Page 269 - chs-2004
P. 269
\\end) 11lc team. fifth m the 'tate. ~.:o·captaan II th Student (,o,ernment
D.O R 06-Z4 . 6 12th CJSA. Blad. Hhtury and culture Bra1n I :!th \ar It)' \.:hecrleadtng, Scnwr Cia'
FaHlfHC: S:nn Sally tht~t gul So" It~ am Parlaamentanan. 11 l HS, ('JS \,Beta Cluh
f.a\orlh.: Quote: I me hlc y u ...,IIJII\c \1cmoncs Band Hall \\-llh m) pcuallnend Mcnwnc:s \\mg • \u ant \PS, LO, Capnct.'.
fvre\cr, h\e H • .: H•U wil11.he t nwrn>"-" 18 , Co ch Bca,lc) da" "ath TS, ha\lng SBConte !,Cheap\, \1tle,gwup, Hl,C\IlJ,
''"ompll',hmc:nt tun v.llh In) Ill "'tcr ST, taH..tng to Mr!>o Lee EWBarn, '1gns, ... altrun. ('(),:\A . \1e"~.:an,
\)th· A~.:adcma~,; Letter, Hand, h(liHlr hand. '"''ng, '-reedhump, Jne' prom R&S. hater,,
~rfnt altc:ntlant.·c Oena,ha \lt,mt~omcr) .. game .. , thumpt.'r
lOth A~o:adcma~.. l ncr. Hand, honor hand, DOll 1222-X~
Span1 h Cluh . .\rt ( lub. pcrlcct attcndam:c: l·a\orllc Song Walled Oulla Hca,en Stephan 1urnll
lith Band. Leo Cluh. Arl Cluh. Collon Bowl Fa\onte Quote !\ju Weapon formed a~a1n't D O.B lli-Z6- 6
l~th: Band,,\rt ('Juh, Pc ~.:h B(llol.l me hall prusper'' J·a,unte Song· I Manti alon1..'
Memnnc Troruhnnc=s, I 1 o\e )OU gu~s. JS, \L~umph hmcnh ht\nrate Qunte "'llno\\ v.hat 16, (H)(J RP\1
JC',AS.CC,Hl\\ , JI . \ , I \ll•d,dublor ~th ll nd, Beta, Pep. I·CCI ·\, \\e•lhthfung !eel hlc· Do You.,-
hie, ''CAl\," Sail) fh 1 G~rl" lm ('1\.1 I lith Band, Pep. Beta. I'C:Cl A. Ac~.:umpJt,hment
Wcaghthtun~. ·1 ra~.:k Qth· I gut ... uperwr at 'olo and cn,emhle,
Sherry Miller lith f·Cn • Pep, We1ghthfung lOth . \upermr at ,oJn and cn,emhle
D 0 B 02-0o-H6 12th HTI A, We•ghlllung Memonc- Drumhne, CHI, AGR, JKII, RTC
hl\Ontc Stmg Urulcn Gla"'s Mcmnncs M)' la\t )ear. homt:~.:ommg. In) I)\\ I BA
Mcmnne!'.. Br t l·ncnd. lara, Kachel, ra~.:c' I"' pcp rally, tu~ld day. In)' lnemh Ko· Ko,
\41th SteHn. m)' JOb. pmm KH . KP, D~1. DG, DM . my"'"' and'"'' da) Stephante Mu ... grmc
a' a eocnaor I)() llll9-ll~- ~
fara Mlltun l·a,nntc Song Bah) Buy
D 0 ll 01-0~ X6 Je u.:a '-1onnc) l·a,nrlle Quote: " \\hat llt:s hch1nd u' and
r a\onte Song '\ou Got 11 Had [) 0 B 111 11-X6 "'hat he' hdore u are 1111\ matter' compared
f·a\Onte Quote .. Hone tl) thmg' could be ~a\orlle Sung: Hca,en lU "hal he' \\-llhan u" ..
l4or,c" 1-a"mte Quote: •·1 afc " full of memune ....... ~ccnmpJa,hmcnt'
A~.:cnmpll,hment .\c•.:ompll hrnenl\ ~th HA
9th Honor' cia! e , 1 o, Kc\ ~th. Rand lOth IF\
lOth: Honor Cia C'S, I •gcrcllc . l co, Kc) . lith Secrctan ul BTA. French Club \knwne' ( ar, h<,)frtC'nd. tnend .... tamd)
Crimmal Ju,ll~.:c \o\Ccthcart 12th BTA SY.cetheart. Art club. BTA
lith. Honor' cia~ cs. Ta@er~th: . Jr. C:luh, Memon" CP, C:~. BR. HPR. GB. LA~1. SP,
Leo !., ll , HI A. I.CI MD. CS. GIC,I.PC,
l.:!th: Honor .. rlas c • I ''~n:ttcs, Len, AB Sll, St. Ml\.1 , RB. I·G. SRD. G2P, GOD. N
llnnur Roll D'\D, 10\1
Mcmone ... : SB 0."\. Cheap V Imp .... Prom 03,
PHTHURS. TllWKS. Cnhert. llu"e" at Du,ttn Moore
\\al~recn ....'1oo @ Rerll'..,, naJ)' dance, Don nt-2~-xo J.t~an ahtnger
th, A.h CAflJ,. B.~rn , Ba h CD. !leach, l·a\nntc Song: Chan~c' h) 2 Pa..: DOH 111-29-X~
KSX 1ASP. NODRA~1A l·a"mte Quote· "(j,} Bt~ or Go home .. l·a\Ortte Snn~ I Cro ' 1) Heart h) George
t\c..:omplt,hmcnt' Strait
Kanlm \1 "'he"" ~th l" f·oothall , H. A Fa\(mt~ Quote· E\Cf)thmg happen' for a
DOB (11-2:1- o !lith \ar"IY hxllhall. H'o\, 1\e•ghthlung rea,on
~a\unte Sung \\h~t v.a I fhtnlm 11th \arsl) r·onthall . \\ire tlang. \~:..:ompla,hnk.-nt
fa\onte Quutc .. L 1\C toJa\ a t1 tt were your \\cJghthlung l)th: Chccrlcadlll • honur da '
Ia t"' · 12th \ar,ll \ foi.lthall I Oth · Chccrlcadm~
\c omph ... hmcnt \1cmuncs. (\e"' n\crhou ... e, Q, hou,c. II th Leo Club. Jumnr da" duh. AB Honor
9th \rt Club ( TT\ • cnwr pll:nu .. ·• GG, maple )rup, and Roll
I lith \rt Cluh all the great mcmunc' I ha\c ... hared "Hh 01) 11th. Checrlcad1n~. Beta Club. Leo (lob,
lith'' lc~..hnnltJg) \~.:ademy, tnend thmu~hnut ha~h ...chool. A llnnor Roll. CJS.\
''''''tant Tratncr w J\ & \iar tty l·oothall Memone' Sll 0.1. \.\'.Cheap V. DR,,
and Wre ... thng Je.....,~~.:a\1nrgan rt\Cf. Prom 0:!. 1\S \R. Buhhlchath. na'}
12th Bu\lnc &. l~~..·hnolog) .t~..adcmy, D 0 B 10-11 1 -X~ dance, PIITHL RS. ~olu,, C.-\RJ,, Barn
A'"'tant I rat ncr tu J~ and Var'll) hHHhall l·a\onte Sllng· M) Bc't fnend B) Tam Ba'h@ CO,, Ll.chur,h, l \I Beach ,
and Wrc\tltn~ MdJrav. "AS II". KS'\M ~SP. NODRAMA ,
Memonc" SK. AT /G , DK TG, A. 08. 06. ~a\lmtc Quote· "Worl ll~e you don't need AP\10\h. L\1TRASH , f~1A& 'I.
11.1, AJ , CCF,IXl. KD JR. III, o\N,II1, 10. 01. the mone), lme ll~c ynu·\e ne .. er heen hurt , MYGIRl.S
JS TS. RJ , JN , II~. 114 and dant.·c ltle thcre j, no one \\-at..:hang"
\~..·..:l,mpla .. hmcnl R,,~rt ~ap1er
Ste\C Mth.:hcll ~th Beta, l·rench, Mu Alpha Theta. S\\ \T D 0 B 02-17- 6
DOBII-11.~ llllh French, Kev. S -\DD, SADD I a\ontc Song: Three Da~' GrJcc
fa\orlte Song· In 1 ho c Jcans S..-.ecthcart, SW.\T hl\ orite Quote " l"m urcd ot 'mgmg. I "ant to
I a\onte Quote: I tf 1 ltlc a hox ul lith: -\~.·adem~~.: Letter. f'ren~.:h ('Juh·
Chtll.:lllatc ... you n~..·v r lnov. ..-.hat \UU arc St.'a\.'tar). 1\:q. Jr Cia" r~p. llterar~ n·ompJt,hmcnt,
gonna get" ma~a11nc edator. Whn\ Whu. S\\Al lJth fif""'t 'l)IO
A~.:~:ornplt,hment 12th l·rench Club. Ke). Mu alpha Theta, lOth: cham~r ''"Fer
~th hx>tnall Beta, Ltt~rar) ma}!annc editor, t1ger tale co· Memone, AS. JB. J\\, J , \D, KB. KT
I01h f•x•thall ec.hh1r, ~c:\ duh '"'"eethcart. Who· \\ htl, Dual
11th h),ll~all l·nrvllmcnt St~\en f\un,
I ~th 1-uot~all Memnne Pmm .2001, St. Augu,ttne tnp,, Do B o .o~.x~
hunting "t-...~h. f·t. "h1tc. Baler Count) .. F·a\t,ntc Song: HolhJac Inn b) C'hmg)
'en,nd,, pepper un the pro\\ I. the B' l·aHlrHe Qunte· .. The onl) thmg' )UU regrc110
hie arc n,J.., \llU d1J ., t.tle
G~:or~1a, rnuddm. t\.1rh~ Pu. \\dd
\d\enturc' .\n·,,mpJa,hmcnt'
'Jth· B~ta, \rt Club. fiRS Chn,tma' Part\
H~h: An Clun, HRS Chr""""' Pan). Graph~e
Marcu' \1organ
D.O.B 01-tl-1-Xo
ht\Ontc Snng. Bump. Bump. Bump. Bump lith An Cluh. Fn:nch Club
12th Beta, [\el"Uil\C lntcm,hlp I. II . Ill
Fa\llrlh! Quntc: " ll.oH' ou Bah) 1 '"
AccompJa,hment' Mcmonc .... 16th h-da~. ~..· r 'CXX)~t. BB. JM ·\0,
9th Parllcapant tn Specaal Olympac,, Y..orlcd Cll. PD. CN. AB, T\. SH. DJ.l.D. MS
at !\jahlad ..
lOth Partll.:tp.tnt 111 Spcl·tal Oi)mp~~.: .... Chn,tu! 'olan
\\orlcd at thl.t~.:l DO.B (1'1-<l'l·. ~
lith Parll..:tpant tn S!'Cctal 01) mph.: . l·a\urttc Sung. Pcrfnt
\\-vrl\.'J at "\ahlad. J·a\onh! Quote "l:X,n"t on an)hlxl) but
12th Part11..1pant an Spcctal Ol)mpll'. )UUI'""'eJI''
v.orl..ed ;It thl ..:l Aeo'Li.lmpll,hmcnt
l r,. ~1n I l lJth J\ s~)ll"t_"Cf Dan c: ctuh
DOB0-16-~ Land C\ h1rtun tilth Dance Clun \\ ho' \\ hn
hl\unte ~ong· i·vre,er ~ ur lad) D 0 s'nt-ZIH6 lith \\ho\\\ho
f-a,onte Quote •·sa\e the ht.'" t tm la~t )a'IJ"' FaHmte Sung Sh~ II lea\C ~uu \\-lth a 'male l:!th ~atlllnal flonnr St-..:1\.'t\, Who\ Who
\nompJi,hment f a\onte Qua1t~ .. \\til 'HnehoJ) ~.:ome \\lth Memone' Ill· I \H. 1 '\. Bi- KS, Car C DC
9th B3nd· '"f'Cnnr at Ill\ fTC l A. lllC! , .• DH.lR. BP.GG·CI.III•me ""'' JC. OI.SH
Crtmtnal Ju"-tu.:c .\n·umplt,hmcnt\. llP-DS, JM Cl', I B Pan), \ro)',, Gil. KS. part)
lOth Pep tub Qth: JV la~crcttc\ ('('()]
lllh: Bla~.:l Ht,tor)' and ~.:ulture B,.a1n BoY.. I l()lh JV Cheerlead1ng