Page 263 - chs-2004
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fa\nnte Quote· "'M.tlc that rnonC), don't let thtn~ Ill 1f, gone J·a\orttc Song Onl) God 1\.now' \\h)
It male )Ou· 9th \\.ctghtltlung team Accompll\hmcnts
A~.:compJ,~.,hmcnt' II th: Student Counl·ll Rcprc~entatl\e \Jth JV hHHhall, Var ... uy \\<clghtltlung
91h: Pep Cluh. S\1-AI II OS.\ 12th: We1ghtltfung Team ltllh JV Foo1ball. Welghlillung
l!llh: Pep Cluh, SW\1 1emone' M) mo!it memorable moment v.a, lith Var~ll)' f-'outhall
llh Pep Cluh. SW.\1, Lill< Dancer v.hen me and l gut ha~.:lllght and we I :!th Var'Jt) hlothall
llh Bela Cluh pla)'ed truth, darC', dnuhlc dare, promt c, or Mcrnone' To all the hoy' and all the good
\.1cmonc': Hnmcumltng OO.l, 04 Jahrontcs, repeat v. llh T\\< and !\1J lime' and all lhc CB, Rl•, DP. l:\~, RT DB
\1adl'on 01. Yu~un. Roadhnu,c. CP 2 am. keep 11 real ne\er forget )OUr hro\
Ru.Jc Out, Trno~r. l Sf. BG, hmtana Hall,
SouthBca~:h, :\1JJ,, th ftuc.,r, SC, c ·\manda Cohh
lllO\IC ntght. Mu ... tang, Ctnema \JO. G Ytllc, D 0 B 05-26-86
JA. SB. The Coa" FaH>rite Song: In the L1p:ht
FaHmte Quote; "Don't put oft unttl
Gene\ tC\C Bryant tumorrov. v.hat you could get dune toda) ''
D O.B· 06-!6-Mo lake"ha Cald"cll Al·complt..,hment'
D 0 B 01-2M-H5
~J\Ortte Song. Babe I'm gonna lea\e )UU lllh' HOSA
foa\ortte Quote: "I lnov. \OUr ri~e i' done" Fa\Ortte Song· I ltle the v.a) )OU mo\e 121h: HOSA
·\nompJt,hmcnt' Fa\orlle Quote: ··what' cooler then bemg \.1emone\: I v.JJI remember all the good
cool. Ice cold ..
91h Trat~. Wclghhtung, 111 Q. Bela ume ... Yo.llh m\ fnend.., of three 'fear here.
IUih: Ff.l:A Pre,1dcn1, lrac~. '>1-elghlhlllng, An·ompll,hment' Thank' [ncn·d, CB. CP, PB, M·B, al'o I han~
lh·Q. CATSCo\1'. wr11er 91h' Band you 1r,. Holltda).
lllh: MuAipha Thela. Wclghlilfung. I 01h Band. PEP Club
Academt~: Letter lllh' Band Enla Cole..,
121h: Mu Alpha The'"· We1ghlhfl1ng 121h. Band D 0 B 12·27 R5
Mcmorie..,, I remember Homeconung, (!Oing
Mcmonc..,: Rtn Jug, ~th pertod. ptlgnm I·J\Orllc Song· Rcotdy h>r LoH
chalupa dream,, Q\ 4 BT. Sunme 6-27-01. to Wa\hmgton and Tcxa.., wllh Band. bon fire. fa\orlle Quote: "If you loH 'omethtng , let
M4 Ford. Guard rail, Ru1n1. B1g J, 8·2-02, JD/ "'hen Coa~.:h Nehon danced at Homecom1ng ll go"
SJ. v.ench, Taco ••under God", Junmy 2001 Accornpli\hmenh
S1e"ar1 10-10-01 91h Acadcm1c Lcller, Band, FCCLA ( 'lalel.
Stephanie Cantpe '>1-clghlilfllng
Adam Buehler D 0 B 05-21-86 IOih FCC LA. Acadcm1c Lcuer
D O.B 09-26-8; Fa\Ortte Song: \\.here 1' the Lme lllh \1-ho\ "ho. S1a1e '>1-elghlh[ung. Trac~.
FaHlrtte Quote: .. If you 'hoot for the moon f-a\ontc Quote: "I dtdn't do H .. OJ..,trtct and Rei! tonal ('ro....., Countr).
and m''' at lea"t you v.tll he among the A~.:~:omplt,hrnent' AcademiC Letter
'tar .... " 91h SWAT. C~rde of l·nend' I :!th: Beta. Who·.., Who. Nauonal Honor Roll,
Accompli,hment\ llllh FFA. Leo. SWAT Crm,.., Country. Wct~htltfung. Trac~
91h' Tran,lerred 10 CIIS II lh FFA. Leo, Jun10r Club Memorie<o Terrell, my ramtly. the Grifftn,,
l(hh: R1lle Team, 2nd place tn rifle league 121h Bo.,hng. Leo. Fr·A Ratn nn me. Dt\a, G"')'· Mr,. Nat man,
12th: Rtllc Team Co-captatn. Ratder Team Memonc P1ppm I·N\\< Bapt. Am. Don to. V¥endy''· Camr)' AKA Lex. ... my ntece, .. ,
and captatn Sp. JJ. BG. Gl'.. TW, couch, JF. JC. CH. front offke
:\1emorie\: I gne thanl' to my fnend' AP, FBG. CR\1-, AMW
\HG. DB. TD, TW, El, CC. JD. BC'. A\1-, JG. Jo..,hua Colltn'
KZ, and a 'P<clal lh•n~' lu lTC'. I SG. MSG Lauren Cappelli D.O B· 1·9-S6
DOB02-12-H6 Fa\onte Song. Good thtng.., w1ll come
Meredith Burlage Fa\orite Song: Moonlight Sonata Fa\orlle Quote· "When doc' the huntmg
D O.B: 07- 17 X6 Fa\orite Quote: "God cau'e" e\erythmg to ..,top"
~a\oritc Song: I wtll buy you a new ltfc wor~ together for the good of tho\e v.ho lm e Memortc'-. The trombone ... ectton "a' the
l·a\Orttc Quote "foday "the tm,t day of the Him'' Roman' 8:2K he..,t. waH! It ... ull "'!
~~~t!.?f your life, C'\ccpt lor on the day you
91h FCA. Span"h cluh. Da"id Corrao
!\n:ompllshment' iOih' FCA. Span"h cluh. I 1 ICII~ grade DOB:II-01·;
'llh Bowlin~. l.en Club. r1 Club Editor of rhr "hoot ne"''paper Fa\Ortte Song: Jammtn' h)' Boh Marie)
ltllh: Bo .. tmg, Leo Club, Arl Club. arl II th F-CA. ·allonal Honor S(l\:JCt) Student f·a\Ortte Quote; "Get 11 ..
awards. Spani\h Cluh Council ... ecretar). V<~r'll) BoY..Itng. Accompl1'hment'
lllh: Bo"ilng.Leo Club, Arl Club, rec1e•ed "lev. paper Editor \Jth Var<oll)' Wrc..,tlln~. Rnolte of the Year
honorable mention tn con~uc,o,;wnal art ..,hov.. 12th FCA. atmnal Honor. lk:tet). Beta I Oth Var\it} Wre,thng, J V Football
art award' Cluh, Mu Alpha Thela. Var"l) Bo"hng, II 1h Va""> Wre,lhng, MVP '>1-elghlhfung
121h: Bo.,lmg. Len Club. Arl Club, Who\ part1ctpa11ng tn E\alllng H11n 200J 12th Var\IIY Wn!,t)Jng.
Who Memones: Glory. LCADPDMG~IGCW· Memoncs: Ell"\ tile. partte..,, The Vtdeo
Memone,· JRJ, 114, 12. Bl·, SWAP, JAX "CORE", Mtd-to-upper whtte cia\' Sv.ard..,, lOth grade foothall. Rt\tera. L'' at
heach. flapper, ll. trench ~oat mafia. hat! e)', Suhurhtan ghetto, Dllch, Moo..,e, \1oe·, One Joe . JG, 9th grade, Prom. Ster, pool hou..,c,
om~. Bango. tEl LJ· K. In ccunt) Runo,; tn bag ol popcorn, H Club, Fp,lion lOla, 1 he C~>, 594 · WS, Danger Ranger
Pad ...... S)dne) bones mer mer Corner,tone and Gre)hound'~ \\- B TY.o fat
lad1e\, Hardee·, m Lale Butler. cemetaric'; Br)ant Crcv.'
Stephante Burnett AB· E"er)thtng cl'e DO B 0~-09· 6
D 0 R 10 04 R; l·avonte Song· Hail Mary
l·a\Orlte Song Here v.tthout )OU Verlondrea Carter f'aH,rJte Quote "Wtnmng ''"'' C\Cr)thtng
f-a\Orlle Quote .. What cannot llll )OU can D 0 B 06-03- 6 II'' lhe only 1h10g"
only make )OU tron~cr'' Fa\Onte ong. Jump ofl by L11' Ktrn Accomplt..,hment'
ccompli,hmcnt FaHmte Quote: "'I can do allth1ng' through Qlh: JV Ba<kelball. S1Uden1 Council
I01h Dance ('Juh Chn\t v.ho ..,trengthen' me." IOih JV Ba\kelball. Sophomore Club
lllh Dam·e ( lub Anomplt,hment' lith ar'tlt)' Ba~.okethall captatn. Juntor Cluh,
l:!t., 4th peraod ( ullary Ope. lion' cia'' 91h. March10g Band, FCCLA d"'"" Fren(.;h Club. \\ho·, Who ol Ameru:a
Pre tdcnt competition I \t plat.:e. FCC LA ... tate 1 :!th va ... it) Ba..,kethalll·aptatn, Cit)
'-tcmoncs. Prom 02. Prom Ul, hl\C, Spnn~ cc.lmpctlllon 2nd place 111 dccorall\e food Go\ernment Safet)' Dtre~:tur. Who'' \\hoof
Br nl, alenun Sp1ce (Jlrl , lumber part), ccnterpte~e. 10 )r pt"rfect attendance AmerKa
huhhtc .... hero huU r 1.1n, Da) tona lOth: FCCLA. ht pla~e dl'tnct compeuuon Memone!<o: All m)' Yo.rt~l..,, nl) n\crhou..,c,
and 2nd place 10 \late, Spi!nl\h Club. ~ahona I o·, partie,, ha,kethall game,, Prom <B.
Honor S<X:tet). \\ ho·, \\ ho mong H1gh 'en1or party ntght, Coarh 0\ hou,e,
S~:hool Student,, II yr. Perlcct ttendam.:e Ro.tdhou,e. Blac~ Kntgbt,, Madden. Dug
lllh l·CCLA. hi plate dl\lriCI and I I place pound
wtth honor' at 'tate. John,on and Wale~
L'ni\c~ll)' \Cholar-.htp. !\atu.lni!l Honor Soct t). Rub) Crof1
Who'' Who Among lhgh School SIUdenh D 0 B 09-06- ;
I :!th Um\er'"" of Honda Heahh Care f'a\'onte ·ong Tenactou, D
Summer In ... utu.te, Beta Club. 'attonal oc1et) Pa\onte Quote: "The Yo.urld O\H~' u' nothan~.
of H1gh chool S~holaP.., NatiOnal Honor v.e o"'e ea~h other the y.,nrJd"
Soctet). mentor program Accompl1'hment'
Memone : !\:mth ~rade. pant'h I, Joumalt'm 91h Bowling
II. Band, 06-01-01, talhn a1 lhe i<'<>lball game, IChh Arl Club Pre\ldenl
07-07-03. Be" \1-c,.em, cn1or pari). OHI -01, 121h P Arl Cluh
Shoney·..,. Jahron1·,, Homccommg OJ. 09-19· Memorie..,: J H. \10, Cand)land. Prom ntght.
Tia Byrden CJ1, l.G, FJ, KP Hit g~rl. LH. ,peCial ed cia", MilS. S1.
D.O B: 09-26-85 Augu,une. LM. That v.cel. Wtnd,ong da)',
l·a•orlle Song Gel Bac~ Tighl 1\.c\ 1n Che..,htrc the Audt orange prettlc,, Roadhou ... e Tampa.
Fa\ortte Quote You ne\er m''' a good D.O.B 10·1 ; 18. RAJ''