Page 268 - chs-2004
P. 268
l<monc 'I B, QH S\\, l R, DS. SS. Sl, IJ Beta ('I uP Htstunan Brant !c.:) 1~.:( allre)-
DC DG \1cm,,ne Stat~.: v.llh ('\1, J!Umm~ ~nnn. 1).0 ll II ~I H~
Ill, Kl. \Ill , ~I) J \ laco Bell,"' SD. J.\.
lan~.he) La\Hen~.:e Santa h:. BR. ~ClUng lo 1 1n l.t\C Oak SL
()_() B 11·1 -. ~ Span"h· Kl
l·a\orllt> Song. I Ht•jle )nu Oan\:C '\~.:lompll,hment .
lonorth: Quote .. Shoot lor tbc moon CH~n 11 \tu.:hcal I ommad.. 9th \\uuc~t l.}th ~rader. da la\orU Jr
~ u m1' )nu'll land a mung the -.tar ... " DO.BI!Ul.~ H1~h Ba-~elall Conkrcncc Champs, II
-\~.;~.;ompll,hmcnt' J·a\onte Sun Plu h h) Stunt: Temple- P1loh Sollhall. 4th plan· 1n 'tottc h•r holput
~tb Ttj!cn.:ue .... HO\ \, \II \men~.. an T·a\<lTIIC Quote .. fhwu h '~e~.:h. mu'''· 121h IHlSA , ('haplcr H1 wnan, IIO~A
lOth: ll~c.:n:ttt:' l co, IIOS .\, \II \men~. an literature anti mo\ 1e' "'hat ~e·'"c 'c-cn, rc:~wnal hl\tonan, JOUrnalhm. tud nt
lith: T•gercue ... Jun•or Cluh. Leo. -\II heard. tell, anger, JO), and 'urrov. fhc'c arc counul
mcn~.:an the thtn~' I '-'Ill pa" 011 90 Mcrnone .. · CM. RJ Gator,, ccler" C\\. lo
11th: T1~en:th:' c.lpt.lln, Bl"ta. HOS.\ , \II .. \c,,:nmpJI,hmcnt' heat: h. rl\cr. tn, Jll. health. ~tre~ , I I \\ I
\mcrll'an II th \~.:adcrnll.' Team RtMdhou ... c. JOurnah .. m. caung. MB dnvtn£
\1emoncv KK,pnnghrcal. Kra1g . KK 'pent. 12th· Ac.:adcm~t: team cop ... happy. \ad. memorc\, lot\ ol tun
man) night,, ha,ehall~..·nn~,;·c,,um, Mcmnric\: Ha\lng a hletllnc of npcncnc.:e\
Kk:JtlCVan~..·,,c part). AR h.uhwom lloor ~11h Ill) lnenu .. anti lamtl) Tra\J' Md-.llet.•r
n1 ht ~h•rc 'chuul I ~th grade DOB 0.1-24-Xo
Tonua Lu~.:a ..
Du'''" Lee [) 0 B 12-0.
I>()_ R Ill-OJ. ~ J·a\tlfiiC Song Cuohn" \\atcr h)- Wllhanh
I ;nonh: Song 1 he g:rcatc't M)Og 1n the- "-Orld Brut hers A~.:umpfl,hment,
fa\ rue Quote .. Bu,Jnc" an the front, pan~ Fa\Ofll Quote -rhrou!!h C'hri\t Jc'u' I can 9th: Fh\, Perfe~.:t Attcndan~.:c
10 the boh.:l.." do an)-thtng- I Oth J· f -\ h•rc t mana~ement and Prod c
\..:1.. mph hmcnh Accumplhhm nt ProflcJcn~.:)' IM pial· tate Yo lOner perfe 1
91h J\ h>olhall, \a 11~ \\c•ghlhllln~ ~lh S\\-\T, Pep Cluh. I r<nch Cluh. "<~ attendan~.:c
lOth J\ h)t•thall. \ar'll\ foothall, \ahll\ Club. Hnnor Roll I lth· FfA, Perlcct Attendance
\\etghtiJIIlng - · W1h: Pep Cluh 12th H· \ , Perfct:t <\.ttcndan«.:e
lllh \ar.m) r onthall. \ar 11~ \\ttghthtung Ill h. S\\ \T, Jun1or Cluh \kmnnc,_ 271, SAM, G\\. 1uddm,
l21h' \anr;ll) hH.•thall, \ar It~ \\eaghthft•ng I 2th Hunur Roll, Juurnah'm Jlunung. l·"htn, Paruc~ and the CB . BF
\1emonc~: Great t..IJ) to he ah\e, Game Mcmone,. Lad~·, n1~ht. Ba ...... Stat1on 2 am. Han~oc.:k , Plac.:c, nll\\Cd 12 m~..·h turlc)
\\arden , Bah}' Bear,, 1an~ CB. Hambur~er, Four 02, Hnmecommg. Pep. nUtng 10 the f1N deer 15 yd, .. 2HO
l.a\.e, Han£1n ~th CJr, Hang1n at 0(, n1ght trooper, 'pcnd1n • time ~llh MJ·, Sunda)-·,at
llclore ~.:honl the Parl, cnwr ptcnJC, mm 1c n1~hh T11Jany Mcc~
D.O B; I 0-04·85
H1lan· Lee Mall Lynch FaHmte Song. Get Low
Do B 04-21-Ko D.O.R en 22-Ho Fa\Orlle Quote "II )OU "'all long enough lb~
J·a\oritc Quoce: .. l.lle "not mea urcd h) the l·aHmtc Song Rat:~ 1n the dJ)\ h)' ln~.:~ ht.:'l thing\ 10 life t.:Oille tO )OU"
num~r of breath, )OU t<.~.~c hue h\ the Daddy Acc.:ompiJ,hmenc ...
momL"nh that ta~c \our Oreath a" a'" l·a\Oflle Quote· '' Ha\.una Matata" t)th C'nmmal Ju,llt:e
-\c.:~.:omph hmcnt · · A~.:c.:omplt\hmcnt lOth C'nmtnal Ju,llc.:e
'llh Spam h Cluh, l co Cluh. Bo~~ohng ~lh. Hcla Club, I eo Cluh lith: Cnmtnal Ju\ltt.:e-, T I A
IOih Span~>h Cluh. Leo Cluh. Bm•lmg l!llh Bela Uuh 12th: H.\. J b\ 'tudcnt ad\l,nr oflilt'J
lllh Leo Cluh, ~HS, B'"'hng. An Cluh, lllh l·rcnch C"luh Mcmonc, , Journe)'· partte,. prom 03. l1p
\\ho, \\ho I :!th J·ren~.:h Cluh da) • l Rcat.:h. Beep Beep. Pea~h . ntor
lllh Leo Cluh. "<llS, Bo~>hn~ Bela C'luh, \fc:mone 10 14, -\H, Humcc.:mmng, prum, n•Ehl, G ·VIlle. • ol J I, "'<"T. AG. 8 D•>
An Cluh. Who s \\ ho BG, purplt: tratu . cmor pKntl', I'' da). I •• LC. \1< T Ball, A[), hou,e, DCP,
\1em nc' Thlfleen, red llfl, St. -\ueu,llnc. \ld:Xmald , do 02, \ppi<h<e\. PAT. G-\'lile. L tp,llt.:~ l . acali\C, H \1)er . 1\: , JR.IiT
p1ttmg. muluplc-mnehntch. Ira~.:~. lop tgn. RGB
h.e cream. mom nwn h:r, h<.JU c partie . Brant!} \.1eeh
n ~<man. gelling IU<~. Kl. \lB. J.\, SD. [) () B ll~·2h·K~
SL. ~IOdO'-' Fa\(lrlle Song· I can 10\e )OU h~c that
Lmd J\ Lee fa\OfliC Qunh:· .. l.I\C e\er) da) a 1111
)OUr Ia' I
D 0 B. 0:1-04 Ko
F·a\ontc Song· It\ Your b) Ttm tJth: Sv.un Team
\h:Gra~ Jt:\\lt.:a Maa,~ Hhh S-.un kilm, Wc•ghlilfung, HOS \
f 3\orllc Quote· .. , can do all thtng thmu!!h D O.ll 02-!II·X~ lllh Swun kam. We•ghlllillng, HOS.\
('hn t "'ho 'trenghten me'' ht\ontc Sung· !\ohndy Know' 11 hut me h) l:!th. S"'1m leam ~.:aptatn, "'e1ghtht11nf
\c~.:ompl1,hment' Bab)Fac.:e HOSA Vic.:c Prc!>.tdcnt
9ch J\' Cheerleader, F·renc.:h duh, -\cadm1c l·aHmte Quote " IJWt lt\e on u·· 1cmnne... Summer 01, 9·26·01,. ·O(l..(}
Lener, County Snencc £our M th T atr Memnne Spnn Brcal. Prom 02, 02 Prum 0:1, ll~-01·1l.1, BM JR. T\1, Hl D
)earh<>O~ Slall Ha-ehall, B. \cwrd , lhlh and 171h PD, " K MA. A\\. KP, G~ 01, I RH
Hllh JV Cheerleader. F·ren~.:h Club, Kc\ Omhda~. ~md ong. '-'Oodm"orth ... JRLKB , AW KP " RCPr. Joy c. OlJT ll
Club. Sophomurc Cia, Cluh.•~ homdk>)S. Ga1ne \tile SO \~.tndo~'· v.hlle UJ, Gutdanc.:c. Club Ct\11.., HBP
Leiter Counl) Sc1en«.:c fatr. Ycarbool taft gtrl. i!ra '· Bnd 11 and Ren , Dtdd)'~. ~o
lllh. \ar II) Chccrkndcr, hen<h ( luh CHS Pndc Patnl~ \1clle"
Sea tarv, Jun10r CJa, Club, Pr m Do B 07-os· x~
C'ommulet.', Ac.:adem1c Letter. Student c<,uncJI '\1l..l.1 \1a"n r:-:a\f•ntc Son • Bu&.h-
rep. ~trl ~IJte nonunee, talenttd IY.ent~ D.O H I j.o · l a\nnte Quote· ''l.Jt( I .1hr...'T1~. and the pursu
Yearbook tall T·aHmte Sung Hrcal \1) Heart h) :\1nntUl •·.:amt\"
11th: \a.r'H) Cheerleader, henc.:h C1ub I J\Onte Quote ... It 1 not the 'tar~ to hold A~"-';mpJt,hment'
Pre tdcnt , Scnwr Cla'i h1 wnan. E\ec.:uti\C our dc~tJn). hut 1n our ehc .... " lOth 'w.n"--d ·\nunc Club
Intern h1p. r\cademu.: Leiter, )Carll<k.ll !<otilfl, Ac.:compfa,hment' lllh A nunc Cluh
Bela Cluh ~1h· Bela. NilS. SWAI
Memone\ Bahama\, LJ\e Oak ~1th KC. KD. l(llh: Bela Cluh. ~HS. Dual Lnrollmenl. Band Kenyonna Mcmc.:~
Mudhole wllh M\, ' I 0, ra~y Tune' With lllh . Bela Cluh, NilS, Dual Enrollmcnl, D OB 12-!¥1·85
KC', KK , TJ. Kl), C 1. "llonk flon~". lllh Set:t1on I .eadcr 10 Band
I a\(llltc Still!!' In Th>-.e Jc.uh
Yotlh 1C Sen10r )Car 04 121h Bela Club, liS, Dual Lnrollmcm, J·a\<llltl' Quote: "I 1\-C ltlc+lo\C hfc+entoy hi
Set.:llon leader 1n Band hie tn h\e"
Sarah Lc•ghl} Mcmone, fTBG . Pep Rally. llCP. l·d, , B~. A4..-c.:omp1\hment'
D 0 B 0:1-15-Ko llCF. HC', SP Wl: I pl.~«.:e ~.:Hy .uld r'eFJtlfl.ill m cht.•crk
r I\Ofl((' Sung· Mood RJng Joa.:k Ml\tllc, 'nJ runl"k:r up 10 nalt<n:tl mode
At:l.:Ompll hmenh Shardc' \kalhster Pr.u...e Datll.:cr oat Pvttcl"' Hnu-< C'hri~ Fenm.
'Jlh Span• h C"luh, JV volle~ball, \ar II) DO B 06-0. 6 l!llh Slar Reader lud..'lll C<IOocll. Ali S1ar
Tenor , F 4\, Perlec.:t \ttcndance, Bela Cluh raH>nte Song \n c:l b) Amanda Pcrc1 dleerk-a...k."f fl.,- Amen~.: Ul -\II., \II Arne:
IUth Slate S~o:tfnt:e f"atr Qualifier, JV ra\Orl(( Qu 1te " C\er il) v.hat )(IU can't do camp. >llhall lr.JC~. n .. Jchng. 1\'1' \\amer
\olleyball, 12 Seed \ar II) Tcnn1 . FC\, until ~ou tr) ..
Ptrfect Attcndanc.:e Act.:omph hmL"nt . I lilt 1'1'1' W..m.'l' JUnK .. <<><~<h, made CHS '""'"
lllh Spam<h Cluh. lu \lpha Thela. Jr ~lh Dnll Team Chccricadmg m Man:h . .-\11 \merk.:an. '-'CI\1 to
Cia Tre01 urer, I I \ar H) Tc-nnas U1 tr:t:t lOth On II ll!am. Socu·r, Student Coun~..-11 C tlnrma for t.:(llllf!CIIIInn \Hlfl ltJtJnh placr.
\\1nncr and state quail her. J·C \ co·caplam, Rep lcad..-rJup
fCA ~cctheart. ~atumal Honor Sot:· tel), lith . s()l,"t.:t:r I 2th· Student Cuul'k:tl. Chc .. "CrleaJ1n~
Bela Cluh 12th Socc.:er, Student Council Ht\tonan McnK>ne,. 1.~!\A. \AS. l CMS, ~HiS, CHS. P\1
I 2th Span1 h Club 111$hlnan, FCA leader. Mc-mones Coul Cat leep 1t real, l..ecp your OJ>Jif, \\\4:\C',doO-l. SRP, CTl Dill
'auonal Honor S(~tety. Ill Var,lty I cnnts, head up c200 I 1209~~