Page 248 - chs-2006
P. 248
Greg Butler Name Eugema Chnsta1n
0 .0 B 07/05/1987 0 .0 B 212188
P 0 B Pensacola, FL PO.B. GaJnesvJIIe, Fl
Favonte Quote: "I d1d nothmg, absolutely noth1ng, and 11 was everything I thought 11 could Favonte Quote: "Do what you do"
be"-Peter from Office Space Favonte Song: Bedroom Boom
Favonte Song. More Than a Feeling- Boston Accomplishments
Accomplishments 9th Flag G1rl, pep club
9 Cross Country, Track 10th SWAT, Pep club, we1ghtllfllng
1 0"' Cross Country 11th SWAT, pep club, we1ghtllft1ng
11" I slept pretty good 12th: enJOYing my semor year w1th my hom1es
12"' Backfl1p off of Curvy P1tt. Sk1pped 26llmes Memones when Timeka and I ran out of gas by the college while try1ng to sk1p, hang1ng out
Memones. Waffle House, My homeboys Jay, Kurt, Jesse, Juan, Alex, ian, and B1g T my home g1rls and chlllen w1th some of my home boys; spend1ng spec1al lime w1th my boo
General Tao at Fu Kmg, The Red Death, The Marbles, Run-ms w1th the law, Eggs, GanJa, laugh1ng at my haters as they watch me walk through the halls
Adult Sw1m at Jesses, Halo N1ghts, 18"' hole, Spnng Break '05, The M1rage, My Space,
Cathenne, C1nema 90, J leav1ng the Navy, Parkmg Lots. Jesses Mom, and Se1nfeld
Name. Deborah Ann Chnslle
c O.O .B 1213.87
PO B. Hilton Head, South Carolina
Favonte Quote: "A life Without love IS NO life at all.· "Oh Geeze!"
Favonte Song: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun-C1ndy Lauper; Any1hing sung by Elv1s
9th Academic Letter
Name. Jenn Carpenter 10th Academic Letter, NHS, FCAT, Spamsh II
0 .0 B 1/30/88 11th Academ1c Letter, NHS
PO B Stuart. Fl
12th Beta Dual Enrollment, Semor Class H1stonan
Favonte Quote: "You may do the wrong thmg for the nght reasons, don't JUSt do the nght Memones 4/10/04, BB Tweet & Burt, Creek, 4 Wheeler, 3,. Grade, My shoulder; Sp Late
thmg to be pleas1ng • N1ghts, Osceola Forrest & Youngs Park, Mounta1ns, Hills, Keepm' Me Stra1ght. Hands. My
Favonte Song Crazy for You - Madonna heart to SW; MV Summer '05, WS, Mov1es, at MV-my bro, WH $10.53, B-FAST, JA: GA.
8.30.05 (DO), m1ssmg clothes, "B1g G1rls for Life," Prom '05-0h Geezel, ES 8" Grade,
9th AlB honor roll, Varsity Cheerlead1ng, FBLA, All Star Cheerleadmg, Newspaper MISSing Notes, 16., B-Day; Quick Runs, G-Ville 8.2.05, KM Sav1ng 11 alii 0 B shopp1n &
Ed1tor 'Stressin.'
10th AlB Honor roll, CJSA Treasurer, Spamsh Club, Beta Club, Mu Alpha Theta, Pre
11th: AlB honor roll, JR Class Officer, CJSA Pres1dent, FLHS Pres1dent. yearbook staff
member, Spamsh Club, Mu Alpha Theta, AP Calculus, Nat1onal Honors Soc1ety, Interact
12th. AlB honor roll, Semor Class VP, CJSA President, FLHS Pres1dent, NallOnal Name Carlotta Cofield
Honors Soetety Secretary, Spamsh Club, Beta Club, Mu Alpha Theta, Vars1ty O.O.B: 5/9/88
Cheerlead1ng, Interact, Yearbook Ed1tor 1n Ch1ef PO B Biloxi, MISSISSIPPI
Memones "Yup!" (AR, BC, MH, AJ, JM, SG). "We say h1t 1t" (JB). Cracker Barrel Favonte Song: "Here We Go.·- Trma ft. Kelly Rowland
Saturdays (KH, CB, MG). Pre Calc/AP Calc crew (SO, PK, BS, JH, CM). Halloween Accomplishments
Horror N1ghts Homecomings Tobacco Barns (AR, BC, SG, AJ, MF, MR). West Palm 9th. Academic Letter, AlB Honor Roll, Beta Club
Beach. Amy's Art Portfolio. Bunny & Cat (BC). White Pa1nt (Ujash). Jenn's 18., ( AR, 10th Academic Letter, AlB Honor Roll, mducted 1nto NHS
BC MH JB. LL). "JABS 4 L1fe!!!" ( BC, AR, SG). Italian House of Mann. AM, OF, KT, 11th: Academic Letter
AR MG. 12th Acceptance Letter to FAMU School of Pharmacy 1n November
Memones. Fun part1es, new fnends, senior aciJVllles, and chillin w1th Tay
Name: Seth Carswell
0 . 0 B 3/30/88 Name. Carmen Cofield
PO.B Ga1nesvJIIe, Fl O.O.B: 5/9/99
Favonte Quote: "It's all about what you're domg"-Ted Fuller PO B Biloxi, MISSISSippi
Favonte Song I JUSt called to say that I love you-Stev1e Wonder Favonte Quote. "Everyone you thmk you could be w1th you don't have to be With, but could
Accomplishments make really good fnends Really good fnends over lime become really good loversi:-
9th: H1tl1ng t1tle-baseball Avery
10th· H1tl1ng lillie-baseball. d1stnct champions-baseball Favonte Song Breakaway-Kelly Clarkson
11th: d1stnct runner up-baseball. nallonal honors soc1ety Young at art Accomplishments
12th Beta Club, Nallonal Honors Soc1ety 9th Tigerette Dance Team, CHS Band Trombone, Most Improved Band Award,
Memones Good limes w1th the fam1ly All the years of baseball. Haley's wedding Hang1ng out Cottonbowl Band Tnp: Dallas, TX, Honors Classes
w1th matt Bemg w1th Jamie and her fam1ly 10th CHS Band, Peachbowl Band Tnp: Atlanta, GA, Spamsh Club, Key Club, Honors
11th CHS Socer team, TV producllons, Spamsh Club, Honors Classes
12th Tra1ner Ass1stant, TV Producllons 2&3, Student Council Representallve, Honors
Memories: Hangmg out w1th my fnends dunng 05-06 Homecom1ng weeki Laffy Taffy Ch1cks·
Name Leah Carroll
0 .0 B 11/16/86 CC, OF, MG, BT. Photography, scrap-book1ng, web pages & bus rides to football games
PO.B Gamesv1lle, Fl POS. Pep Rally dance: TO. Prom '05. Dance Partner: BR & RJ. Martha Stewart. Party
Planner. SMART: BB and NR
Favonte Quote "A conclusion IS when you come to a place where you stop thmking • -Fishers
Favonte Song Everything I Do (I Do It For You )-Bryan Adams
10th Outstand1ng Non-CommiSSioned Officer 1• Sergeant of my Company Name M1chael Coles Jr.
11th Company Commander Co-Captain for the Dnll Team and Female Color Guard (JROTC), O.O .B 1/30/87
Super Cadet PO B Lake C1ty, Fl
12th S-5, Captain of JROTC Color Guard, JROTC Sweetheart Favonte Quote "To g1ve any1hing less than your best IS to sacnfice the g1ft."-Steve
Memones My best memones are of my closest fnends Zambam, Amy, Lauren, Holley, Kayla, Prefonta1ne
Dav1d, Enc. and Chris (never last). I love you guys Thanks Zambam, Amy, Dav1d, and Enc, for Favonte Song· Oem Franch1se Boys -Oh I th1nk they like me
always be1ng there for me Chns, you're my best fnend, I love you Accomplishments
9th Cross Country, Letter 1n track
10th: Cross Country, Track
11th: Track, finally got a JOb at KFC
12th Track Team Capta1n
Memones: Late mghts 1n the Quarters ,Chlllln w1th da hom1es. Country Inn and Suites
Name Elizabeth Cho
0 O.B. 4/20/87
PO.B New Jersey
Favonte Quote "What lies beh1nd us and what lies before us are t1ny matters compared to what
lies Within us • Name Heather N1cole Cox
Accomplishments 0 0 B 6/2188
9th: Freshman Club, Swat. SADD, Academ1c Letter PO B Tampa, Fl
10th: 10" Club. ACO letter Favonte Quote "Dream as 1f you'll live forever live as 1f you'll d1e today "-James Dean
11th Mulll Lingual, sec officer. ACO letter. French Club Favonte Song· "I cross my heart"-George Stra1t
12th Sweet Heart of Academy of Graphic Des1gn, sec of Academy of Graphic Design, officer. Accomplishments
Key Club, Beta Club, French Club 9th: JV softball, teen court, CJSA
10th JV softball, V Golf, Academic Letter
11th Academ1c P1n, CJSA
12th Color Guard, Job at CCSB, CJSA
Memones: Summer camp 9"' and 10"' grade summer; gomg to concerts w1th EB, hang1ng
out w1th fnends and fam1ly