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lith:  Band. at.:adcmll'  team.  1u  Alpha Theta.   Memone' l.M, J  ·• AP,TM, Thnal  for   II 1h   HS, Bela,  Mu  Aplha Thcla. Tenn
                                               'allonal  Honur Stx.:Jcty.  Voace  Ot  DemOt.:crq   brcalmg m}  'hell. Beach Tnp,, YM  l·nday'   12lh  NHS, Bela, Mu  Alpha  rhela. Ten01
                                               conte\l.  Bau..,ch  and  Lomb  Honorur). Scaence   before game,, Taco Bell. LM. Tub, Tall\,   Memone;:GG, Roadhou  e.  yrup.lloo 1, fN
                                               Scholeer' Award           '"-'lOg , AR . R1ver. Yearbook  p1cture,, l.m.   loop. billboard.  P.  RS, BC'. \Vh11ey,  If JP
                                               l.!th:  At.:adcnm:  team.  Mu  Alpha Theta.   10  11  Sk1dd1ng   CO.  Honda.  platinum, caddy, n\-er, JUICC  235
                                               National honor Soc1et)'
                                               Memorie .... Kr)'tle. Band.  heml..,t).  Morgy.   John Spahahl1   Eluabcth Sutton
                                               the ··mole"'. Toea  Bell.  Halo car 'A-rea~   DOll  07-4-H6   O.O.B  08  16·M~
                                               1500.  lXI.55.4.4         ~a\ortte Song:  She thanks  my  tractor\ se'y   Fa,onte Song- E\-eryth1ng  By  Stereo I u
                                                                         Fa>orlle Quo1e· I lme "GRITS"   FaYonte Quote:  "Dream a  It  you'll  h\C
                                               Ronal . hulla             Accompl1,hments          loreHr. h\e a' 1f you'll  du~ wmnrrov. ..
                                               O.O.B 05-2:1- 6           9lh : ff·A . Va"ll} 'Wre\lhng. \Ve1gh1  hlung   Accomplt\hment\
                                               Fa,onte Song  Shut up     team.  th  place 1n  ~auonal' For Wre\lhng   9th : Joumah1m, Yearbook  ... talt
                                               Fa,onte Quote  'fa1r I\ foul,  foul  1' fa1r"'   IOlh.  f·FA  Va"ll)  \\r  \lhng. We1gh1  lllung   lOth:  Journall\m,  Drama  Cluh. Yearll  l
                                               AccompJi,hmcnt'           team                     Slall
                                               9th  Soccer. tennl\.  pan1\h Club   lllh FFA. Va"ll} \Vre;~hng. \Ve1gh1  hfung   II lh  Journall\m.  Drama Club. "Lillie Shop
                                                lOth:  SOf:cer,  tcnna,, Span1..,h  club.  Beta   team.  Ag  Mcchan1c' Team   Of Horror'  " Hou\e Manager,, Yearhook
                                               II lh  Soccer, Tenn".  Mu Alpha Thela. !'IHS.   12lh.  I· fA, Var"'Y \Vrealhng. \Ve1gh1  hfung   S1aff. Who\ Who. AB  Honor Roll
                                               Beta                      team. Ag  Mechanic\ Team   12th:  Journalism, Yearboo~ Staff.  Vt ho
                                               12lh  Tenn"· Mu Alpha Thela. SHS. Bela   Memone'-1  1udd1ng at TS. partyin' at  R  .   Who,, "A" honor roll, NHS
                                               Memone>.  "'P,  Honda.  OS.  MM. Pla11num.   Tnp' 10  Fore>~ wllh TS, BS, JJ. and !he boy,,   Memon<'. Fnend MA. AM , LlG.  ND, Af
                                               Coun1ry  Club, TF. JG, Mac gm;. Roadhou;e.   all  my cou,zn\ B-day parties,  park1ng  'pot to   TK. NG.  SB. AA, SE.  r  p1cn1c,  The
                                               DM.BC. White). Home«.:om•ng. tennp,.,   my  \1\ter   "  otebook", Football  games. Journali'm
                                               dl,tril.:t\, \(X.:t.:er.  bu,, t.:ar.  nde,, JOurnal\lm.   prom  03.  weekends  m While.  pnngs.
                                               \Ubaru.  bumbell          Joelle Sparv1er          Homecommg. G·YIIIe.  pan1e'
                                                                         DOB  01  3-86
                                               Daniel  Smuh              FaYonte Song· Your  \I ill  the  one
                                               DOB  0417 85              Favonte Quote: "If )OU don't  \land  for
                                               Fa,onte Song  Runnmg v.1th  the  De" II   \omethmg, you  will  fall  for anyth1ng"   T
                                               Fa\orttc Quote· .. Life 1\  hfe  It  happeno;;  and   Accomplishment\:
                                               there  1'  noth1ng  we  can  do about  it''   9lh: JROTC
                                               Accompll\hmcnt  '         IOlh  JROTC
                                               I01h  JROTC               II lh  JROTC Company Commander,  Dnll   icole Terrell
                                               lllh.  Foolball, JROTC,  Mo;~ unpro\e cadel   team   0  0  B· 07- 18-86
                                               12lh  JROTC, C-company XO   12lh  JROTC Company Commander.  On II   Favorite Song· She\ a Wild  One
                                               Memonc'-1:  My  fa\ontc people are  KL,  JH.   Team   Favorite Quote : "I. lYe  each  and cYcry  da.,  to
                                               TS. SB. Shannon           Memonc,. JP.  MB.  HC,  IG,  I love you guy>   the  fulle\t,  becua~o.c 1t  may  he  your Ja.,t
                                                                         and  I couldn't  have done  it  without  you!,   Accompl1~o,hments :
                                               Tem1~a Smith              WM, BM.  KO,  JT, you guys are !he greal<>l   9th:  National  Jumor  honor Soc1ety,  Acta.
                                               0  0  B  02  21-H~                                 Dance
                                               Fa\onte Song:Where  my  dalla  at   Kcllh Spradley   IOlh: Bela. Cheerlcad1ng. CJSA
                                               Fa\onte Quotc: .. Keep ya  head  up and  God   O.O.B · I2-22·85   lllh: CJSA
                                               flr,t"'                   J·a\onte Song; Just  to \ee you  \mile   Memone;  R1d10g,  Clay pllh.  l P  Jykr
                                               Accompli\hmcnh            Fa\Onte Quote: "Whate\er"   cui\ en. Hoi pockel, Apnl  12. AS.  MM.  IK
                                               9lh:  Swdenl Counc1l  Rep.  Pep club   Acc;omplishmcnt':   cop\, aliens. roache,, walk.,.  SG. d1h.:h
                                                Hhh.  Swdcnl Council  Rep.  Pep Club, SWAT   9lh . JV  Fo01ball, WT  hfung   mailbo:\e  . tree hanchee  , Jam1e's.  1(  lo'te
                                                lllh  SlUdenl Council  Rep., Pep Club   I01h  JV Foolball and go1  mo,ed up lo   you
                                                12lh 4lh year Earl)  Child Ed  . Gelling my   varsity, W T  Lifun~
                                               CDA  thl'-1  )Car, Pep C'luh  '-!v..ecthcan   II th;  Var,uy  Football. T1ger mentor
                                               Memone>: All  my  hale", AR.JH.GH.  C.   12th: Varsity  Football. Tiger mentor.  Wt   Marcus Thoma\
                                               KH. VW.  OM,              L1f11ng                  D.O. 8:02-2-86
                                                                         Memone'  BR  the  hu\, The  line.  DB  The   Favonte Song:  Ml\\tng You
                                               Tiffany  Sm1lh            Cha,c, BR  The weekend;. Fnday n1ghl  under   Accompll\hments
                                               O.O.B : 01-8-86           the  lights.  BR  homecoming Queen   9lh  Pep Club. Talenl Search
                                               Fa\onte Song  In  The  End                         IOlh  SpaniSh Club. Talenl Search
                                               Fa\Onte Quote: •·L1fe  1'  not  about  what   Garret S""eat   II 1h · Span"h Club, Pep Club
                                               people do for  you.  11·, about  v..hat  you  do for   0  0  B 09  18-85   12lh  OJT. Talenl Search
                                               )OU,.._e)f'               l·a\-onte Song : The  Dance
                                               Accompli  hment           raH>rllC  Quote: ''I'd  walk  throught  fire  Ill a   11chael Thoma'
                                               9th · Circle of Fnend'    gasoline suit to  ~eep play111g  ba\eball"   0  0  B. 01-15-8~
                                               lOth:  Leader'h1p. ~at1onal Honor Roll   Accompll'hment\   Favonte Quote: "Liv1ng only once .  h\e II
                                               lllh  Key  Club, Mu  Alpha Thcla. French.   9lh  Var  11y  Cro" Coumry. JV Ba;eball.   the  end of the  road"
                                               National  Honor  Roll     Var.,lly Tra«.:k.  FCA. Academic  Letter
                                               12lh  Key Club, Mu Alpha Thela, French.   I01h : Var>ll)  Ba;eball, Va""Y fo01ball,  Key   Armand Thorb'
                                               Nauon Soc1c1y  Of H•gh  School  Scholar>,   Club.  FCA, Academ1<· Leller   0  O.B  05-16·85
                                               Student Council.  Rcprc~enJali\C   lllh  Va""Y Ba-eball. Va""Y roolball.  Key   l·avorlle  ·ong  Keep Juk1n''
                                               Memone\  JWY. AT,  NW,  OW.  MD, BMW   Club,  FCA. Academic  Letter   Favonte Quote  "Suce\\ Breed\ Suce  "
                                                                         12lh  Va""Y Ba\Cball     Accomplishments
                                               C'a\e)'  Snowden          Memone'  Night' 10  St  Aug.  R1Hr  tnp.   Memone\ :39 cent, 49 cent at  M«.:dnn  IJ
                                               0 0  B·  10-14-85          ight\ at  Hill\, Trips to Atlanta,  Road  trip
                                               Fa\Onte Song: ForeHr and  For alway\   to beach. wild Ad\entue\, brian's sport  , July   George Timmons
                                               Fa\Onte Quote: ~If yuu  hnc '-Omcth1ng  let  11   4lh  201H,  Prom 0~. N1gh1>  1n  1hc  \lang. Phl\h   0  0  B  03- 15-85
                                               go 1f  It come\ bat.:lthen  n·  )OUr  "   Head\    Favonte Song: Get  Lo~
                                               Accompll\hment                                     Favonte Quote· "Kno~ What  you  do 10
                                               9th · Beta, T1gc:n:ttc  , AII·Amencan   A'hle)  Summerall   11  at  your be  t"
                                               )()lh:  Bela. T1geren     0.0 B  04·21-86          Accomph\hment'-1:
                                               lllh  Ti~erene  1LT),AII-Amer1can, HOSA.   Fa\orite Song · She'  m)  land of ra1n   9th : Went  to  state  111  tral:l..  and  F1eld
                                               Jumor Club                Fa\orue Quote:  .. You're  a real  piece of Worl'   IOlh·Pia)ed foolball  and gol lhc
                                               12lh  Bela, T1gerenc  !Co-Cap), All·   Accompll,hmcnh   undercla  'men a"'ard,  We  Won  Stat  n
                                               Amencan. HOSA             9th' Acadm1c  Letter.  French  club,  fre  hmen   and field
                                               \lemon«: LI.CJ,  Y  confleld, LL, LM.   club       lith : I got the  best  Runn1ng  hack uwu
                                               Heanbreaker, SB  02, SB, T1gerene>,  Be;~   ll)lh  Academ1ce  Lener,  French Club   l2lh . I made 1he  ;uper  II  lor h>olball
                                               mcmone\ wuh  Le\ 1.  Ba\eball c;oncCS\100\.   II th:  Academice Letter   Mcmones: When  we  v..on  state and  the
                                               "'eel before prom. LM.J  , Prom: 03,  ighl   12th  Academl\-e  Letter, OCT   team JUmped  1n  the  founta1n  1n  frunt  tll  th
                                               before '<.:h<X>I  at  AP'   lemone  LP,NT.SG.RI\er, Camper, July 4,   Ho1el
                                                                         GE. AS  TG. SG. G I L. Y.  Clay Pu;. SB02,
                                               Keri  Southall            OM. 0~2 02, H1gh  Spnng  , II  'lucl, GFD.   Thoma\ Tomlinson
                                               0  O.B:OM-17  86          P&R, So ole bo)          D 0  B  0912·85
                                               Fa\Onte Song  Chan!!e  the  \\orld                 Fa"·onte Quote:  "I  hall  be  free"
                                               FaYorne  Quote  "'Gu).  I don't  thm   Ocepal Sur<>h
                                               ,hnuld do that            D.O B  10-IH-86          Rei  Tompk1n
                                               Accomph.,hment  .         raHmte Song:  Gnndm      0  0  B  04-22-86
                                               9th·  Leo Club. Ttgerette\, Beta   Fa\-onte Quote:  ''If )OU don't  go all  the  way.   FaYonte Song. Get  Lov..
                                                IOth:~ar H)  Tigcrcttc  . Beta   don't  go at  all ..   Favorite Quote:  "Do the dang thang"
                                                lith:  Leo Club. ll!!t:rctte,_ Jun1or (La\\   Accompli  hments   Accompli  hmenl\·
                                               Club.  Sun\h1ne State  cholar Award   9th  Soccer. Tenn1s.  French Club   9th:  Football. Student Council  Repre'ienta·
                                                12th:  Trca,urer of HOSA   lOth·  Tenn1,,  Beta.  French   11\e, Who\ Who
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