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Katdyn Crow              Accompll\hment\           12th. FCCLA. Marchmg Band. FEA
                                                 D 0  B  0~- IO-N6        9th:  Band                Memone>  07-04-03. Lll'  Mar}. 09-14
                                                 Fa>orue Song:  Any1h1ng Garth   lOth:  Band. Student Counnl Rep   Ll\e Oak. T  I and T 2.  FBA 03
                                                 Fa\orue Quote·  "Look at ever)thmg  a'\  .t   lllh  Cro,.  Country
                                                 )OU  \\en:  ecmg  11  for the  firo.,t  or la\t,  then   I ~lh  Dance Club   Joey Deubler
                                                 )Our 11me  -.111  be  f1llcd  "''lh glory"'   Memone ..  JW\ hou,e, Texa..,  Roadhou..,e.   D.O  B  07-07-85
                                                 Accomple..,hmcnt ...     Rl'er.  L-0-S-E-rah. MB\ hou\C,  Ryan\   ra .. onte  ong.  Braan\tew
                                                 9th  A Hon  r Roll.  Honor <tudenl. JV   parties.  niles at  AD\. EWW  o. Tru.  What'\   Fa"onte Quote: "It's not  bad  1f 11  ha  food"
                                                 Cheerleader.  Bela Club. Spanl\h Club. Leo   !hal 'mell. K  A,  K:--1.  LR. M   Accompll\hment\,
                                                 Club, H'A.  'ewsp· per Eduor                       9th:  Academ1c Team
                                                 lOth  AB  Honor Roll.  tate  Sctence Faar,   hawn  Dampter   lOth : Academ1c Team.  ROTC Guard
                                                 Honor/AP \IUd  nl, JV Cheerleader. Spamsh   D 0  B  08-16-86   lllh :  Academ1c Team. ROTC Guard
                                                 Club, Bela Club. Leo Club   Favorue Song : One     121h  Academu.: Te  m
                                                 lith  -\IB  Honor Roll.  FL G~rl  Stale, AP   Fa,onte Quote: ··You  only IJ\e  once."
                                                 tudcnt.  \ar,Hv Cheerleader. Freedom·   Memones· I remember me and  my  fnend\   Ja  on 01d.\
                                                 Obhgauon E,,ay ""'nner   wreckmg h1s car and  N  ha\ tog  to  01p  1t   D O.B  II  2  -85
                                                 I ~lh  Talented 20, Top 5'l '"cia- . Who's   o"'er and  dnve  It home wtth  11  all  mc ... ,ed up   Fa,onte  ong·  he  thml  m)  tractor   '
                                                 Who among h1gh  <hool  \ludents .• ·H  .           Fa .. onte Quote;  "L1fe  "what you  male 1
                                                  cmor Cia\\ Trcao;,urer.  Interact   aom1  Oamels   Accompll\hments
                                                 Memone':  Hallo""  \cream  2003, Honl 1   D O.B  10-25-85   9th'  Pre  of FFA.  went  to dl\tnct trador
                                                 Honl' Good ume> "''lh TJ. LL.  KK,  KD.   Fa,onte Song: What It'' L1le by  E\erla\1   drl\'lng
                                                 CM. AC.  DS.  LL. ML.  Ken Spnnger. 1nple   Fa\onte Quote: "Dance like  no ones   I Oth:  Pres.  of FFA, won  \tate tractor dP\
                                                 T. Tater log.  L1vc  Oal Adventure\.   watch mg. love hle you\·e never been  hurt.   lllh  econd place 1n  Ag . Mech  Conic  1
                                                                          and  work  hle you don't  need the  money."   Memone  The day my brother  \1.8  taken
                                                 Arlena Coler             Accompli  hments:         from  me, pond dnvmg 1n  Ag  cia'  . hangt
                                                 D O.B  0   ~5 85         9th:  Journali  m         out "'llh all  my  fnends SH. JF.  BF. my''
                                                 Favonte Song  You  Got  It Bad   lOth: Journalism. Yearbool and  I'""'  paper   MR
                                                 Fa\orlle Quote  ·'I'm too cure  to  \\Orry about   Start, Drama Club
                                                 what  people  ay  about  me··   lith: Journalism, Yearbook  tafl.  Drama   Johnny D1ck'
                                                 Accomplt ... hmenl\:     Club. "Lillie Shop of Horror  " Hou  e   D.O.B · 09-11  85
                                                 9th  Pep Club. Band. Dan<e.SWAT   manager          Fa>orue Song:  hop Suey
                                                 lOth  Dance club. AB  Honor Roll. Golf.   12th· Journah\m, Yearbook Semor Ad   Favonte Quote· "If theresa beg10nmg, the
                                                  tudent  Counc1l  Repre\entali\'C   Edllor.HRS Chnslmas Party, A Honor Roll   must  be  an  end ..
                                                 I ~lh: Beta Cluh. HOSA. Honor Roll.  Dance.   Memones . Good  lime\ 1n  JOurnah\m,   Accomplt\hments
                                                 Journah  m               bu1lding  bridges and  g1ant  anat:onda'  with   lOth.  Golf Team
                                                 .1emone  : AC  and CBE fa1r  2002. CJ  1n  da   TK. late n•gh" al  BK  and Wal   12th  D  T
                                                 ..  tang". g~rls mghl  w11h  TL. CJ. and MS. luv   Mart. weekends at  EG."get  me  off th1\  bu\"
                                                 4 EB. Trooper <n-04. bass \lauon. lady J's 04   PC.  football games wllh  ES. TK. "The   Kiley  D•cls
                                                                          l'iolcbook", my Googhe-Bcar  B.  E'eryone e),e,   D.O.B : 07-05-85
                                                 Cod) Cru1                                          Favorite Song. Where  the  green  gra\  gro
                                                 D 0  B  03-15-86         Brandy  Demeritte         Favonte Quote: "To  the  world, you  rna~
                                                 Fa\Onle Song  Where dtd you  Jeep  la!i.t   D 0  B  05-22-86   one per  on. but  to one per,on  )OU  rna~ bt
                                                 naght  1                 Fa\orHe Song: Have You  E'er   v.orld"
                                                 Fa,onte Quote;  ··worry  ts a wa_ te of   Fa\Onte Quote: "You  euher gonna  Kan  Wang   Accomplhhment  :
                                                 amaganauon··             Y..Hh  11  or harlem  \hale and  h3le H."   9th. JV Cheerleader. Compe1111on  Cheer
                                                                          Accomplishments:          tar cheerleader. FFA.  creed conte~t.
                                                 Matt  Cummang            9th:  Dnll Team. Pep Club. SWAT   .  auonal  Honor Society. Beta. Academu:
                                                 D 0  B  04-20-86          lOth  Dnll Team. Pep Club.  WAT   Letter.  Perfect Attendance. AB  Honor Ro
                                                 Fa,onte Song:  Women  I'\C:  ne\er had   lllh · Dnll Team. FCCLA V1ce  Pre"d  nl,   lOth  Caplam JV  cheerleadmg. quad, All
                                                 FaHlnte Quote·  ••  1oM Women  Do! ..   FCCLA  Homecom1ng  weetheart   tar cheerleader. com pelion  econd place
                                                 Accomplt\hmenh           Memorie~: Chlllin wH  KB.  Balboa Street,   FFA,  ·auonal  Honor Society.  Beta,
                                                 9th: Var\tty CrO\\ Country. Varsity Track   "Blacl", "ABC", Gel  Low.  I \I day of school.   Academtc  Letter, AB  Honor Roll
                                                 lOth:  State  Runner·  up  10  C'ro  'Country.   Homecomtng, Zaxby\. "242".  Late  mght  nde   lllh  Var  uy Cheerleader.  FFA.  auonal
                                                 Var  Hy  Cro  ..,  Country   out  . GC. long n1gh1>  1n  the Ville. Senior   Honor Sot:1ety,  Beta. Academic Letter. A.l
                                                 lith: Var  uy Cros.., Country   PICniC  Y..llh  DH   Honor Roll. G1rls We•ghthfung
                                                 Memone  Bar  pits.  mud  hole v./ LL,  Cop ....    12th. Caplam Var\IIY cheerlead mg.  II
                                                 Mall,  Paruc  at  Ryan  . Rt\Crhou,e. 5· tOw/   Alii  on  Demott   ch  erleader. dual  enrollment.  'at1on  I
                                                 the  mudder  . mudd1n'  m  the Yota. Valentme's   D O.B  10-29- 5   Honor  oc1ety.  Beta.  FFA.  Homecomtn&
                                                 Da)  2003. Fi  hmg       Fa\ orate  Song:  Better Da)   queen
                                                                          Fa,onte Quote:  Do not forge1  to entertam   1emone  Food  for Arnenca. memone
                                                                           tranger  for by  o do1ng  orne ha"'e   "Hh JD. TJ.  SR.  KC. CM. Ll., KK, Ulp
                                                 D                        entenamed angels  wHhout  knowang  11   Kirby  Y..llh  JD. TJ.  MD.  fair.  homecomt
                                                                          Hebre"  13:2
                                                                                                    armad1tlo ba  htn'
                                                                          9th:  FCA. Art Club. Beta Club. Journalism   All  ha Dorchy
                                                                          lOth:  FCA  Art Club. French Club  Key Club   D.O B  06-04-85
                                                 Ad1na  Oaar              lllh. FCA. Arl Club. French Club, Key  lub   Favonte. ong:  Cooling Water
                                                 D 0  B  OR-29-R6
                                                                          12th. !·CA. Arl Club. Journah\m   Fa .. onte Quote·  "Bic\\ arc  the  peacem
                                                 Fa,onte Song;  Because your young   Memones; The Core.  Moo ... e. WR OJ.   for the)  hall  be called ch1ldren ol  God
                                                 Accompl1..,hment'        Shalom. Scavenger<. wall,, p1nk  NW  SB.   Mauhe" 59
                                                 9th  Concert Band        wr. EpSilOn.  lOla
                                                 I  Oth  Concert Band                               Alll\on Doug Ia"
                                                 I  ~lh.  1archmg Band    Japera  Den\on            DO.B  09-16-85
                                                 Memone  Tea
                                                                          D.O.B  06-17-86           Fa ... ·onte Song;  Sta~rway to  hea\en
                                                                          Fa\onte Song   ever Lea\'e   Accompleshmcnt\
                                                 A\helee Dahlbe<k         Fa ... onte Quote:  '"Tht\  baule ''not your  . n\   9th  \\'omens En\emble.  Band
                                                 D.OB07-17- 6             the Lord'<"               lOth:  Chamber Sanger\, Women\ En  e
                                                 Fa ... onte Song  Brown  F.yed  Girl   Accompl"hments·   lllh  Women' En\emble
                                                 Fa>onle Quote:  "The Future belongs 10   9th.  Band. Supcnor al FBA   Memorie  Comptng. The hou,e, Pant
                                                 tho .. e  who belle\e 10  the  beauty of the1r   lOth:  Take Stock 1n  Children. Supenor a1
                                                                          Concert  Band,  Supenor at  FBA   Shannon  Dowd
                                                 Accompli\hmenh           lith  Band. Supenor at  FBA. TSIC   D 0  B.  09-04-85
                                                 9th· AB  Honor  Roll,  FCA. JV  occer  Team,   12th:  upenor at  FBA.  Band TSIC. nute   Fa .. onte Song  Brown  Eyed G1rl
                                                 Dance Club               sectaon  leader           Favorite Quote: "Hakune Matata ..
                                                 lOth  Art Club, Var>Hy  SO<cer.  Dance Club   Memone.: Te.a<, Ocl.  hi, 6oo-'03. WS.   Accompli\hmcnts:
                                                 I lth  Junwr Cia\\ Club. Var..,lly  Soccer
                                                                          lake,  Semor P1cn1c. Aug. 7th   9th  Spam  h Club, Leo Club
                                                 12th  Ex.ecuu"'e  lntern\hlp. Journah  m Club.     lOth  Span1  h Club. Leo Club
                                                 Var  uy Soccer           Socorey Den,on            II th:  Leo Club. Academtc Letter, Nau
                                                 1emone  :Trampoline bmhday. K.  . AS,   DOB  09-14- 4
                                                 AW.B  1, TM, JR,  •ghl  b4  <hool  DC   Fa .. onte  ong.  Ready for  Love   Honor SOc.:aet)
                                                                                                    12th:  Leo Club,  Beta,  auonal  Honor
                                                 ummer 03, CB n\er hou-,e. -,unger
                                                                          Fa .. ·onte Quote:  ..  ever forgel  you   Soc1e1y
                                                                          come from.··              Memone  Water balloon and  mar ... hmello
                                                 Patnna D  •ley           Accompll,hment'           f1gh1  , g1rl  mghl out wllh  KE.  1B. JA. H
                                                 D 0  B  04-25-86         9th· FCC LA, SWAT.  Mar<hmg Band, Concert   W.  gummy worm\. munchan  toes.
                                                 FB>orue Song: Only Hope   Band. FEA                homecommg 03 mormng. Taco Bell 5
                                                 Fa\orue Quote  "Certain thmgs happen  for  a   lOth  FCCLA. SWAT.  FEA
                                                 rea  on'                 lth· FCCLA. FEA, March1ng  Band
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