Page 249 - chs-2006
P. 249

Name  Ronme Crews                                       Name: James Dav1s, JR
      0 .0  B  1/1 1/05                                       0 .0  B  1/27/87
      PO B  Lake C1ty, FL                                     PO.B. The slums, Lake C1ty, FL
      Favonte Quote: "Edd1e, moon them ."                     Favonte Quote. "While I was pray1ng  for help, I realized that I don't need nobody else w1th  god
      Favonte Song: Fnends 1n  low places-Garth Brooks       w1th  me I can do it myself •
      Accomplishments                                         Favonte Song  Praym for help
      9th  CJSA, JV football . we1ght llftmg team            Accomplishments
      10th  CJSA, JV football, we1ghtllft1ng                  9th: Became a tiger
      11th  CJSA. Vars1ty  Football                           10th: passed FCAT math
      12th: CJSA. Vars1ty  Football                           11th. passed the FCAT read1ng
      Memones: Football. fnends. the jam, Halloween horror mghts, the farm, the ncer,   12th  I got there
      Homecoming, CBS w1th  CE, BP, JB, ES. HW, TO, BS  J1m  and Jack made the farm great  The   Memones  Havmg fun With  my hom1es and be1ng  able to keep up w1th  school work while domg
      Gun shop. Prom  BP's dunng homecom1ng  White llghtmng  Steve. Gator Games  Blue 50   so  Oh yeah the g1rls  I'm gonna m1ss the g~rls fa  sho.
      N1ght before school  Larry's class. Beasley's class. CJ
                                                              Name  Ernn  Deckard
                                                              D.O.B  9/11/87
      Name  Bethany  Le1gh-Anne Croft
                                                              PO.B  Gamesville, Fl
      D.O.B  7/1/88
      PO B  Fayetv1lle, North Carolina                        Favonte Quote  "If you  can't keep up, stay at home w1th  the boys!"
      Favonte Quote  "Everyth1ng  happens for a reason "-RHG, CMS   Favonte Song  When  I get where I'm gomg- Brad  Paisley and  Dolly Parton
       Favonte Song  In the arms of the Angel-Sarah M         Accomplishments
                                                              9th  JV softball, JV volleyball, FFA
      Accomplishments                                         10th  JV softball, vars1ty volleyball, FFA treasurer, Greenhand degree (FFA),  Columbia county
      9th: JV Tigerettes, student council, academ1c letter
       10th: JV tlgerettes co-capta1n, Homecommg Court, student council, academic letter   young art1st  award
       11th:Varslty Cheerlead1ng  student council             11th. FFA treasurer. chapter degree (FFA)
       12th  Vars1ty  Cheerlead1ng  co-captam. Homecom1ng Court, Student Council, Beta, FCA. Senior   12th  FFA, graduating
                                                              Memones  Late mghts w1th  JC, BM, MD, HP, and TS  Sonny's BBQ With JC and TS, many
      SupertatJve  Best Personality
       Memones  One and only R1cky, YUP AR JC MH JM, red  light runner JA DB, bunny and cat JC, 4-  more memones to come w1th  HP
      way. JABS for life JC AR BC SG, SB05 RHG,  river, beach. g1nme  spnngs RHG, 8-19-03, tobacco
       barns AR JC AJ  MF JA DC KT MR SG,  who's who's RHG. Jenn's 18". 1•. Senior Party, po-po,
       HHN, 05 prom, 6-17-05, worst day of myllfe, BE, acalac bumper JE, dance and shake RHG, true
       Iovin',  "neaky neaky",  we w1lllove and m1ss  you both  RHG,  CMS, much love RHG.   Name  Melissa  Deckard
                                                              D.O.B  5/28/89
                                                              PO.B. Gamesville, Fl
                                                              Favonte Quote: "Be qwck to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger · John 1 19,
                                                              Favonte Song: All I can do IS  wnte about 1t- Lynrd Skynrd
       Name. Gabnelle "Gabb1e' Cuatt                          Accomplishments
       D.O.B  211/88                                          9th: JV Softbal, JV Volleyball, academiC letter, FFA, a
       P.O.B. Burlmgton, NJ                                   10th  JV Softball, JV Volleyball, academ1c  letter. softball MVP, FFA Reporter, Greenhand
       Favonte Quote  "Live each day as  1f  11  were your last •   Degree (FFA)
       Favonte Song  Tidal  Wave--longwave, Who are you-Dusty Weeks   11th  academic letter, FFA Reporter  Chapter Degree (FFA), wnter for London's "Mavenck"
       Accomplishments                                        Magazme
       10th: 6 on FCAT wntmg                                  12th: Varsity Softball, FFA Reporter, wnter for London's "Mavenck" Magazme, academ1c
       Memones. 9'" grade where I met my best fnend  ever, Jess  Never really was too involved w1th
                                                              letter, graduating!
       school, but I always had a  ton of fnends wh1le  I was here  Applebees w1th JC  and AC   Memones: mght-t1me squirrel  hunts. photo shoots, oush beyoosh, stuffing-EED, attempts at
                                                              scrapmg, sorry A boyfnend, God feanng women-LAF, guests for fire, get your ha1r d1d,
                                                              forehead, turquoise mumu-DLP, "catch me" (rattle snakes). sisters from the ghetto, "or-ee-
                                                              gah-no."  duh (head thmg), hazlach1ca
                                                              Name. Lacey Depratter
                                                              0 .0  B.:  04/05/88
       Name  Anthony Dahlbeck                                 P.O B:  Gainesville. Flonda
       D O.B  11/14/87                                        Favonte Quote.  "Betcha can't do 11 like me." "What 1t 1s." "What's happ1n"
       Favonte Quote: Anythmg  that doesn't kill you only makes you  stronger   Favonte Song:  ' My Humps" by the Black Eyed Peas, "Presidential" by Youngbloodz
       Favonte Song  Tl and Too Short  Meet me at the hotel   Accomplishments
       Accomplishments                                        9th  passed!
       9th  JV football, JV wrestling,  Freshman Club         1Oth  passed!
       10th  JV Football, JV wrestling, JV wrestling MVP, Sophomore Club   11th:  passed FCAT!
       11th: Vars1ty Football, Varsity Wrestling, Student Council, Junior Club, OCT Club   12th:  finally SENIOR!
       12th. Varsity Football, student counc1l, OCT club      Memones  meet1ng  all the new people I've met s1nce  h1gh  school, fallm m love, DC-Lovins!, ch1llin
       Memones  West, ElliSVIlle, Nl's at Joes, The video,  2-1, the c•v. Wardy's Bass, SB  05.   1n  the road w/ R1ck, Beth, and JW,  "Drop 1t  like 1t's hot." RG-BC 4 way, part1es  at my house, fish
       The boys LS, GP, CD, Grandv1ew, SB 04  0-Town, Pumpk1n, 3 .. level, HHN 03 and LG.
                                                              pond-DC, Texas Roadhouse, Twiddle Dee Tw1ddle  Dum-BC, POS- NR Semors 2006. Chillln  in
                                                              commons, RIP  Ul R1cky & Cass1e  Mae
       Name  Bnttany A. Dav1d
       D.O.B  1/2188                                          Name  Shelly Dukes
       PO B  Lake City, FL                                    0 .0  B  02/22188
       Favonte Quote: "You were created 1n  my 1mage, I know the plans I have for your llfe."-GOD   PO B  Gainesville Florida
       Accomplishments                                        Favonte Quote  "Be1ng  happy doesn't mean bemg perfect, JUSt  seemg past the
       9th  Most Outstanding Mus1c1an,  1• place 1n  talent show for s1ngmg. supenor 1n  band   1mperfect1on. •
       10th  most outstanding musician, most md1v1duallstlc mus1c1an,  most Improved, supenor 1n  band   Favonte Song: "Ute's a Dance" by John M1cheal  Mongomery
       11th· 1•  chair clannet. supenor m band                Accomplishments
       12th: student d1rector, worsh1p leader for 4uZion (fus1on)   9th  Member of Cnmmal Justice Club
       Memones  Band and .;horus played a b1g  role 1n  my life  They taught me how to  succeed, be   10th. A-B  Honor Roll, Secretary of Cnmmal Justice Club
       organized. and diSCiplined me to make me the person  I am today. I'll never forget the fun  I had at   11th: Academic Letter, VP  Cnmmal Justice Club. Member of Spamsh Club
       the football games or the tnps we took  They're  memones that will  last a llfet1me.   12th  A-B Honor Roll, VP Cnm1nal  Justice Club, Member of CHAOS and Young
                                                              Republican  Club
                                                              Memones: Shelly & Emily & Sarah's head, Good times at Ruby Tuesdays, first day of
                                                              Senior year & making senior crowns, Mrs  Herschleb's class in  tenth grade, Prom 2005
       Name  Dan•elle Lashaun  Dav1s
       D 0  B  10/17187
       P 0  B  Ga•nesv1lle, Fl
       Favonte Quote  "If 11  were meant to be, 1t'll be,  all th1ngs  happen for a reason •   Name  Willie Dunlap Ill
       Accomplishm  nts                                       0 .0  B   September 7, 1987
       9th: most Improved 1n  color guard. first year chamber smger, supenor 1n  band   PO.B.  Oregon
       1Oth  color guard second year, second year m ensemble and supenor 1n  band.   Favonte Quote: "Keep that pimp JUice flowm"
       11th  color guard 3 .. year, and supenor at FBA 1n  band. my first JOb  at Me D's.   Favonte Song.  "Happy Days- rem1x" by Willie & Cameron
       12th: color guard fourth year,  and  fourth  year CHS ensemble, and leader for CHS colorguard .   Accomplishments
       Memones· I have learned a whole lot through these four years of h1gh  school.  Through band,   9th  I elevated up a level
       chorus, work,  boyfnends and fnends.  They've all  taught e to be confident and much stronger 1n   1Oth  I elevated up a level
       myself  To  succeed 1n  life and live each day at a t1me, I'll never forget these four years,   11th:  I elevated up a level
       because through 1t  all they have been the most memorable moments of all times   12th  still m progress
                                                              Memones:  Martha Stewart. POS Class of '06
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