academ1c  Letter   Michael  Bon\
                                                  pleaser, "All about Tami!"   12th:  HOSA. Who\ Who,  atlonal  Honor   D 0  B: 06-25-85
                                                                           Roll                     Favone Song;  Th1s  1\  how we do
                                                  Latlfa  AI-Qantan1       Memones.  Summer 01  PCB 7·8·02, SB02.   f'avonte Quote ""Don't -.orry. be happ)"
                                                  D 0  B  05-24-86         DC 02. MR G-ville w1th  CN. Prom OJ.
                                                  Favorite Quote: ''Pa  ··   Homecom1ng 03.  kablam. Drop top che\iy,   athan  Borer
                                                                           C  . CF. PW. AF. J  FORD. THE RD   REW   D.O. B.  04·01·86
                                                  Jack1e Ark1n  on                                  Favonte Song  In  da Club
                                                  D.O B  12-07-86          Kareece Bell             Favonte Quote: "You \ee 11 1 "
                                                  Favonte Song: Hey Ya!  by Outka\t   D.O. B.  08-n-86
                                                  Favorue  Quote· "You  may  be one per\on to   Favontc  Song  In  Tho\e Jean\
                                                                                                    9th  Tenn1\ Team
                                                  the  world ,but you  may al\o be the "'orld to   F.-orue Quote  ""Keep God f1N and you  will   Memone\: JK'  car count up to  ~4. goang
                                                  one per\on"              ~uceed 1n  life"         Ga1newille an  the  \ummer. Friday and
                                                  Accompl1'ihments         Accompli,hmen\            aturday n~ght\, e"ery  v.eekend. ~!!Om~ to
                                                  12th  DCT. OJT           9th: Ba>ketball          Wild Ad\enture\ "'Hh \Orne  fnemh
                                                  Memone  11.  BW.  EM. CB,   lOth  Basketball. Tracl. Pep Club. F  CLA
                                                  AA,SD.CB.Journah\m. Hernandez·  cla!-ts,   II th  Weighthftlng. Track. Manager of   D1ana  Braden
                                                  fun  game\, n\er partie\, friend  .lo\e.Spnng   Vamty Football   DOB08·24·6
                                                  Break, france,great time'>   12th·  we~ghthftlng. Track. Manager of   Favonte  ong:  I hehe\oe 10 you
                                                                           Var  lty Football.  auonal  Honor Roll.   Accomplishment
                                                 MelaniC:: Alvarado        Memones: 9th grade.  I Oth  grade.  12th grade.   9th:  Band. Academic Letter
                                                  D O.B:  10-16·85         play1ng  B-Ball. Homecom1ng OJ.  VF game;.   lOth:  Band. Academ1c Letter
                                                 Favonte Song:l'\e had the ume of my  hfe   Homecom1ng 01.  B·Ball  practice. SR P1cnu.:.   II th  Band. National  Honor St>Ciet). I CA
                                                 Favonte Quote: "You laugh  becau  e  I'm   VF practice. Track meet\.  8-Ball games.   Academ1c  Letter
                                                 d1fferent  I laugh  becau\e  you're all  the   Track practJc.:e,  Homeco1mng02   12th· NHS, Beta. Academ1c  Letter. Df1
                                                 \arne''                                            Memont\:. tarted dat1ng  PB  on 01-lb 02
                                                 Accompll\hment\           Lane  ha Bell            I 0-04-02. gomg toT
                                                 9th· Journah\m.  Newspaper  taff. float   D 0  B  05-15-85
                                                 build1ng                  Favonte Quote:  "Famou'' We  on da map"
                                                                                                    C1era Bradley
                                                  lOth.  Joumal"m·  "''paper Staff   Accompll\hment\   DOB  10-10·85
                                                  I I th  Leo Club. Alligator lake clean-up.   9th  Football tra1ner. !ROTC.   Fa\Onte Song:  I m1   you
                                                 "'ho'  who                I Oth.  Football tramer.J ROTC   Fa\Onte Quote· "No pa1n. no ga1n"'
                                                  12th  Leo Club. SpaniSh Club. Journal,.m.   I I th · Football trBI ner  J ROTC   Memone  Pep Rally.  Prom. game  •
                                                 "'ho'  who                12:  Football tra1ner    Homecom1ng
                                                 Memorie\  Tm  Part•e~. Ri\er 9  IO\e, hate,   Memones:  My  m0\1 memorable moment  wa~
                                                 CLB, KF"\.  PDS\. K  • TR.  11-9-02. late   "'hen my cousin and I went to Ft. \\alton for   Ph1hp  Berhm
                                                 n1ght  . LR. Ad hou  e. S   ·-r·. G-\llle. L·   Spnng Break   D 0  B  05-25
                                                  Booboo. Sweete\t k"  e;. MARIE                    Fa\onte  on   I behe\e 10 you
                                                                           Mariana Bell
                                                                                                    Accompli  hment
                                                 Talr.e ... ha Arm\lrong   D 0. B  08·22·85         9th  Band
                                                 DOB  06-IM·  5            Fa\orite Song  Get Low   I Oth  Band. Ba  eball
                                                 l·a\orue ..,ong.  My  Lo\e 1  hke wo   Fa,orite Quote:  "Be k1nd  to e\eryone on   lith  Band
                                                 Fa\onte Quote: "Money doe. ... n't buy  love"   your way up becau  e  you  never know when   12th  Band
                                                 Accomplhhment  ·          you  will  need them on your way do"'n ..   lemone  .  tarted dating DB 01-16
                                                 9th  Student cia   repre  entall\C::, member of   Accompli. hment\   getting  8\ed '"09-02, g01ng toT
                                                 Homecom1ng Court. member of FCC LA   9th  Art Club.FCA
                                                  lOth:  Placed in the  top t\Aoenly  of "'tate  for   lOth  Art Club   Chadd Bnnlle}
                                                 lady  we1ght hft1ng, FCC LA  -.eetheart   lith. Art Club   D 0  B  09-J0-85
                                                  lith:  Member of homecom1ng court   12th  Art Club. FEA.Journah\m. voted   Favonte Song  Smell.., hle Team  p1nt
                                                  12th  Recie.ed CDA '"earl} childhood   ··Most hkely  to bnghten your day""   Fl\ionte Quote:  "GeHt  Done'"
                                                 educauon                  Memone~: My  fa\iorue  memories are of all   Accompll\hment
                                                 Memone  McDonald, The h.:e  Box, Snake,   my best fnend\   II th: Golf  Team
                                                 The Van. 200 I. 5-0 I, Meda. The Concen.   FO.BM.AK.JL.SH.CH.ED.JC.A  D SF. you   12th.  Golf Team
                                                 Wai·Mart. The Danch, Late !\i1ghh, Poem  ,   are  ~o great, I love  you   Memone  CB. MB. KB. JB. EP. AW. Tl
                                                  1e ... \age ...                                   CB.  MB. KL.  KB.  PC. JB. RG. TAT.  CB.
                                                                          Jonathan Benefield
                                                                                                    SC. SW. BT,  LR. BC. CB. KL. SW
                                                 Je\..,lca Ayer!-t         D 0  B  I 0-09·85
                                                 D O.B: 09-09-86           Fa\orlte Song:  Carry on Wayword Song   Allch1a Bryant
                                                 Fa\iorie Song· Ba  ket Ca  e   Fa\ionte  Quote: "It's commg ri,ht at  u  !  1  "   DO B  OJ-18·  6
                                                 Fa\ionte Quote.  · Lat  my du!t.t ..   Accompli  hment\   F'avunte Song  Oangerou  ly  In  LO\e
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