Page 246 - chs-2006
P. 246
A Catoe Bassler
D.O.B 01/21 /1988
P 0 B Westmonoster, Maryland
Favonte Quote "Uve each day as of it were your last"
Favonte Song In the Arms of an Angel
Knsltan Nicole "Knsy" Adams Accomplishments
D.O B 11/16J1g87 g Soccer
P 0 B Tallahassee. FL 10" Soccer
Favonte Quote· Be more concerned woth your character than woth you 11" Clubs
reputatoon You character os what you really are, whole your reputation os what 12" Graduation
others thonk of you. Memones all the limes woth TB, soccer, SG House, parties, Maryland, Prom 2004, TB's
Accomplishments Graduation 04, Great Pa, muddon, "Love you the most and that's that"- TB, CRASH, tra~el
9"' JV Basketball. SWAT soccer woth SG, LG, all my fnends, all the fun tomes on Hogh School, Homecomong
10 JV Basketball, SWAT
11" Varsity Basketball. SWAT
12" Varsoty Basketball,
Memones Havong fun woth fnends, the long class penods, havong fun woth my
sisters C.J, EC, B.G, S.A, TH, LH, RJ, K V, S.M. VW, M.R, S G, T.H, D.H B
Sophia Adams Roxo Baures
D.O B 07/03/1988 D.O B 03/28/1988
P.O.B. Lake Coty. FL PO.B Gaonesvolle, FL
Favorite Quote I can do all thongs through Chnst who strengthens me Favonte Quote "Uve life like there os no tomorrow·
Accomplishments. Favonte Song "My Humps·- Black Eyed Peas
9 JV Basketball, Cross Country, Pep Club Accomplishments:
10 Varsity Basketball, Pep Club, Student of Excellence
g"' FCA. CJSA, honors classes
11" Student of Excellence 1 0"' honors classes
12" Chlllen' 11" Junoor Class Treasurer, Plannong/Decoratong Prom, honors classes, Interact
Memories Home Gort, "Kaco Harns· all the fellews SK, RJ, J R, C. H. J B, AD, RT, 12"' HOSA, CNA, Graduation
Homecoming 05-06
Memones Spnng Break '05, Prom '05 (stayong at the Econo Lodge) Beong woth my
fnends BB,BT, CC, CC, BR, BR, TO, BW, AM,JN, lA (too many good tomes) and my new
"fnend SJ
Stephen Alvarado
D.O B 05/06/1988
P.O B Galnesvolle, FL Joanna Elaone Bennett
Fevonte Quote· "Men of genius are admored, men of wealth are envoed, men of power D.O.B. 05/31 /1989
ere feared, put only men of character are truest" -Alfredo Alder P 0 B MI. Aorg, North Carolina
Fevorite Song "Queen Annes Revenge" by Floggon Molly Favonte Quote "Uve today like you'll croak over tomorrow·
Accomplishments Favonte Song Good Roddence by Greenday
II"' Supenor at FBA Accomploshments
10 Passed the FCAT 9"' passong Mrs. Boshops class
11'" Supenor at Dostnct Competollon 10 passing Mrs Kohns class
12" Great Partoes
11" passong Mrs Vinongs class
Memones Warp Tour '05, My Partoes, FBA, Prom Noght, Boxong at my Partoes 12"' graduating
Hodong from Mrs. Lee, Rodong to school woth Ms George, D-5, Hanging woth AK & B.G Great
week-ends woth B.B and S S, HA!
len Paul Alvarado
D.O B 09/07/1987
PO B Altamonte Spnngs, FL
Fevortte Quote Go bog or go home, Touche' who me? Ponkoe? Do you want the whole package? Becky Bennett
Fevonte Song More than a feeling- Boston Crunk Juoce-Bog Butts- Sir Mox-a-lot D 0 B 10/26/1987
Accomplishments: PO B Morgantown, W V
9"' CHS Bend, French Horn
10 HCS Band, Honors Class Favonte Quote "You can only be young once, but you can always be ommature" - Dave Barry
Favonte Song "Island in the Sun'- Weezer
11"' CHS Bend Accomplishments
12 CHS Sworn Team
9"' Tennos Team
Memories My Brothers-Colby and Luke and Peoe Times woth Mary, Regal Cinema, The Red 11" Junoor Class Presodent
Dr1gon, KC's Produce, Carrabbas, Bus trips woth band and sworn, New Years on Atlanta, the parts
with Bnttney, Freestlong woth Brad, stayong up for sox hours playong HALO, Me-Shell, My cousons- Memones. Hangong out woth Kandace, Carraba's woth ian, Regal, Zaxby's, Robot fights. from
Stevon, Stet, Chns, Randy, Tami, Will, Late night tnps to waffle house, The Crew- Jesse. Greg, "Eurotnp' Spnng Break 2005 on St. Aug, 18., B-day party, Homecoming, Prom 2005 woth Tyler
Kurt, Tre's, Steven A Steven D. The lake house, The Bet, 18" hole, The Braons, The "Lake" Taggong cars woth my gorls, the futon, Waffle House and Steak Shake after work, the
"Barnyard" in g .. grade.
Jessoca Ash
D.O.B: 09/30/1987 Jorden Bestland
POB Gainesville, FL D.O B 10/20/1987
PO B Palm Beach FL
Favonte Quote "You get more floes woth sugar then you do vonegar"
Fevonte Song Sweet Home Alabama by Lynard Skinner Favonte Quote. "Procrastinate now, don't put ot off"
Accomplishments Favonte Song Holla Back Gort by Gwen Stefano
9" JV Volleyball Accomplishments
10"' Sophomore Club, Student Councll 9"' Leo Club, 2"" Place Amencanosm Essay Contest, Academy Letter
11" Junior Club Varsoty Volleyball 10"' Natoonal Honor Socoety, Beta Club, 2,. Place Amencanosm Essay Contest, Academoc
12 Chlllen Letter
11" Natoonal Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta, Academoc Letter, Newspaper Edotor on Chief
Memones. TS '03 B-day, My Roaddogs B C, J D A, AY. A.R, D.B, Sr Party, JE, Kongsley
Lake. Red-Ught Runner My Boys, M S, OK, and l.H, My senoor year. Beta Club, First Place Amencanosm Essay Contest
12"' Mu Alpha Theta Vice Presodent, Newspaper Edotor on Choef, Natoonal Honor
Socoety(sweetheart), Beta Club, Goris State Alternate
Memones ·we Say, Hot It" -JS, Henry Me, Fish, CS-BFFE, "I mean their not dying picking
peaches off a tree" UF vs. UGA '03, Gator Games w/CS, Monotone- JC. POS, Homecomong
Amanda Baker '05, Yo Yo, Halloween Horror Noghts- J.C, A.R, M.G. U J
D.O.B 01/19/1988
P 0 B: Lake City, FL
Favonte Quote Uve life to the fullest and enjoy ot!
Favonte Song Don't Worry About a Thong - B SheDaosy
9"' Academoc Letter, A-B Honor Roll , LEO. HOSA
10" Academoc Letter, HOSA, NHS, Veteran's Chnstmas Party
11" Academoc Letter, HOSA. NHS Veterans Christmas Party
12 Dual Enrollment. HOSA. NHS, HOSA Sweetheart, HOSA Treasurer
Memones All of my great fnends. Spnng Break '04, Chnstmas Partoes, Borthday noght outs,
Prom '04, Prom '05, muddong, huntong, jet-skiong at the nver, and spendong tome woth CG