Page 270 - chs-2004
P. 270

Dcrd. '\;t1rman          Tcmeka Parker             'iab. Sign!\ I.  AA '· "Boylncnd  •  and"'Th<
                                                DO B  1!-11~4            DO BIll  II'- 6           Game".  Beach ...  lccptn thru  P.  2 of L   8
                                                FaH.mte Song: The  Ballad ol Cha'c)  lane   FaHmtc Son)!  Don't me 'hav.-t)   da)'· Bad ntckname,_  PCBS HI!', P~2 be:
                                                ..\(COmplt\hnlCOI\       l·a\ontc Quote  ''Th1nk1n of  better day'   to \tnp.  o  more Drama.  R1..:h1~ and St1  e
                                                9th:  Perfect Attcndanl:c:   1ermme':  Senwr Ptcnu.:.  Homecom1ng,  hr't   "rule, ... You  got 11  yet"' "llo"e you fi:U\
                                                Memonc\:  X-Mart         day  of 2004 year.  Pep Rally''· when  I  got  my   Last game .. never gonna feel  like that agam
                                                                         c;u, The ('la,\lc\,  18th h-day. C'hn\lma' day
                                                Kn,tlna '\'orn'                                    Jenn1fer Pond'
                                                D 0  B  11~-25-Ko        Neel  Patel               D 0.8  118-ll-85
                                                f'a\onh:  Son~  In  I hthc Jean'   DOBOI~Ko        Fa\onte Song  Here v.Hhout  }OU
                                                ..\c..:omplt,hmcnh       Fa\ orate Son!!·  Cadillac... on 22'   Fa\ orate Quote:  "If 1 learn one thmg today
                                                9th:J\  Soccer. Dance Cluh   FaHmte Quote  "If )OU don·t  ~et 11  once.   ha\~ not  wa,hed my day"
                                                lOth  J\  Soccer Manager. Danl·e Cluh   don"t  keep on tr)1ng. JU't  ~1\C up."   A~.:compll\hment'l:
                                                lith  \1  Soc.:ccr  Mana(:cr.  Dance Cluh. Junwr   An·ompll,hmcnt'   9th  I'CA
                                                Club                     9th · Tcnnl'. Spanhh Club   lOth.  HA
                                                12th·  Scmor Superlali\C hc\t C)C\   lOth:  Tennl'. Spam;h Club   lith  FCA. AB Honor Roll
                                                \lemone'  ALS.  KJ~. AMD. PDD. T. 1\1.   lith: Tennl'.  Mu Alpha Theta   12th  Dnll Team. Student Council  1embtr
                                                Bl.T.  Ha"'a" 01.  St   UF  SB  II~. M\IA, The   12th  Ten"''· Mu Alpha Theta.  Ke~ Club   \.1~mone\  F1nd1ng  the gu) hold  lhc
                                                AC. The S  Bo,. AS  P   Ha~. Card1. 02-11~­  Memone'  DS, RS,  BC. CO. JP. SR. Tf·,   key  to  my  heart  BR, Summer camp v.uh J
                                                <n.  11  27-11~.  oil     Roadhou\e,  I cnm'l, Whitey. Dt\tnch.   MS. HC. IG.  Echo  ompany "'"h BR, D  I
                                                                         O"Stcen\.  Homecomang, Camry.  Ju1ce.   JS. BC
                                                Kn\tal Norn\              mu\lc, v.-orkout. journali\rn, mac. food.
                                                D 0 B  0~-25·86           lalldown. MM. coach  SA   Ja)  Porter
                                                Fa\Oflh! Song.  In Thu ... c Jean'                 D.O.B · 06-22-
                                                fa\onte Quote.  •·Get Ott  1e ..   Doug Peeler     Fa\orue Song  I can onl)  1maganc
                                                Accomplt,hmenh            D 0  8  0  -29-  ~       Fa\ontc Quote: "I can do all  thtngs throusb
                                                9th  CHS Dane< Club. JY  So.:«r, HRS   Fa\Ortte Song  Family Trad111on   Chri  t v.-h1ch  'itrenghth~n'  me ..
                                                Chn,tma  Part) - Santa  hclpc:r.  frc,hman   Faumtc Quot~· "Who Care'"   Accompla<.hment\
                                                Float  Butldtng           Accompll'lhment, _       9th  Who\ Who. Span"h Club.  Leo.  I CA.
                                                Wth  CIIS  Dance Club llhtonan. AH  Honor   9th  JV l·ootball. B"'eball   Honor' cla"c'
                                                Roll. Acadcmu: Letter, JV  Soccer. HRS   lOth · JV and Var"tY Football, JY Ba<eball   lOth:  Who"< Who. Spam;h. Leo, I'CA
                                                Chn  tma' Part)  The Gnn~.:h. -.ophomnre   lith  \ar II)  Football. Wetghthfllng   lith: Who'  Who. Span"h
                                                float  hutldm~            12th  "Var'Jt)  Football   12th: Who\ Who .. pant'h Club. Lfet
                                                lith  CHS Dan<e Club, \ar  11~ Soccer,   Memone'  RT,  RE. JG. EW.  DH. TR. A lithe   Memone  Partie\ at o· Steen  • B( I  Rt\Cf,
                                                athletiC  letter. Juntor lluat hu1ldtng   n 11111<' and CB,, JG. CG,  lOth  grade.   Dm. gmng cra1y. SR at  RMFT, CCM on
                                                12th  CHS Dance Club Pre\ldent &   Homecom1ng.  S. and h/o at  MB. Hangmg   Wednesday.  Black Kn1ght'l, yellow dragon.
                                                S\\-cctheart.  HRS Chn,tma' Party.  '\Cn1or   out wrth GF   wreckan car<.,  Ken'' Subway. f·ruJay  N1ght.
                                                noat butldtng                                      Ladle\
                                                \.1cmuru: ...  Cat   Sleeter,  1\.~1  , SMC.   Kathncu:cla Perrot
                                                \II A, TMM. AMD, PDD. Soccer, Ha"'a11.   [) 0  ll  04-02- 6.   Lauren Porter
                                                Rt><r.  Free  L. Ltp,llck l, RL T. CK. Tl. BP.   Fa\ontc Stlng· Tell  me It"' Real   D 0  B  01-08-86
                                                CP. Gtt-r-done.  IC   -JP. Cl, R\IT. POLK,   fa\ orate Quote: .. Don't  Judge me 1f )OU don"t   Fa\Orite Song·  She\ 10  lo\-e  v.llh the bo
                                                2:22-97,  11-::!1-0~. ncphcv.  A1dan.   knov.  me ...   Fa\orite Quote·  "  e"er underc  umah~ the
                                                                          Accumph,hmenh.9th:  Beta Club. French   tmpo,..,thle."
                                                Rachel  ·urn'             elub.  lu Alpha Theta. NH  .  Ba;ketball, Key   Accompll\mcnt\'
                                                D 0  B  05-16-86          Club. Pep Club           9th. JY Cheerleader. French Club
                                                Fa\onte Song: So Far Av.a)   lOth.  Beta Club, Fren<h Cluh. Key  Club. Mu   lOth.  JY  Cheerleader.  French Club
                                                o\ccompl1,hment'           lpha Theta, Sa  letha II, ~HS. Pep Club   II th  Var'lll}  Che~rleader. Jumor Cluh
                                                121h  Ua\ang m) art v.nrl  hov.n  an  Orlando   lith  Beta   ~1u alpha Theta.  HS.   12th  Photo Club.  FEA
                                                and h.n ang  my  art  work to lle  cho,en to be   Ba,ketball   M~mone'l: "Tnp  toG  V11le  v.1th  NT"'
                                                "!!ent  to an exh1b11  an  C'h1na   12th.  Beta. NHS. Ba;ketball   enough Said,  put  your hat  back on, 04  20 0'
                                                Memone'  'emor pacnu.:,  my  fnend\   Memone\:  Got dumped  10  wave  pool  at   V- Day, purple people eater alrno't. uhh
                                                                          \COlOr  pu;nu;,  hom~com1ng 'lwecthcart for   there\ h~c 10 cop' here.''
                                                                          Beta, chdhng 10 da"!!..,  v.ath  DM. 'pendtng
                                                0                         lime v.-lth  my  be'lt  fnend' TW.  I·J.  and LG   Johnny Po,.ell
                                                                                                   D.OB  04-18-83
                                                                          Angehna Pu.:caom         Fa\' orate Song  God Ble'  Am~nca
                                                                          DOBOI·2   6              Accomplt,hment'l
                                                                          fa\ontc Sung  You"ll  he  1n  my  hean   9th·  PartiCipant 10  Spec.:tal  Ol)mpan
                                                                          l·avontc Quote:  "Lafe "  hke a box of   lOth  PartiCipated an  Spec.:1al  Olympu:s
                                                Chad O'Steen              chocolate:\. )OU  ne\er know  what you are   lith· Part1ctpant1n Specaal Ol)mp1c
                                                D 0  B  11-05-85          gonna get"               12th· Parllctpant in  Special Olymp1
                                                Fa\orlt~ Song. Cut fnend   Accnmplt  hmenh.
                                                Fa\onte Quote.  LI\C C\Cr)da)  Ill~ 11  1  your   9th  Band   Thoma' Prullt
                                                Ja,l-                     lOth  JROTC Colorguard and Dnllteam   D 0  B  01·24-85
                                                 -\.ccompll"!!hment\:     lith: JROTC Colorguard   Fa"onte Song· Smell' like Team Sp1
                                                9th. honor' cla\\C\       12th  JROTC Colorguard Commander   Fa ... ontc Quote: "No re\t for the w~~.:~~  t  a
                                                1Oth  honor roll, honor' cla..,,e,   Mcmonc'  JROTC i'l  the  grc~HC'lt' I  love   we arc the wicked."
                                                 lith.  Mu Alpha Theta, Leo Club. honor roll   AOB' I ha\-e  had  more fun  1n  my \en1or year   Accompll'ihment<.'
                                                honor ..,(X.:Iety         than  1n  an) other )Car' Good Lucl all   9th  GPA   Award.  ~rd place dt  tnd
                                                12th  l>eta  Club. Mu Alpha  Theta. honor roll,   unden.:la"men'   Champaon Wre  tlmg
                                                LC'CC. honor' cia  se"                             lOth: 4th d1stnct  thng. Who's \\h
                                                Mcmone   BC  Rt\er. Blad.  Kmghh, Dm.   Adrea Pitman   Av.ard
                                                flghlln)t,  antique~ v.hcc:lcr.  ubv.a), ~!Old   D 0  H. 0~-11-1  6   lith: Dl'ltnct C'hamp1on, \-ar  H) ,\thlet
                                                card. JP,  thump, \ummcr\ hou,e. D· blcx;l,,   Fa"mte Song  Without You  By: Jagged [,dgc   Who\ Who. GPA A"ard
                                                hou,e. roadhou,e. Whitey\ hou..,e. Coach   Fa\Ortte Quot~ :  Don't cry bccau\e it'\ 0\~r.   Memorie<o:  Senaor Part), Jcx)  B  panic
                                                Rupe  BP  Mac, Fnday, Chtk   \mile hccau'le  11  happened   Da\ld C.  b-day, Snood. Rump. Stomp
                                                                          Accompli  hment          "Yota". >He>thng praellc<. ka\lng Oo  I
                                                p                         9th. JV Cheerleader. Comp<llllon Cheer, A  H   hu1ld1ng.  honey comb. h1dc out, hra.
                                                                                                   lnuckle,. m)  future V.I\C  Tl  anti ( J
                                                                          Honor Roll. Sun  hme State Scholar,
                                                                          Journall'lm Club. Student C'ounctl.  Frcn~.:h
                                                                          lOth  JY  heerleader.  Key  Club.  HOBY
                                                                          iiWard,  n llonor Roll, Sun'lhlllC \lilte   R
                                                 Lnc Park                 "cholar. At:adem1c  Letter. Journall\m Cluh.
                                                 DOS  01-27-86            French Club. C11~ Attorney for aDa). All·
                                                 Fa\Orlle Song:  D1no  aur   Star I.:<.' A lhocrleader
                                                 fa\  rile Quote· .. Get  11  hnv.  )OU can ..   lith  \iar  lly  Cheerleader. Ftr-t  lith grade   Zac  Radke
                                                 Accompll\hment           Yearhotlk cd1tor-1n-chu:f, AB  Honor Roll,   D 0  B  02-27  86
                                                 9th  JY hmtball. H·A     Sun,h1nc State Scholar. Acadcmu.: Letter.   Fa\ orate Song:  Dnft Av.a)'
                                                 lOth  JY l·ootball, HA   Var,lly Letter a~ard     Fa ... oritc Quote·  "We are only a   trong I
                                                 lith  Yar\lly Football. HA officer   12th  Var"'lt)  Cheerleader C'o- C'aptam.   v.-eake~t hnl."
                                                 12th  \-ar  11y  Football, FfA uff1cer   yearllook edal<lf·IO·Chlef. Sr.  ('Ia" Secretary,   Acc.:ompll'lhment'l
                                                 1emone  AN lot  ot  tun  and lo\e, CB, MC'.       9th:  Band
                                                 R~ and  the CH,. at M('  muddtn, hunting,   Afl  Honor Roll, All-Star ~CA Cheerleader,   lOth  Beta
                                                                          SWAT,  Interact
                                                 CB. co". catchtng, clay  hole, CB. MC, ntght   Memone~ Wandov.,  Mex1can. "l)om1ngo 6:   lith   HS  Beta, International Sc1cnce fau
                                                 bdore ~chool                                      12th   HS  Beta
                                                                          Stella, Harn  ··.Caprice. Blue &  Vi be, A'h
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