Page 271 - chs-2004
P. 271
Stephen Ra I \ unc~ Run onct S \DD. lntera\.'t P~ 1J nl, ho)s
D.O II ll<l-2~-X~ ll 0 ll 115- ~I b repre,entatt\C, \\- ho s \\ hu. C~.:ll) (,o, ., for a
h' ntc Song Cad•llac on :!.h f·a\nnte Pour Some Su~ar nn 1c- Da\ Ctt\ Cuun~.:il
F.l\MIIC Quoit: I ~.:~n t!o II thing' thgnugh l·a\nnh~ Quote ''Treat )Our fnend ... a you dn I :!lh: StUdent council Parllmcntanan.
Chn't "h11.:h trL·n th~•u llll" .. ynur p~etures and plal·c thcm in thc1r bl''' l.eadcr,hlp 'tudcnt, Prn~t Qorum Pre tdcnt.
Accornpll'thmcnls lt~ht" Who\ \\- hu. City (,u ... t tor .1 tla) Ma)ur.
9th Var"t~ lla,ch.tll, I·('\, Spanl'h Cluh. Accnmplt,hmcnt' Be't all·around
Mu Alphe Theta 4th All ht.mor' Memorie,-C'arr Court. ere"-. D~D. 10 outta
I lith· Var"" lla ehall. II ta, ~llS,I·CA, lOth Len Club. ·\II hnnnr,. Studcntl'tlUtKII 9. \1) hoy,. Te'a' Road1cs. I Dll' nt£ht talk'i
Span.,h, \1u \lpha I h ta rep "llh m~ ho} at I h·dl'ral ( rR
lith \a"ll) na chall. IJ Ia, ~HS. Spanl'h, lith leo (.'luh. Jumor Club. all honor •
\1u Alpha Theta tudcnt counul rep. lad~·, \o\-etghtlllung '-1"') SctppHl
l::!th \arsll~ B ehall. Bela, HS. Span,,h, I ~th Leo Juh, Leo Club w.eetheart, Senwr 0.0.8 4-JII-Kn
mu \lpha Theta \Ia s Pre tdcnt, S\\- \T, lntcra~.:t \ICC' pro Fa\orue Song \\-h~ II U\~ 'rnu so mulh b)
\h:moru:' hd. tr d. m Pen cc,Ja. lnp' to lad\ s \\-ct~hthhang. 'tudent coun~.:1l, en1or \1onu.:a
thc nH:r,latc ntrhts at the llcouh. ndc' tn supcrlati\C \1o 1 Dcpcndahle l·a\onte Quote: • Don·t d p.:nd on tnmt,rro"
-\tlanta "-llh Dl, crat) tun s JP and K[· Mcmnncs I:\Cr) moment \lolth B\\-, Prom Pccua'c It rna\ he to late'"'
Ill. Prom 112', SBII2. SBOJ. DRRC. Capncc. Accompll,hmCnt,,
Je"1ca Reed TMAR. IIAPH .. \TS. Prog,, i'<JAR,IIS\, 9th Bela. SWAT, Pep Cluh. Hunur Rull
D.O B· 02-UK·K5 KSCP. RSII1', ARKS. NART, !NARKS. lOth: SWAT, Academ1c Leiter, llunur Roll
i'aHUIIC Snng. Hc.llll) LMOB. Support from parent' lith: Ar.:adenllc Letter llnnor Roll
i'a\'ontc Quote "llug a hater and hl"lp a 12th: Beta Ar.:adcmll" L.l'ttcr, Honor Roll .
pla)er" Xa\ICr Ro,, Senior Supcrlali\C
Acompll,hmcnt' D.O.II· 11~-tn-8~ \1emone' "The Ln", Oak tov.n fa1r, Car
9th hand. I-CCI ·\ S \\ \1 l·aHmtc Son He propo,ed Parade. Shone)''· Sr. plcnll'. ··o~ Jahront '·
llhh B.tnd. I ('('I A, S\\ \1 I a\ortte Quote Shank l Bnn Pep Rallie,. hn~ak1ng. Tc\a' Ruadh ,u,c. F·a•r.
lith- Band, I lag I'C'am Jumor da , cluh \llOmph hrtc 11 Da Trooper. eating out, \1J
12th: Band, J.1ag Team caplam 9th I O<>lhall
\1emone': Pep Rall) '· CJC. H mccom•ng llllh Foothall al..1la SctppiO
:!002, Band tnp . DC tnp. le\a tnp, lith !t>Oihall D.O.B 11-~-K~
Bcstlnenlh. hlOthall gam • flag team, KA , I ~th h)4Hhall J·aHmtc Sung. \\-here thC' !!nod lm 10
II , TC, Mtdntghl \1adncss ~IHI2, 1-IJA, IHI- Mcmortc' Scnwr p1~.:nu.:. chllltn v.Hh RJ. DJ f·aHlfiiC Quote: ''That's \'-hal thl' hd. read··
11.1. lre,hmcn )tar. fl \H RS rs. 1\:), Gl. at RJ\ hou,e. Shooung 01ce. Accompla,hmcnt'
hnmc~.:unung 10(>.1. Late n1ght creepmg "Hh 9th· Gtr" JV Ba,lethall MVP
Tra''' Rc~t,tcr MR. DR. II!. Cllngrc" St lOth Gtrl' JV Ba,lcthall \1VP
ll O.R Ill 25·Kn Memonc'; Senmr pKnll'. llll!hl' "-llh fJ,
l·a\orue Song We Knodo,~n Hco:ic.J... oft Lrne't Rn\\c Jr l·hllhn Wllh Tl·. CJ. Kit. I· ron~~,; 't. Ml.K.
Accompll,hrncnt' DOB 12484 homco1mng 200.1. pu,htn~ thl' donJ.... late
9th J V Fmuhall l·.t\Untc Snng· One mght creep' wtlh Tl
lith: Wre .. tlmg; \\c1~ht L•ft•n~ f·aHUIIe Quotc: .. Do C\er)-thmg )'OU '4ant 1n
12th: Var'll) I out hall. leo Cluh Heart Throb lttc nov., hCLJU\C \OU "-<m"t hc- here tnreH:r K\le Scott
Mc.mnnes Sprang hreak, n '· '·~ht \c~.:umplt hmcnt ~ I}O.R. 1-27- n
helure .. chHol. 0-'. old ~.:nunU~ dub part) at ~lh !ROTC. S\\AT. Pep f·a\Orlle Song Thru'4 It l r
T~1 '· Part) at CG s. c:aung at Ken'· I lith !ROTC, SWAT, Pep .\ccomp)i,hment'
Home<omtng 111,111. ('B' !KilO duh lllh !ROTC Ba,lethall. SWAT. h~>lhall qlh \1 I -\
l<pnn~l llllh \11 A
RcJg1c Rcmmcr 12th !ROTC. Good grade,, \lade a 4.0 12th: Graduatwn
DOB 07-14 ~ Mcmonc' [ T, AT. RJ. K\~ . RED. RJ. (;,m ~1emone .... Sprang Brl'aJ... 0.'\, n1~ht he: tore
Fa\onte Song. Poem Jon . CR. TS. AC. TJ. SF. SB. DT La" Rtlcl '<hoot OJ. HC. CR. Pl.P
Fa ... oritc Quntc: .. You '4111 n..:H~r kno'4 hailer,. J&JR CllS, LW, Be Be. YB. 1\C'. B
Jn}thmg hut )OU lllll!ht karn 'omth1ng" Ball . Stefan1e Seaman
\~.:ccunpli,hmcnt .. D 0 B 111-2·8~
lith Mctal111 '4rc ... tllllg Tra\ '' Ru ..... cll Fa\Ofltc Song: Go1ng Dtmn
Mcmonc,·There '4111 he man) th1ng' to be D.O II 1·~- b Fa\Onte Qu01e: "It\ hettcr ttl ha\e lo\Cd and
remember 111 limes to cum hut the )Car' no"" hnoritc Sonll: The lime of your life lt.htthen to ne\er ha\C lmed at all"
the )Car' that for!:ot u "til he remembered I· a\ orate Qutltc· .. [\er)thin8; happen' for a \ccompl ... hment'
th¢ he~t rcalicm' ~th Band
\n·ompll hmenh lOth Band
Bru~.:c Rent/ Qth: Beta Club. \"ar'll) S""'un Team. Cia'' lith. Band
D.O B 12-2 Oll1l'cr, J \ Ba,ehall. Student CounCil 12th Band
hnnrue Son ~ ggrn lOth Cl.1s' ulficer. Student Coun~.:ll. \ar II\ \1emonc' I remember DOS I rom all the
f·a\unte Quot~ li\C' C\er)d ) to the lulle't s" lnl !"tam, \ar,ll\ sa ... ehall « \car' that I had 111 hand. Ill' "a' al\1.3\' there'c )OU don t know tf )UU ""'II "-Jke up II th \\ ho\ \\ ho. \ar'll) S"- 1m Team. \ani) iur me "hen I needed hun, I mts' \nU
ltlmorrn\4- Ba,ehall. Spam,h Club. Student Cuun...:1l al"-a)' •
lu:complao;.hrncnh 12th: \\ho·, \\-ho. N"attonall-fonor SocJel\,
12th: Crn\' Countr). I rad, Var,lt) S\\ un Team. Var .... ty Ba .. ch;.tll . Mal..cnne Sharpe
Mcmoru: ... Late part•c' at the harn. 'pnng D 0 B 118-2 8n
Chen. I Rnhm .. nn hreaJ.... ha,chall. tnp,. \late "'-"'Ill meet. tnp, , h~Hlrtte Song: \\ ,1ll nulla hca\en
ll 0 B II UK K~ hc.lt1ng GHS. fnda)' night partie,. han~ I Ill;! Fa\Ortte Quote: "l.i\C toda) a' if there" no
f'aH)flte Song I \.lt!i.!\)ou "-llh friend' from ba,eballtcam. DS tomorro""··
fa\orue (JUlll l he l1l .. to the fulle't A~.:L·ompll,hment'
~.cnrnpiJ hmcnt ~th HOS \
9th lla leth II l'cr < lub. l•le \tvcl s I lith !lOS.\ \eadem" Lellcr
lOth lla let hall I racl Ia e Swcl lith. HOSA. Junu>r Cia" Cluh
lllh Ba lelball Juntor ( Ia , ('luh. Track 11th HOSA. Joumah'm
(\1\ \) \1emt.,ne': SR p~~.:n~~.:. 'pc:nt.hng lime "llh
12th Ba lelhall lracl, Sentor m~ fnend' :\U. RJ , :\1 hnmc~.·um•ng .:!fMH.
upcrlall\e \1 1 \thlclt tal Sttlcl., Jamc Sanda~c- late n•ght' "uh \\ R
~ \!Ill ( luh 1) {) ll 4 Ill- ~
1cmone!li. (. h1llm "Hh m\ bah) VA all Fa\nnte Quote Be Real" Qutnt:) Shmdclbo\\er
day neryUay hot lrlhall & runmng tr;.1cJ... AccornpJa,hmcnh Do s 08-2J so
Wllh m hom 1 I I a tly tr~ tng to the lOth: .\lmtht go1ng to 'tate 111 v.rc,tllllg FaHmte Song: ner gnnn.1 l"UIIlC had. do\1. n
Iutton on lucia nteht Mcrnonc .. Hang•ng '41th the ho)'· Jl a.,.llll:! l·aHmtc Quote : "Rc.ler dcr der dcr 1.1 ..
tun and al"a)' \\Ill "-llh the (B, and ~1J Memone': ),t car. hcen,c. Sl R'pe..:\, motor
f I a Hnmad. '"ap. Auto tech, gtrltncnd. change,, ne\\-
D.O B 02 2~ 4 Dalla' Sapp fanul). friend, , trouble. carl~ mornmg. late
Pa\oute Son Ort 1 O'A D.O B X 27 n n1ghh. ~.:ar,. car 'hn" '· tnp'
f 1\orue Quote o tod lo que hnlla c f·a\f.HII \,1ng 'wu'JI he Ill m~ heart
oro" I a\nntc: Quote "')uu ha'e 10 v.aJ...c up 111 Jt,hn Sheehan
-\ut 1 ·1 PI' hml 11 order fur \our dream ... 10 l"Omc true .. DO B OJ-J. n
4th_ Betot.. Spat h. \~.;adcmt ktter -\c.:~,·omph. hmcnt' FaHlnte Song Do''
lOth 'HS. Beta Sp 111 h, \cadcm1c ~th ("las pres•Jcnt, leader,hlp .. tudcnt. F-a\onte Quote· ·Stlllll! arc h,•rn 'reat .... nme
letter. \8 honur mil 0~."3cun Quorrum, S\\AT. SAI)I) achle\e ,rcatnc ..... tllne ha\t' rrc:atne" thru .. t
II th ·Hs. Acta. Span1 h. ,\cadenw.: lOth l.cadcr,htp ,IUdcnl. S\\ \T. S \Ill>. upon them ..
letter. AB honor roll \\ ht)', Who, (It\ GO\ 't for a Da\ Cit\ \~.:nunpl•,hment'
12th NHS. Span"h Council ' · · 9th: Band, a~.:ademu .. · te.un, \hm math la1r
lith l.eadcr,hlp 'tudent. S\\AJ' hc;.trt throb, lOth Band. i:ll'ildl'mu: ll'.tm. Mu \lpha Theta