Page 265 - chs-2004
P. 265
Haley Drake A~.:cnmplt,hmcnt Red. Tall aha, ee, All Star game , C1
D.O B 0.1-24-86 ~th : Rille team. JROTC
Favontc Song; Carr)mg your IO\C ~llh me lOth . RtOc Team. JROTC Tyler Fhpptn
Favorite Quote · · Sornctnne what h counted II th RtOe Team, JROTC, Com pan~ D 0 B 02-28-86
doco;;n't alway!<. count, hut what "·ounh l'm't Commandeer, Am me Club Pr~,•dcnt Pa\Ontc Song Come Monday hy Junmy
alway~o, counted '• 12th Rille !'cam. JROTC Batallwn Buffett
Ac~ompla~oohment, , Exet:Utl\oe Ofht:cr Fa\onte Quote· "There "a fane lrne bct"'een
Qth Tagcrettc,, JV Solthall . Academu.: Lencr Memonc' Arm) of One. Cobalt, Blue h'lhtng and ju\t \tand•ng on the shore lrle an
Beta. Spana,h , Y arhou~ Stall \1u tang 1diot."
lOth JV Chcerleadtng, JV Snltball , Aet:ompla"'hmcnt
Acadcmac Leuer Beta. Spana,h, Yearboc.ll Krt ttn [:lton 9th : Tennl\
Staff D 0 B 01 -2H- lOth Tenn~> , !leta, HS, \1u Alpha Theta,
lith Var"t) Cheerleadtn~. var II) Soltball , At:t:ompl•,hmcnt Sctent:c fair· county. rcg1onal · I 't place
Academac Letter. auonal Hum,r So(;ICI)', qth A Honor Roll , Leo. Spanl\h, Vollc~ball lith Tennl', !leta. HS . 1u Alpha Theta
Ye&~rbool h.Jnnr, Student (uum.:ll lOth A Honor Roll. 'I;HS. Leo. Spant,h. 12th Tennl', !leta. NilS Mu Alpha Theta
1 :!th: Var\ll)' Cheerlcadmp:. Academ1c Letter, Volle~ball Memone' IIC. SR. JP, MT, 0\1, DR, DS.
attonal Honor S(X:ICl), Mu Alpha Theta. II tb A Honor Roll. HS. Leo. Spanl\h. Mu RS. P. KG . you all knn"' B. A . C'K . JP,
Beta, Yearbook Ec.Juor. Student Count:al Alpha Theta, Yolle~ball Coat: h. you all remember, nvcr. dl\tnct'l,
Memon<> 01-01-0J. Sll OJ, at II< ktd, , 12th. A Hnnnr Rnll. NHS. Leo. !leta. Spant h Moore\, Roac.lhou'e
..,enaor party, G·VIIIe, Prom 0:\, l:hecrlcadang Mcmurie' Key 'I. t""tn\, '"'apprng. penny .
OJ-04, good ume' with DJ . Hill',, late ntgh". mar\hmellov..,/ gummy "'orm , Taco Bell, ichola\ Flouton
~ooacHul. AP' hou c, Onnungo, LS and the "'atcr balloon,, 25, 2, g1rl'l nrghl. partre,, DOII12-10·8~
Rl\•er, clay p11.., tar • JI.A , MLII, SAD. HMl., RPP, SKL. l·a\orite Song· Tenat:tou' 0( tnhute)
Jo,e al"-a) Fa\orite Quote· ··steal I rom the nt:h. S•'e
Shandaa Drummond nothtng ba..:l"
D.O. B 12-22-86 Rohcrt E" anc, Memone\. Jack Bla<k. M&M
Fa" orne Quote; "'You ha'rc to Jl"t: re,pet:tto D 0 B 09-26· 5
get re,pect .. r·avorllc Song Jambalaya 8)' Hanl \\ all1am, Brandon Floyd
Accompll\hment\ favontc Quote: Play no Game D O.B 07-30-82
9tb· Rock \I lie Htgh School Step Team, Accompll\hment Fa"orite Song : M} name..., K1dd
lJn•on Club. Trad .. Honor Roll 9th Fontball fa,orlle Quote: "Brandon io.: bad to the
lOth: All Amcrit:an St:holar Award lOth hM>tball , \\etghthfung hone''
lith: Blacl.. H1"1tory month partlt:lpant, Honor lith Fnntball , Wetghthfung Accompll"'hment'
Roll 12th Football II th: Parllctpant 10 Spct:~al Olymptl:\.""
12th. Art Club. Dance Club Mcmone' LL much lo\e. RT. DP. CB\. 12th: Panicipanttn Spec1al Olymp!C'I
Memoric' I remember pep rally\. model Willy. DB. lull moon. Yll. htg head. JOke,, Mcmone\ : The Day I met my fncnd Vance.
\hoot\, tracJ.. meet\, ba,J,.ctball game,, and coat:hC\, npp1n. game,, DRW. \l..app1n, h/o
mo;t of all my lnend' ZM , CD. AT, Pll. GB. ""h fnend' MB. GF Jame\ Fo'(
LW, SJ. love ya D.O B 06-0 I 8~
Fa\ontc Quote:·· Tho'e "'ho hatr you only
A leah Duren hate you becau'e they don't l..nnw you ..
D 0 B· OH-0~-86 F Accomplt'lhment'
Pa\onte Song: Pre'''" on 9th: Ba<ketball
Fa\·onte Quote: "Cnrnpa\"'IOn '' not p1ty ~ Memoriec,. My maJOr memone arc my
compa'i\IOn '' lo\e and at:llon .. broth<" Ricky. SP, my fnend' CB, SH . Jll
Accornpla\hrncnt"' Danae! Fan Tf. JC, BH. BF, CW, and n1<ht ol .ttl '"'
Yth lv ftgerette\, I·CA D 0 B 12-01 X~ gtrlfnend. ·
10th: FCA FaHmte ong Blaze It
II th FC A. Fren<h Club Fa\onte Quote "I lnow more than half of Angte Frahd.
12th · ~C'A Fren<h Club. Fren<h Club )OU le" than half as I bould hke, and hke D.O B 02-17-86
S"'eetheart Jc,, than halt of you more than half a' you Fa\Onte Song: Lo\l Little Gtrl
Memorie" "CDM"· I CW, LC. AD. PD. MGI. de\Cf\C .. Favorile Quote· " LJ\e Life By the Da} ..
"NS"- I LD. JB). "KB 01 "· I LD. Jll. MG. Accomplio,hment\
I.C. AD. PDI. "Tnntdad"· 1 CWI. Brandon Feagle 9th: FFA hor..e JUdg•ng team. Band, Honor
"l.t"entng"· lSI 1. "qTGftD''· Lun<h, D 0.11 11 -06· 5 Roll
"WHAT'" J·aHlnte Quote. '"You really don't lnow "'hat lOth: fFA. Honor Roll
)OU ha\'C 1111 you ha\e lost 11 •• lith; FFA SR. Chapter reporter. Honor Roll
Patncia 0) al At:eomplt\hmcnt... 12th· FFA SR. Reporter, Honor Roll
D 0 B 11 · 06·H~ 9th Vtce Pre..,•dent of FFA 1cmoneo.: Falling 1n IO\e Y.llh DL. t:hllltn
Fa'rorHe Svng What II I Stumble I Oth Pa ,ed FCAT ""h my ere" AB. CF . C , CB JP. MB, S\\,
f-a'rOrlle Quote· .,\\1 e man tall het:aU\e they M mone"': Double J. red bea t. \pnng breal. ST. LG. part)tng ""h LF, AK, Sl'. DL, JT
ha\e omethmg to a) , looJ, tall becau'e SR party. rt\er tnp. \ltp da). Fnda) mght....
the) ha\e to U)' snmethmg .. G vtlle, P-Hammock, S-Zone, Cia) P•" JC\"'It:a French
Accompl~t:hmcnt D.O II 0~-16- 6
9th: Journal! m. H: Chn,tana Feagle Fa,oritc Song: Shale )a Tat I feather
lOth. Journali,m, YearbooJ... FC'A D.O. B I 0-2~- ~ Fa,orite Quote: "An)thtng worth Ji\1ng 4 I"'
lith· Journall\rn , Ycarbuol/ ne"''Jlapcr, FCA faHlnte Song· Dangerou\l) In Lme Y.orth dy1ng for"
12th IIOSA ,'m YearhonJ.. SeniOr Ad l·aHmtc Quote· "E"eryth1ng )OU do for or to. Accompll'lhment'
Editor, Ne"''Jlapa come' bat:l tu you"" 9th . Soet:er Team. Cheerleader, Dant:e Team
Memone' MTll( WSG, f-alling Creek, Accompl•,hment\ I Oth. Cheerleader. Dance Team
Game''llle. Club l>a Mon'e Sk1tng. rn · 9th Dance Club I Jth ; Cheerleader. Dance Team
f·udge , hrca!..f.t I, Ctlfc: flymg rcanuto.:, C'"' lOth Dance Club 12th. CIIE S"eethcart
\ngel\, Ptnl b •Y• I W dll h. J Rnum 10 II th JIIS. HOSA. A<ademtc Letter Memoric'' I "'ent to lnd1a. tout:hed. healed,
12th . HOSA. Honor roll changed and ... a,ed thou,and'l M~ God"
Mcmorie\. TB hou e CN. Ghetto nde~o,. C. , wonderful o matter the ctrt:umo.:tanl'C' He
E C , All RN.PW, F.CB.Chtlld' ha' alway been there
AJ, Honeycomb. H1de Out PW, 'lummer 00.
Yon hala Fudge
Ttflany f·lemtng D 0 B. OJ-09-86
D 0 B 07·01 · 6 Fa,orite Song : Rtght and Wrong \\"a) b)
J·aHlnte Song. 12 Play Ke1th
1 \UI'IIC 0n1 Q l·a\onte Quote: .. Do unto other' a' vou Accomplt\hment'l
Accomplt hrn nt v..ould ha"c them do unto )OU." • 9th SWAT. Pep Club
9th HS. Sol thai!,,\ ad mK Letter Accompll\hment\ I Oth SWAT. Pep Club. Sophomore Club
lOth Softball, t'ro" Country. NilS qth Va"IIY B"'ketball. SWAT. Pep Club II th SWAT. Pep Club, Junwr Club
lith_ A~.:aderOit,; Lett~r. Beta, tiS lOth ht year of Golf. AB Honor roll, Yar"tY Mcmone\· Chrlltng "'lth the undert:nver
12th NilS Ba ketball, Thurgood Mar\halll Achte\er,, 1mllronatre. the ladte"' . .2:00 rrdeout, rm 2.W.
Memone, Mfl, Sll Jl • SB 01. OK J0-0~. Rec1ned Tale Stocl Scholarshap late night\, early mormng. ridtn~ pmncr,,
weel nd 111 Da)'Wna. "'Ruo~Roo•" Brale t lith Co-Captaan of Golf Team. Y.On 2nd hlue(2)~). cao.:h . the neon. 9~ 11-0~.
OJ..aay'.. h J..rp-n-Dn\e, homet:ormng pep place 10 Dl'trtct for md1' 1dual\. \ar"'lt} m1'\'IOn\, Tamel. all my hater,. rnut:h IO\C
rail) OJ Ba,~etball, Jun10r Cia 'Club. Pep Club
I :!th Captatn of golf t am. 'hoi m) hJ"-e t Ste\e Fulton
Adam Edward~ l'OfC C\Cr. HOSA DOB 01 - 17· 6
D 0 B. 0~-0~·86 Menwne Graduation :!O<H. BCR. :!00~ . Fa,orite . ong I a1n't mad at ya
Fa .. ornc Song Jumprn Jal:k. Fla'h chtlhn \l.lth BO, m~hh 10 Suv.anne • fa,.onte Quote •You c.:an Jo all th•ngo.:
Fa,onte Quute: .. Bu) the Tu.J .. et, Talc the pcndrn~ lime "-•th -,pe..:•al"" tncnd , through Chrl'lt Y.ho 'ltrcngthcn )UU ..
Rtde" t'la,lcthall game . '!l~mor p~t:ntc , Ml'l 1\ 1pp1.