Page 273 - chs-2004
P. 273
lOth: Football. Student Coun~..:1l Rcpre\entall\e Enn Welllenbach Brandon \\ahon
lith: Football. We1ght hfung, youth mentor. D 0 B· 11-05-85 0.0 B 02-9-86
Who Who. Student Coun~..:il Repre\entau .. e Favonte Quote. ··vou don't lnow what you Fa\orite ong: Forever Lo\lng Yah
12th ~ootball. Weighlllfllng, youth mentor got till 11' gone .. f·a\orue Quote· .. Ra taln 1 not anli\C, 11' a
.1emone A lithe time' wuh rny boys and accompla hmcnts reality
CB' and MJ. all the \luff GT talks about and 9th: Var,aty Tennts Accomplishment\
JU\I traight havmg fun I Otb• Var. 11y Tenn". Volleyball. Honor Roll 9th. Art Club
lith: Var 11y Tenn"· BTA Vice Pre\. HS. lOth VarSity Lener, CHS S-.1mm1ng, JV
Sher~ta Tun II Academic Letter, Weight-hfung Soccer
D.OB 04·17-86 12th: Var 1ty Tenn"· BTA Pres, HS. Beta lith: Var\IIY Letter. CHS Sv.unm1ng.
Fa\Cmte Song: Knod .. Knock Memones Away nde\ wllh tennt~. run ume Bu\ine~' and Technology Academy, Art Club
Favonte Quote~ ''Forget what you heard." 1n Orlando w11h TL. LS. DR. and CM. Don't 12th Var,uy Letter, CHS Sw1mming,
Accompli hments Be Skurd 1 Busme and Technolog) Academy Heart
9th FCCL"-. Band. SWAT, Pep, Perfe<l Throb. Mo ... t Arll'iiiC . cn10r Cia .. ,
Auendan~.·e alena Wcsberry 1emones.Da late nues. \\-llh DC. TR, JR. Da
lOth FCCLA SWAT. Pep. Perfect D 0 B 02-0J-86 Long Hou" of CS and PB~
Attendance Fa..,onte Song· The Street~ or Hea..,en
lith FCCLA SWAT. Pep. Perfect Favonte Quote: "Smile, 11 males your day o Enc Wll on
Attendance much better" D 0 B 10-10-85
12th FCCLA. SWAT. Pep Acc.:omplashments. Fa't'onte Song: Deh ... erance
Memor~c;. Da Spot. chllhn w11h RW. CW. 9th: Coache~ Award- Sw1mm1ng, Letter for Fa .. onte Quote: "Get Outta Here"
chllhn w11h Ta<ha. football games. ba<ketball swimm1ng. Beta Club. Choru~ Letter. Accomplishments
games, good and bad tunes with my boo. Athletic Tra1ner 9th Football. Weight hfung. Student
hater,, late mghts. early morn1ngs lOth· C.J S.A Club. Sw1mm1ng·bar. Beta, Council. We1ght lll'llng State Qualifiers
Athletu: tra1ner. ational Honor Soc.:aety. lOth. Football We1ght hfung
v We1ght hf11ng Lener, AB Honor Roll. Student Council
lith· Football. \\e1ght hfung. Student
Council.- ecretar). Academic Letter. Teen
Court. Teen Summit
12th. Football. Student Counc1l
lith· auonal Honor Sc.x:aety. Beta Club, Memone cs·,, ole' country cluh. ch1lhn' at
C.J.S A. AB honor Roll. Academ~r Lener, Milton· . Ken's pnng Breal. OJ n~ght before
Teen Court. FFA chool. OJ Fluff. TR'' hou,c, Homecom1ng.
Elama Vanhoozer 12th National Honor SCK:aety, Beta Club Cobra's, Krystal's. M11ton party. Hone)"
D.O B 11·21·85 Pre 1dent, C.J.S A .. DemO<racy Camp. Teen comb, hide out
Fa .. onte Song; Fam1ly Portrait Court. FFA. Who's Who. Nauonal Honor Roll
Fa\Onte Quote: "What come around goe Memones.B&B w11h EP. CB. JR. R1ver Tnps Aaron Wolff
around' w11h CB. HT. BF. Spanish claS> w11h MC. RT. O.O.B· 02-23·86
Accomplishments: Sen1or P1cnic with BM. JR. Biology wath BF. Favonte Song: The Dance
9th HOSA AD Favonte Quote: " It's 5 "o'c.:lo~..:l somewhere"
lOth Span~ h Club Accomplishments
lith Span"h Club Porche Whate 9th Span"h lub. l'• football. A Honor
12th Choru D 0 B 07-J-85 Roll. Sun hme \late \c.:holar. Academic
Memone,_ Party. phone, blad. demon, lama, Fa ... onte Song. Amt It Man Lener. JV Football and Baseball \Cholar
mont), mO\'Ie . bracelet • tar . tripe\, cacky Fa"on1e Quo1e "If God i for you. then \\hO Athlete A-.ard
da), p10l con~,;ert. I uno, ro~e , tedd)' bear , be agaan,l you" lOth H . Span"h Club. A Honor Roll,
fhe Cre.,, PE. daughter, Kyle. poetry. p1ke Accompli hmenl\ Sun h1ne Slate Scholar, Acadenuc Letter. J~
9th SWAT Football and Baseball Scholar Athlete Av.ard
w lOth SWAT Baseball, AB Honor Roll, Academ1c Leuer.
HS. Boy', State, Var 11y Football and
lith Jun10r Cia '
Who's \\ho. 'auonal Honor Roll
12th. Pep Club, SWAT
memones. 9th gr. lOth gr. lith gr. FB games. 12th HS. Beta Club, 1u Alpha Theta.
Pep Rallys. Homecom1ng 02. Jan 17. 0.1. 10· Varo;ity Football and Ba ehall. Who's Who.
29-02. May Jl. MS 2.1. TI. Clubs, Late National Honor Roll
Ste .. en Wade n1ghts. Par11es. Memorie': SN's Pooi·Huuse. Wllc.l
D O.B II 10-85 Ad,enture\ ( 1LJ. DB' Dad' house, co·,
Fa .. onte Quote: "If you can't do 11 nght th Bryan W1gg1ns Hou,e, Roundtree parl1ng, [W's barn.
first t1me. don't do 11 at all."
D.O.B . 11-8·85 "Mailbo~Jng·•. Honc)comh-h1deout.
1emnne 'Wrecl10g my fir,t car and then Fa\Onte Song. 1 lo\e the v.a) )-OU mo ... e "Pa~nung" t OBI. Daytona tCG S. 1. CG's
hu1ldmg another mustang from the ground up Fa\onte Quo1e · "Don·l C\er give up on B day. Pre·Pracuce rna age' {8W)
v..uh a lot of help I rom my cou 10 Neal.
Thank anylhtng, you "an accomplish anyth1n you
set your mand on ..
Accompli hments· y
~1cl Wane-r 9th· Band
D O.B OJ-16-85 lOth Band
hvonte Quote· "I love M1ss Jadoe 0 ·• lith Interact Club. Conon Bowl
Ac.:c,,mpll hments
12th: Interact Club, National Honor SCXICI)-.
lOth JV Basketball Accepted to Hagh-Tech ln~tltute for computer Kee\en Young
lith JV Ba>ketball D.O.B 11-22·85
12th Var 11y Basketball electroniCS Fa,onte Song· What Oa Hoo~ gon Be'
Fa .. onle Quote: "Gano LO\e Oa K1d''"
Amber W11liams
Jr '1ca Waller Accomplishment'
D 0 B. (lf>.J6-86 0.0.8 . 09·17·85 9tb: Played JV Football, Pep Club
Fa\onte Song: Tough L1ttle Boy'
Fa .. onte Song. Here v.Hhout )-OU Fnonte Quote: ··E"en a fooh~;,h man 1s lOth Pla)ed JV Football then mo,ed to
Fa'?nte Quote· •'I'm here v.11hout you. but thought to be wl\e unul he opens h1 mouth Var,lt)'. \\'eaght hfung, Pep Club
you re "'Hh me C\cry part ot the way." Accomp1J,hment : lith >ar,l1y Football, \\c1~ht hlllng, Pep
-\~.: omph hmcnt Club
lith Rccyd1n~ 9th· SWAT. Leo 12th· Var"t) Football, \\e1ght hlllng
12th Bu,anc Tc~,;hnology Academy 10th· Who' Who. pa01 h Memones Cre-. RJ. AC. OFT . 1\Y. S\1.
lith Who·,• Who. FFA
Memor~e : AJ, Sf. RA ·, SK, EG. D . SB. 12th auonal oc1ety for H1gh School YB. OJ. Da Base. TJ, SF. F·B team. da
\\ RM Jll JS, DJ Bron~e, , D-Mon<>. Btg Ro' . GT. Dl. IS. AC.
Scholar . Beta, CJSA. FEA ("o..,..ard
Memones: Homecomm~ ""'th \At. SC J 1,
n11e \\alter
D 0 II 03 21 h Game\\ I lie and Jad.somllle with JM o\ l:.1aubcth -\Ill on. B Sc!a Br ht:ar, C \'~rlond~•
Favont ng 1 II Ro(,;l Carter. D· J•~~ Dcul'ller. F to;:n 11n Ehun. ~ Ste\e
Fa\Ontr Quot "Dang H1ppae~" Vanessa W1ll\ l ullon. G· Jared Gardner. H l~t' tt;ab<-rn. J Br&nd4.m
Atconaph hmcnt [)Q B. 10·31·85 June,, k.· Ta ha k.•lltwre, l I m• l..~iph.un, M Trav1
Fa ... orHe Song· \\r'all out of hea\Cn
Qth Var,H) Soccer. Clas\ Representative Mt:Fatter. '\. Jazan '"tttn c-r 0 Chad 0' lcen. P·
Fa•onte Quote. "A YWAYS"
lOth Var 11 So\:ccr, Clasl\ Reprel\entatJve Accomplishment\ ('he' PerT), R Bru~o.·e Rentz S l&<"C'} Starl, T \1Jtt
lith Vars11y S-.,m learn 9th My 9th grade year I played Basketball Turner.\. Ela1na Vanhoozer. Y.., \
12th Var 1ty S-.,m Team 1\.C'C\CD 'tOUDI
and JUIO the golf team v.-h1ch I came 10 2nd
place, my ftr,t game I played and won man}
-\ hlcy 'Wayca\ler award\
D 0 B: 02-24-86 lOth My lOth grade year I -.a< 1n band on
Fa,orl1e Song. It\ All Good the color guard team
Favorne Quote. "LO\C Conquers All"
Memone SeniOr pacn1c. f1eld da)". pep
Ac"omplt,hment rally,, homecommg, Fnends. part II.~'·
9th Band Football Game ... Prom. Taclie Oa)-
lith: Stod .. Market Samulauon Captam