Page 250 - chs-2006
P. 250
arne Sarah Duren Name Noah Enn Foster
D.O.B March 23. 1988 D.O B 12/11/87
PO B Lake C1ty, Flonda PO B St Petersburg, Flonda
Favonte Quote. "Fear not what man can do, for God shall be w1th you forever and ever" Favonte Quote "Two paths diverged 1n a wood and 1- I took the one less traveled by,• Robert
Favonte Song "Part of that World" from L1ttle Merma1d and "The EFY Melody" Frost
Accomplishments Favonte Song ·summer· by the Roll1ng Stones
9th: JV Volleyball, Varsity Bowling, Leo Club, Drama Club, "L1ttle Shop of Horrors" Accomplishments
10th: Vars1ty Volleyball, Beta Club, Leo Club, Drama Club, NHS 9th Spamsh Club, Beta Club, Academic Letter, Honor Roll
11th: Leo Club, NHS, Drama Club, Chorus- went to D1sney Candlelight, Laurel Class 10th. JV Cross Country, JV Soccer, NHS, Beta Club, Spamsh Club, Honor Roll, AcademiC
President, Sem1nary Class Secretary Letter
12th: Leo Club Sweetheart, NHS, Semmary Class President, Setter for Vars1ty Volleyball, 11th NHS, FCA, Academ1c Letter, athletiC management, Beta Club, Spamsh Club
Drama Club 12th: Vars1ty Cross Country, NHS, Beta Club, Spamsh Club, Academic Letter, College
Memones. JT, CD, MC, ST, AC, JG, AF, AN, KB, KT, ES, AB, JS, WD, "Mystery Food" at Acceptance, Student Council
lunch 1n tenth grade, Mrs Roger's Class, parties at my house, mov1es at M1ke's house, Memones St August1ne, Homecom1ng SB '05, first day, Lulu, the eggs, grad mght,
Semmary and Scnpture Mastenes. Kill the B1rd!" (Geometry), Mr K & Mr Cherry's class graduation. x-mas, Magg1e, all my fnends, Quail He1ghts, Soccer bus, Brown Road , tnps (1n
general), prom, summer '05
E Name Le1gh Ann Fraser
D 0 B. 2/13/88
PO.B Lake C1ty, FL
Favonte Quote: "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to
Name Janay Economou what lies w1thm us.· -Ralph Waldo Emerson
D.O B 10/04/87 Favonte Song Don't worry
PO B Lake City, Flonda Accomplishments
Favonte Quote "You don't know what you have until 1t's gone" 9th. FFA organization
Favonte Song "21 Questions" by 50 cent 1Oth FFA student advisor, poultry team, started poultry production
Accomplishments 11th FFA secretary, poultry team
9th. Class H1stonan, honors classes 12th FFA secretary, Forestry team, poultry team
1Oth honors classes Memones Mak1ng my best fnends and havmg unforgettable limes
11th: honors classes
12th Bnght Futures Scholarship
Memones p1nk spots on carpet-JA, "Cops·- BC, SK, ER, MP, floatmg 1n bathtub-MR, Blue
Baton- BS, T J, Chnstrnas 2003- SK, MP, ER, ndes 1n the "AC"- RG, gettmg caught- AT, SK, Name Damelle Fraze
RG, DC, "speakers"- SK, AT, BS D.O.B 6/9/88
PO.B. Jacksonville, FL
Favonte Quote· "Love IS rare, life is strange, nothmg lasts, and people change."
Favonte Song Smce you've been gone-Kelly Clarkson
F Accomplishments
9th: Honor Roll, member of FCA, freshman club
10th FCA member, sophomore club
11th FCA sweetheart, Jumor club
Name· Carla Jean Frese Memones Nemolwrong turn/run/don-JC; MHT, BC, AR mght school, laffy taffy, qua1l he1ghts.
D.O B 08130/88 N1ki's-HC-the barn-SB04, screens w1th BW + KT, nver, bakery, hooters, P 0 S. sk1 tnp, semor
P 0 B Lake C1ty, Flonda party, helicopters, trauma ER, the "boots", the fa1r, prom 05, gator games, after prom 04, Soooby
Favonte Quote "Real Love stones never have end1ngs" by R1chard Bach doo, spec1m1ne. LJ, to everyone who made my h1gh school years unforgettable, KT, MG, CO, TO,
Favonte Song Brandy- "Almost doesn't count" BW, AM, CC, BT, and the Horne Fam1ly .. I love you guys.
Memones: hav1ng fun, political diSCussions between Lorenzo, Tito, Lawrence and I 1n
journalism dunng my 11" grade year
Name: Whitney "Mandy" Freeman
P.O B. Cordele, GA
Name Francesca A. Ferrero Favonte Quote "Life goes on·
D.O B 11/17/87 Favonte Song Angels among us
PO. B. Coconut Grove, Flonda Accomplishments
Favonte Quote "It takes all type of people to make the world go 'round" 9th JV cheerleadmg, FCA
Favonte Song "P1cture Book" by the K1nks 10th. CJSA, compet1hon cheerleadmg, FCA
Accomplishments 11th CJSA secretary, compet1t1on cheerlead1ng
9th AB Honor roll, academ1c letter, dnll team 12th VarSity cheerleadmg, CJSA secretary, Nat1onal Law Honors Soc1ety VP
10th: AB Honor roll, academ1c letter, NHS Memones Where are the pots? What are you cook1ngl Gummy bears-magg1e and bobfred and
11th AB Honor roll, academic letter, NHS Garfield-A), MF, GO, JM, Camp 05, JL summer 05.
12th: AB Honor roll, academ1c letter, OCT
Memones New Years '04, tagg1ng cars w1th the g1rls, "hoofa g1rls," pep rallies, "sick" days
Name Octav1ous Fulton
D.O B 7/26/86
Name Jacob M1chael Fetherol PO.B Lake C1ty, FL
D.O.B 12/30/87 Favonte Quote "Another day another dollar"
P 0 B Lake C1ty. Flonda Favonte Song. Follow me-Uncle Cracker
Favonte Quote Accomplishments
Favonte Song "Moonlight Sonata• 9th: passed mnth grade by a pomt
Accomplishments 1Oth met the g1rl of my life
9th: symphomc band, bantone 11th got my first car
10th: first cha1r honor band, officer, tuba 12th. the k1ng of CHS
11th first cha1r honor band, officer, brass quartet Memones. playing football w1th the boys, hang1ng out w1th my family, see1ng the people
12th: playmg With the Army Band, officer I talk to the most standing by attendance, bemg w1th my mother everyday of my life,
Memones: tickets, faux v1ntage. Dallas, bean-pants. bus-tnps, yeah were brothers, Steak-n- gomg to church, and bemg 1n h1gh school w1th all my SISters Ashley, and Lanesha, and
Shake, Stephen's house, nmJas the v1be, gettin 1n trouble. cousms Milton, Leoch, Tim, Alv1n, Gerry, Jenm1ah, Tony, Derech, steve and net
Name Garnlynn Foster G
D 0 B 4/10/87
P 0 B Lake C1ty, Flonda
Favonte Quote "Do 1t b1g or don't do 1t at all"
Favonte Song "We belong together" by Manah Carey
Accomplishments Dame! Glenn Gallegos
9th Step D.O.B 05/12/1988
10th Step PO.B Winter Garden, FL
11th Green and Gold G1rl at Ed White H1gh- Jacksonville, Flonda Favonte Quote: "Do 1t B1g" "Stop Creepm" "I'm a Gangsta I don't g1ve a fl1p"
12th Step and track Favonte Song "Stand Up"- Trapt
Memones the good t1mes at Ed White, the three years I was there, the part1es 1 went to, Accomplishments
go1ng to football and basketball games, my two best fnends Padncka Gnffin and 11"' Academy of Graphic Design
ShaaqUira Salley at Ed Wh1te, and all the fun limes at CHS the one year 1 was here, and 12"' Academy of GraphiC Design
to all my cous1ns AliCia, P1g Octav1ous, and Tramale, and to the rest that 1 m1ssed Memones Every memory w1th K-Rod, Attemptmg to wnte a love letter. Tak1ng all of
Dooley's money Killing Brent 1n NCCA. All of the "creepers" co1n-star