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Favonte Song 01 S~<>ol "'"g' hy R Kelly 0.0 B 06-06-g6 Ste,en Khach1gan
and Keuh S""eat Favonte Song: Who I Am 0.0 B 07-02-85
fa..,onte Qu(llt· "(·\C"r)thmg happen\ for a Fa\ontc Quote· ''A true fnend doe n't bail Fa"onte Song. On and On h) Jack John on
you out of Jail. they arc m there wtth you·· FaH>nte Quote: "If you don't kno"'
rea un"
Acc.:ompla,hmcnt Accnmpl1,hment' you're going, you might end up orne"' here
9th: Beta, Academtc Letter. Band. Perfect 9th JV So<eer el e"
Auendan<e, Pep Cluh lOth . Var\lty ()('CCr Accompll,hment\
lOth· Academtc Leuer, Perfect Att ndance. II th Spano h Club 9th . FCA, Lao on
Thurgood 1ar hall A hoe>er , Volley hall 12th Voce Pre"dent of CBE lOth FCA
lith Jr. Clas Cluh 1emone\. ln·freakln·credable, 1-7.5 band1t . lith Student Bod> Sgt-at-arm,, Leo. Interact
12th Beta, Honor Roll Wal-Mart Sunday, concu aon with TL. late 12th. tudent Body Sgt-at-arm . Voce
Memone Ftr t Dav of chuol • Homec.:Om· n1ghh, \10g1ng to Perry, Good time\ wuh Pre tdent of CJSA. Leo. Interact. \Oted mo\t
mg and ~p rally, m) ~en10r year, my enure EAA. TML. neckhrace, Bog Dog dependable
rre hmcn year. my ll>th and 17th horthday, Memone' Spcndtng many ""eclend at m)
\COlOr pacn1c Chn..,teaa Jone' hou'c tapang box1ng mate he' v. 11h Ja),
D 0 B: 08· 16-86 Bubba. Bog "0", Chad. and all the guy; then
Aaron' Fa\;or11e Song : Knock. Kn~k \how1ng at in Don~eu'~;, cia\\
D 0 B 0(>-10-K6 Accompli~>hment\
f-'avoruc Soni! Love wllhout Fnd 9th . Pep Cluh Ta\hauna Killgore
Memone\. HD. you want ftve dollar\. LP I Oth. Pep lub D.O.B 09-09-85
he's wat htng us, green mach me. April 20th. Memone~.o Jabron1\ 04. Texa\ St . 2:00 ride Favonte Song: I Don't Want to Be
CD jump1ng in car' at Panama. TS. Shocker . out, Monte Carlo. late n1ghts wnh TB. Grand Favonte Quote: "Love beg1n\ '-"llh a \mJie.
CZI. KA, Tallaha, ... ee, Ron,onet\, Am. Neon. Trooper. Gray Chevy. Green grow wuh a ~iss. and end' w11h a tear."
Chevy, Whole Che-y. For all my hate"· I lo>e Accompli hment :
Vtctoria Jenlan you'll 9th .Journal! m· Yearbool and 'e"'"'Pa~r
D.O.B 09-11· 5 \laff. Who's Who
Fa\Onte Song· She' a Wtld One Juo;;tln )OOC\ lOth: Joumah m~ Yearbook and Ne\\ paper
J<a\onte Quote Oan~,;e hke nobody D 0 B: 04-0J-86 taff. Drama Club. Who' Who
"'atchmg" Fnonte Song. De" II Went Down To Georg1a lllh Journal! m ~ Yearboul \taft. Drama club
Accompli hment Favorlle Quote "There can be only one·· "'Lmle hop of Horror' .. Hou e manager.
9th : Cia Ht tonan , \'ar lly Soccer. FF Accompll\hmenh" Who' Who
lOth FFA Ho\lonan 9th. Auto I 12th Journalism· Yearbook taft. HR
lith FFA Hi toroan lOth. Wood;hop I Chn\tmas Party. A Honor Roll
12th FFA. Beta II th Auto 2 & J Memone\ ConHr\atlon.., tn Journah\m,
Memone' hmd for Amcru.:a. tnp' for Kirby 12th Auto 4, 5, 6. & 7 huildang bndge\ and G1ant Anaconda' \l.lth
w11h KD. MD. JD. tater tot' wllh JB. [oshong. ND ew Yea" Eve w/ NO. NB. AH, M}
10-25-02. T Day. 05-08-0J. tnp; to G-Volle Rashaun Jone\ two BF's D. ES. Good Time< and late noghts
wolh KD. SJ R a her college D 0. B 09-05 85 at BK and Wai-Mart, The Notehoo~. Football
Favonte Song Log hi\ Off games
Ta' mar Jtrm~an Accomplt,hment\
D O.B . 05-20-86 9th Football. Ba,~etball, Band Keh Kong
Fnont~ Song: 1y Hom1e\ lOth. Football. Ba;ketball. Band D.O.B 04-24-86
Fa\Onte Quut~ ··sha~e It Fa\t" lith: Foothall. Ba ~eohall. Track. Fa'wonte ong : Almo't Doc\n't Count
Accompll,hment Weoghtlofung Fa\Onte Quote. ··F.,erythlng happen for a
9th JV f'<~ll~all, Pep Cluh 12th Foothall, Ba,~etball. Track. rea on ..
lOth JV Foothall, Var,oly Foothall. Var"'Y Weoghth[ung Accompli hment
Tra<~. Pep Club Mcmorte\_ The day I met a nev.. g1rl at my 9th JV Cheerleadong. Spanosh Club
lith Var II) ~oothall,ln ung hero offense chool [rom up north "'a' the WDML lOth J\' Cheerleading. pan"h Club. all-
award. Var\lt)' lrad. et 110 hurdle record, tar at VCA camp
Pep Cluh Shannon Jone' lith· Var\ll) cheerleadmg
12th: Var;lly Football. Pep Club. 4.0 GPA D 0 B 01-29-86 12th· Var:'!tll)' cheerleadmg. all- tar at VCA
Memorie' My ffiO\t memorable memory was Favonte Song: Under The Bndge camp
when me. RJ. OF·, TS. KY. AC. and TJ. ju;t Favorite Quote; "Don'l de\patr. parano1a IS 1emones: Atttc lld!<\,70 fly, 1cmorial Day.
hun~ out do1ng all type' of thing\ C\ierywhere" 2001. Luc~y LO\IC\, Jana's commg. Hot Tub,
Accompli\hment ot. 10. my. car. Togo cup . Marathon. PL.
De1dra Jerry 9th: Ment Award. Band The Me<ocan. 100 Grand
D 0 B I 0-20-85 lOth: Band Of[icer
Favonte Song Dang r hy Erykah Badu lith . Bond O[[icer
Favorite Quote .. Do unto others as vou 12th . Bond. Drum MaJor
would ha'e them t.h) unto you" ' Memone\: Bat.:k 10 rhe day. when the band L
Accompll\hment room was green. and the chool walb were
9th· HOSA. Academ!L Letter purple and gold. bac~ on the day.
lOth Academu; Letter, Pep Club. a11onal
Tamo L pham
Honor Soc1etv Tamsya Jone
O.OB 04·16-86
lith Academo< l ellcr, Jr Cia' Cluh D 0 B OJ·I8-85
12th· Beta Cluh Fa,orite Song. Ra1n on Me Fa\orlle ong: Stra¥.berry Wme b) Deanna
Memone.: SH 626 21M)1, Trooper 03-04. TL. fa,onte Quote· "You Way out there" Carter
IS. DJ AT, Lad) J , VC. JR. HC 2003. Accomplt\hment\ Fa\Orllc Quote; "Our grcate 1 glor) " not 10
OX-07-0J.I OF, Ckt 2CI, (J, TP, Sugar!'!!. 9th Pep Cluh, SWAT. Perfect Allendance. ne\er fatltng. but m fl\lng up C\ery ume ""e
OP. Scn10r PH.:nh. , 02 0". AB,Summcr 03. lOth . Pep Club. SWAT. Perfect Auendance [all"
Lac,.t but nut IC'a t HAl [ RSIIIIIII! 11th. Jun10r Club. tudent Counc1l Accompl1\hment'
Memone>. Feb. 17, Apnl 17, March 30. Oct 9th: Beta. JV Volleyball. Var lly Soccer. AB
Ja,on John n 26, June 17, Protege OJ. Broadway St .. Honor Roll
D ') B 01-111 n Cradle of the gra-e. TS. RJ. LG. MW. Phat lOth Beta. Var\11) S<><< r, AB Honor Roll
fa\oonte Sung (' untry a1,n l'OUntr) no Farm. Jan 30, Orlando. Homecom1ng. SeniOr lith: Beta. auonal Honor <.Ktet) , Var'Jt)
more Pocnoc. Mar<h 18. VS. SB \'olle)ball, Var,lly Soccer. AB Honor Roll.
l'avontc Quot ~·(, t 11 Uun" Jumor Club
12th: Beta. auonal Honor octet). HOSA.
Memone Rill( Amanda Jourdan Va"IIY Volley hall. Va"IIY 5o<cer Yearhoo~
D.O B 09-14-85
Ra one loll y Fa"onte Song F1ghtcr b) Chn,una Agu1lera Staff. AB Honor Roll
ll O.B 113.07 o Favontc Quote: "What lies nchmd U\ and Memone\ BKS. tn·hea~m-credJble. 1-75
Favonte n what he' before U\ are mall matter handll\, Wai-Mart. unda)'· ize 9 'hoe,,
f·avorue (Ju 1 I n do all thtng' through compared to ~Nhat he~.o wHhm u " "don't forget the m!U .. ", opera. DR'' n\er
chn t v. ho tr n hthen me .. Accornpli,hment\ . hou,e. "All about Ll1 1 .. , T1me' v.Hh EAA.
ccomph hm nt 9th Choru,, F LA CLJ. CDR. LG
9th Who·,\\ ho, "lake Sooc~. Talent ear< h. I Oth Chorus. F CLA
FCA lith Choru' Domanaque Latham
I lith Wh ' Wh , fiOSA, Ta~e Stock. Talent 12th FFA DO.B 02-10-86
Sear. h. Pep Cluh Memone JW. W. DS, AM. KR. C. AW. Fa\Onte Song Wal~ed out of Hea\Cn
lith 'Who Who, fiOSA, Take Stock. Talenr JJ. TR. J . TS, and the en1or p1cn1c wa' a Fa ... onte Quote. "Lt\iC each da) a' al 1l \\-Cre
S arch hla 1 your la,t"
12th Who' Who, HOSA, Take Stock. Talent Accompli hmenl\
Search, \\-e1ghthftang 9th auonal Honor Roll.\\ ho' Who
Memone, Prnm 03, . cn1or P~enu;, fnend' K lOth . \\>AT. I· CLA. HO. >.. 'auonal Honor
YB. MS. GC. A(', JJ, r P Wheeler. l'ootball Roll, Who\ Who
game'! FS , CHSl. 1ay 7 OJ. FDOS II th auonal Honor Roll. Who' \\ ho
Ca\~o>l~ Jone' 12rh auonal Honor Roll. Who\\\ ho