Page 266 - chs-2004
P. 266
9th Recte\ed "Ta~c Stoc~ In Children" lOth: Homecom1ng Cnurt. Beta. Spani..,h . 1-a\(lrttc Sung Super tar
Scholar .. h•p Academac Letter F·a\onte Qu1Hc '' Ll\e, Lafe
lith: Foothall . Trac~ lith AcademiC Letter. Go\crnur .. :\.ccompll .. hment.,,
l::!th: Cro' Countn, Trad. Amha,,ador. atwnal Hunnr St~tc:t~. 9th : Band, Beta . . ·auonal HonorS 1
Memnnc l·ur m\ hom•c' K 'r. TJ , RJ , Dl. Spanl\h, ~1u Alpha Theta. Homc~.:onl1ng Acadcmh.: Letter, Pep Cluh, S\\ 1 {on
TE TS. TT \C', 1:~ . GT. Sll, JR. TJ , AB , DC', Court Band, Take Ste>ck
JG. C. and m~ thlO Bntana, holla 12th Homecom1ng Ct~urt . Beta. ~allonal lOth Academu: Letter, !'\atwnal H nor
Honor St"lCICt~. Mu 1\lpha Theta. Interact Soctet), Beta. Tal..e Stncl..
Memune ... : nipped at H. p~~.:ntl, pm .. dcred vo lith B~ta , atHmal Honor Socu~ty Jr I
G OH-06-0:1. homeconung court 0 I. ()2 , 0\ I" club. Homecom1ng Sweetheart, lal.. Sroc
hf. AC' 01-04-01. Ptano ""h Dr LC\). Mt"
12th Honor Roll. Beta. atwnal Honor
CllS Cl:l, Pre1. 02-0l, loth h - da~ . mo\le at Soc.:tet\, Shand' \Oiuntecr, Intern. S n1or
KP Shoney\ OX-On-0:1 - Supcr(au,e. Take Stud
1emorte>. Band 00. Mad·\lllc CH, Da H
Bnent Gadda' 02-0:1. FCAT BBQ, lui) 4, 02-0.l . The Part
D O.B. 05-' -86 Span"h I, II, Fn~. I. II. Ill , Oak \llle Fa
f·avoruc Snng Read >our rmnd A\ant H 02-03, llnmccomtng 02-0:1, The Sahle (r p
fa,onte Quote "" lnrl!CI "'here )OU
come from· the Ma1da, lncnd,, lo\e )a, K(') lme )a.
Jahrom ' ().t, o\ and 8 o·, , What,, He\"
9th: pla)'c:d lomhallltn J\ and "'a' "--arllng l ec Hahern 'hug~ah , foothall game;. lampa 1
on the team D 0 B OH-05-~~ Jar"' Horton
Memone .... toothal game .... ..,emor pu:mc, pep Fa,onte Song: Bllter .. ...,eet S)mphony by
rail)\ The Verve D.O. B 11-0-85
l·a\Oflt~ Song Rubberhand Man
f·a\tlfiiC Quote : " life no"-' on. \\.lthtn you f·a,unte Qunte ·-whatc\cr )OU hnut I m
Henns.., Genu' and wathout )OU .
D.O. B. 05-06-86 A~.:complll\hment' Accomplt .. hment'
Fa,orHc Song Sull Ballan lOth · J Foothall . JV Soccer, Che" C'luh. 9th h,othal I
Fa\onte Quote .. Thml lun~. thml "ron g .. Runner-upm ·atwnal H1 tor) f-aar. Fren~.:h lith l·nothall , ~etghthltmg
Accompll,hmcnt Club
12th: Foothall . Ba-~ethall , Trac~ lith . Var"t) SOt.:cer, \ar .. tt) S"-tmmmg, Sgt 12th fnotball
Memone .. Betng a part of CHS 1d t ta
at Arm\. Jr Cia''· 2nd place an "Jataonal
Jerem" Gou chalk HI\ tory fa1r ( dl\t~~.:t ). l-rench Cluh champwn football team
D.O.B 11 · 24 ·85 I :!th Var..,•ty Football. \ar .. lt)" SoJ.:Ccr-
Fa\onte Song Shake )3 tad feather Captatn, French Cluh Heart throh
Favonte Quot · Reprc,enlln'' Memonc': Amelia J,land, Jet..,et, \Wim J
Accomp\•,hmcnt .... meet\, Dud.1e, Bow Iathon. •·Melon ......
9th: Soc.:ccr khctud..nee. Metal X. Bunny Chceh. Pat.
lOth: Soccer. C'he" Cluh. Track Roadhou~.oe, ma,hecJ or hal..etP, CB and
lith: Soccer. Chc, Cluh, Trac.:l tckey. Aggte. TS golf cart Angela Jacl..,nn
12th: Soccer. trad •. , organ lied Hnmct:omang D.O B 05 25-Sn
parade. helped run held day Stacy Harn,on Fa,onte Sung: So f-re,h , So Clean
Memorie': .. Bad. of the Bm~··. Frida} n1ght D 0 B 11-2 -H5 Fa\orite Quote· .. There·, good omc-...herc
Football. pamthalhng \\.lth the gu) , ..,~nu,lr Fa,onte Song: The Dance h) Garth Brooh jU\l ftnd II "
p1cnu.: FBA , hangmg "-lth TA, me .... ,ng F·a\Ortte Quote. "AI"- a) tollu"A your heart, Mernones. L)C'>, Smile ... Loud, Happ)
around \\.tth ~p tn l~adcr h1p. \0\:Ccr ume .. e'en tf It lead you 10 the \HOng d1recuon ' ' l.'ntqu
Coli Green 9th . Band. Beta, \\rc .. tlln~ . 1-renl-h, D1mctre Jacl.. .. on
D 0 B 0~ - ~6 X5 Academac Letter. P~rrcc.:t Attendance D 0 B 7 il-X5
Fa\Onte Song l·ncnd tn LO'-" Place' lOth: Band. A""tant f·lute "!Cellon leader. Fa,onte Song· Ro"e'
Fa\onte Quote: .. Qual It)' O\er Quanllt)'"' NHS, French. Academic l.euer. Perfect Fa\orHe Quote " I doubt 11 1 ..
Accomplt,hm nt' Attendance. \\re tllng. Kc) Club ACl·ompll"'hment'
9th JV hl<lthall, Wctghtltlung. Span"h lith: "'llS, f·rench , Key Cluh. Art. Jr Cia" 9th l·onthall, Ba,kcthall
Club. Honor Roll. Academ1c Letter. Who' ' VP. beta. Artworl \hown at the Cum mer I Oth. htntball, Ba,kethall
Who. Sun"'hlne State Sc.:holar Mu,eum. Mu Alpha Theta, AcademH.: Letter. lith l·oothall, Track, Wetghtltlttng
lOth JV Foothall. Wetghthfung. Honor Roll , Pefect Auendance. Wre ... tltng 12th: ht<llhall. Ba,kethall, ~ctghthltmg
Acadcmu.: Letter, \\ho' \\ho. MVP- JV 12th HS. Art, Key C'luh. Wrc tltng, Beta. Tra~.:l..
Football, Sun .. hme State Scholar AcademiC Leuer. Perfect Attendance. Mcmonev Chllltn 10 F·rench cia" '41th my
lith Football , ~auonal Honor SCKiety. Memone' Wa,hmgton DC. State. Manne home ho)' YB. TF. KY. TJ , DI ,,\C' I\ S
Bo)'' Stat . Honor Roll, Acadcm1c L.cuer, Sctence. Wrc"'tllng Tournament.... Atde 1n rm DB, JU t tnpptn all perwd
Who'' Who 29 wllh SK. "'The Orr,"" l·oothatl ~!arne ...
12th l·ootball, Satwnal Honor Soc1ety. Beta. Band Trip' to Taltaha"ee, cia .. , wllh DB, LZ. Fadnena Jean
Mu Alpha Theta, Hon,,r Roll. Bnght Future .. D 0 B 09 19-85
Scholar'> hlp Caylyn Hen,on f-a,onte Quure · "If you don't tand tnr
~1emone .. DR, f,,(,tball, hnmecnmlngC20()1 1)0801-24-86 'ometh1ng. )OU \I, Ill fall for an)th1ng
DP. JG). Ken, hra._l,, ndmg. EW. DB. S~ faHlrlle Song· Let"' R1de Accompll'>hments
DC'. AW. Pe>olllou,e. OCC Barn. ACTC29}, Fa\onte Quote: .. Dun·t en cut It' o\cr. 'male 9th T1gerette Dance Team, Beta. Frt" h
Da}tona. Panama, Rl\cr Trtp"', Harle) Tru~:l.., cuz It happened •• - cJa, \ Ke pre .. ldent. l.cadcr'>hlp tud nl
After ''hnul •• ap " ~1emone .. Cal Party. 1 he: Crc"-, fru Ch1x. FC'Cl A S~AT, SADD. ~ho'• ~ho, T k
"Lul..1e Dul..1e." '""L1I 01nl..,, ... Hahama,, Mall. Stncl... 1emher of church )OUth group
Ste\en Green Corolla. Hotla'. Joe, Jal..e: Ja(;uh. Dan , Am). FCC LA -...eetheart, A~.:adem1l· LeUer
D O.B· 07-04- 5 Mo. Gregg. Tru Crc:\\.. Mana lOth. T1~crette Dance Team. Hcta.
Fa\Oflle s,mg· \( a Vcr a Sophomore da,, Vt(;~ Pre,tdcnl, I adc
Fa\onte Quote: "It )OU lo'e "'Omeonc. let "1cl.. H1ghtower ''"dent, ~CCLA, SWAT. SADD \\ ho \\
them go, tf the) lmc )OU they'll come bacl.." D 0 B 02-20·H6 Tale Stocl... Dual Enrollment, emplo C'd
\1emonc:s. All the lnemh Fa"ontc Song· Song Cr) Ta~.:o Bell. nop 'Jlealcr at Mt Pa gah,
Fa,orite Quote: "The Sl..y "the I umt" Acadcnuc Letter
1cole Greenberg Accomplt,hment~ lith: Beta, liS, Student counul '"·c
D 0 B 02-05-X5 9th JV football pre,ident, leader\htp ~.otudcnt. S\\- \T S
Fa,onte Song: lh !iOt) hard tn ..,ay goodbye lith Foothall Interact, Who\ Who, Tal..e Sw~l... Dual
f'a\Ontc Quntc:. ''I gut thl'>, man and dude'' 1emone"': When TM brule up "-llh me. 11 Enrollment. g1rl' ... delegate. )OUih
Accompll..,hment made me wl"'cr and ~tronger l·amou' Heavy ~ new Da)\ Spnng ... Teen Su
9th: Drama C'luh :!(H)~. WCI!!htllfung. AcademJ L
lith· Cnm1nal Ju tKe. 1\18 Honor Roll Chn .. topher Hoffman I 2th: Student Cnun~.:~l Pre .. adcnt HS
12th· C'nmanal Ju tu;e II D.O. B 0:1-22·8~ ltader<htp ''"dent. SADD, Inter ct ~b
Memone,_ AI, t;C, B~. MA. LS, TK, SD, Fa\ont e Song Get Lo"- Who. Take Stock, Dual ~nrollment, T
P1cn1c, EB games. metc<,r hower, cra7)' FaHmte Quote· l.ool.. to the Stah." 20 program, Beta. \\-elghthft1ng, A ad
teacher , pan1e • l11 11tc fa\ teacher, Accornpll\hments fetter
fnend ... lamlly, run. ad, wild. Jmallng. 9th SWAT, Pep \1cmonc .. rRIA·n·a. Pllgnm, mo"'e mgh
lOth SWAT. Pep 09-19-0l. OH-On-0:1. OR-06-0:1. FJDD( fat
LaquHa Gnttm lith SWAT, SADD. Interact BriJ: Cuy. Room1e,, Wally \\-orld. VtOiauon
0 0 B 12-2H-X5 12th: Beta Ttcket,, Rutnt, M' Clean. 150.001 \,
fa\Orttc Song Lo\c Memone' DM. YW, KB. Sf, K Y, I J, RM. Olalo..ha, Sr PICilll', Llcctton Da-.. unfl!iiC
Fa\onte Quote: .. The Star .. are the lumt'' BD, SP. JS. DM. GT. Surpr"e ·
9th: Homc(;nm1ng Court, Beta, Academu.: Shannon Honer Jeller on
Leiter, Band DOB 01·1~-86 [) 0 B OX·28-86