Page 247 - chs-2006
P. 247
Oamelle Ann Beville K1ng Dav1d Bradley
0 O.B 05/11/1987 O.O.B 08/03/1986
PO B. Ga1nesv1lle, FL PO.B. Jasper, Fl
Favonte Quote The hardest th1ng 1n life IS to know wh1ch bndges to cross and wh1ch bndges to Favonte Quote. "The b1gger the challenge the stronger the man"
bum. Favonte Song. "Dear Momma" Tupac
Favonte Song M1ss me Baby- Chns Cagel Accomplishments·
Accomplishments 9"' passed the 9 grade
9" Tigerettes. NDA Dancewear Model 1 0" start playmg school sports aga1n
10~ J.V Cheerlead1ng. Homecom1ng Court, HOSA Club 11" have 1 ,500 hours of volunteer at the VA
11" Vars1ty Cheerlead1ng, Homecommg Court, HOSA Club, Jumor Class Club 12" Try to graduate from CHS
12"' Vars1ty Cheerlead1ng UCA All Star Cheerleader, UCA Application, Homecommg Court, Memones: none
Memones Cheenng at football games, Pep Rally. All my love to my fam1ly and fnends, LG 18"
B.Oay-HMT nde home, Halloween Horror N1ghts w1th LG, BW, HMT, HNT, KD, SS, and C-Jones
Summers and Spnng Breaks. My 18" b.Oay party, DC and BB hubcap run, OC-ch1ps-MV Kayla Bnll
0 O.B. 03/04/1988
P 0 B Brentwood, WA
Favonte Song: George Stra1ght "Check yes or no"
Bnttney Elizabeth B1ll1ngsley Accomplishments .
0 .0 B 11/25/1987 9" Academic letter
PO.B Gamesv1lle, FL 1 0" AcademiC letter, Varsity Soccer, Vars1ty Cross Country
Favorite Quote "Who are you to JUdge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect and I don't live to 11" Academ1c letter
be, but before you start pointing f1ngers .. make sure you're hands are clean" 12" FCA President, LEO, Vars1ty Soccer, State Bowling, Reg1onal's, Cross Country
Favonte Song Boondocks"- Little B1g Town "M1ss Me Baby"- Chns Caagel Memones Turtle empanadas 1n M1am1, Candle Light, Coach Saunder dnv1ng, Easts1de
Accomplishments I.B
9 J VNars1ty Softball, honors classes
10" Vars1ty Softball, honors classes pass1ng FCAT
11"' Vars1ty Softball
12" Vars1ty Softball, FFA, Graduat1on. honors classes Jamal Brown
Memones Ya-Ya Sisterhood, White Spnngs, 10/8/05, SMART= C.C, N.R, B.B Lady Liberty, D.O.B. 80's Baby
Z1p-Z1p, Hoover, DO NOT MAKE EYE CONTACT, A Storm & A. Stalknaker, Much Love, R U Favorite Quote 'Can I get 11"
There Yet? Golf carts and pants dance- I.A & B.B, 0 B-hubcap run, B1g Red, D.C-oh geez! Favonte Song Boys n da hood- trap people
Woods, Tweet & Burt. AC & K.C.-s1sters, Love ya'lll S.O-Love ya, C.M's Party, 01ng!-W M, Accomplishments
C.M-oh my gosh, do 11. C B -First Love, J S, MP, SW, MV, AS, E S, M 0 , C S, T S, Spnng
House Gang- MV, 0 C, B.B 1 0" JV basketball and football
11" Vars1ty basketball and football
12" Vars1ty basketball and football
Oa baby lac, late mghts at the 1nn w1th Luc, Young Jeezy, Kyle, holiday inn, wmdsong, sunshine,
Ill red nd1ng hood, 1 don't know, July 4, until the sun come up, a night to remember, faole action,
M1cheal Boyer
0 0 B. 11/18/1988 my home g1rl T, Ill one, back road tum back , home boy s1ck man, mr.rag, sweck peck, Ill mac Mr.
PO B P1ttsburgh, PA Ed, cd, Ill VICk
Favonte Quote: "Do 11 big and on the line, not over the line"
Favonte Song "Real B1g" Manme Fresh, "Age Ain't Nutt1n But a Number" Pretty R1cky
9"' honors classes Andrew Bullard
1 0" honors classes O.O.B. 3/7/88
11" letter in we1ghtllft1ng, vars1ty football, honors classes P.O.B. Gamesville, Fl
12" letter 1n we1ghtllft1ng, vars1ty football, graduat1on, and AP Biology Favonte Qoute: "may the force be w1th you"- star wars
Memons Coach Anderson 1n 2004, 100 Degree Days: 110 yd. dashes&200's, coming back Favonte Song: play that funky mus1c wh1te boy-James Brown
aga1nst Clay County down 2 touchdowns 1n 4qt and the fight that eused afterwards, hangmg Accomplishments
w1th the Homm1es 10" academic letter
11" academiC letter, put festival, key club, French club, Mu alpha theta, In ffla video
contest, wmmng video
12" put festival, key club, French club
Chelsea Boyette Memones:mudd1n and hang1ng out at MH's house w1th JN, EB, RN, JP, 0&0 M,
0 0 B: 1 0/26/1987 JG& SO. Go1ng to Millon's w1th JN & EB, French F1eld tnps w1th all the crazy French
P O.B Lake City, FL group, French class, go1ng to Ken's after school
Favonte Quote: "Nothing ventured, nothmg gamed"
Favonte Song. "Because of You"-Kelly Clarkson
9"' Academ1c Letter, A-Honor roll, Beta Club Corey Bark
10" AcademiC Letter A-B Honor roll, Beta Club. NHS, Mu Alpha Theta, An Club, Leo Club, 0 0 B. 05/07/1988
Young at Art Award PO B Bealle AFB, Callfom1a
11" Academic Letter. A-B honor roll, Beta Club, NHS, Mu Alpha Theta, Soc1ety VIP, Spamsh Favonte Quote: "90% of the game IS phys1cal the other half is mental" Yog1 Berra
Club, Young Art1st of the Month Favonte Song: "The Sickness" D1stur1bed
12" Beta Club, NHS. Mu Alpha Theta, Spamsh Club, Art Club Treasurer, honor roll, Academic Accomplishments
letter 9" JV Baseball, FCA
Memones: Charlotte's Web play, M1ss1ons tnp to Argentina, My straw buddy and her mov1e 1 O" JV & Varsity Baseball, FCA, Spamsh Club, Baseball 01strict Champs
mghts, party at Amanda's, football games, and gym w1th Jorden, belly dancmg, "visiting 11" Vars1ty Baseball, FCA, Spamsh Club
colleges· nd1ng 1n UJash's car, M1ss CHS pageant, Homecom1ng talent show, Rumors/Nell's, 12" Varsity Baseball, North Central Flonda Scouts Team. FCA. Spamsh Club
shopping w1th Cara Memones. C.B & 0 B- Shoup's Articles, NCFST- TM C.B H.A l.l J.J J.H D.G,
"The Jimmy" F.S C.B B Q TO- Semor Napk1n Contest, Semor Pep Rally's,
Breakfast at Cracker Barrell, C.B J.C M G K.H, 2004 01stncts
Jerna Bradley
0 0 B 04/1011988
P.O B Gamesv1lle. r l De1dra lei-Ann Busscher
Favonte Quote "OH WELL" O.O.B 09/21/1986
Favonte Song • Vhen you say noth1ng at all" - Alison Krauss PO.B Gainesville, Fl
Accomphsnme!lts: F avonte Quote "East to the seas. west to the land death to the g1rt that touches my
9 Band G1rl Scouts man•
10" Band Chorus Womens En semble, Girl Scouts, 11", Pra1se Team, Church Youth Favonte Song Run It- Chns Brown
Group Wl>o$e Who Among . Whose Whom Amencan Students Accomplishments
11 " G1rl Scouts G1rt Scout S1lver Award, JROTC, Dnll Team, Color Guard, Chorus, 9 Color Guard, FCA, ROC
Women'• Ensemble 10" RO.C pra1se team & drama team
12" Telier at Columbia County Bank, Teach1ng 2-6 yr. olds at church, JROTC, Color Guard, 11" CCSB, -Thank God
G~rl Scouts Whose Who Among Amencans Students , CBE, CBE Club 12" CBE, CBE Secretary & Sweetheart
Memories The first t1me my mom preached! When I got my new car! When I found out that Memones. UMAF, "The Real lC" Bahama Mama, Tally Who? Mike Jones, Hott
I was hired at the bank! Momma, PIMP, Sh1rlee, K DAL. Homecoming '05, S.S! Gucc1, Prom '05. Oawg, post II
notes, "Hot Skillet" ray-ray, four-wheehn, 9/17/05, v1deos, T T ••