Page 251 - chs-2006
P. 251
Chesley A Gay Neha Gulley
D 0 B· 0812811967 D 0 B 10123/1967
PO B Lake Crty, FL PO B Orlando, Fl
Favonte Quote ' Life rs like a box of chocolates, you never know what your gonna get" Favonte Quote. "Lrfe rs like a box of chocolates, you never know what's gorng to come your
Favonte Song "Tequrla Makes Her Clothes Fall Otr Kerth Anderson way '
Accomplishments Favonte Song "Someone's watchmg over me" by Hilary Duff
9"' passed Accomplishments
1 0~ passed 9"' Tennrs, HOSA, Academrc Letter
11" passed 10"' Tenms, HOSA. Spamsh Club, Academrc Letter
12'" passed 11" Tennis, HOSA. HOSA Competrtron regronal and state, Spamsh Club
Memories Becommg a hrgh school student and meetrng the love of my life, Amanda Baker 12" Tenms, HOSA(presrdent) HOSA competrtron (regronal, state&natronal)
Memones The thrng I remembered the most rs how everyone was when we were m our
freshman year & how much we have changed over all these years
Melissa K. Gerger
D 0 B 10125/1967
p 0 B Macon, GA H
Favonte Quote: ' Love rs what makes a weak man brave and a krng step off hrs throng,
bad limes, easy trmes-rt come rn an mstant, and last three days after forever, that's what
lovers. •
Favonte Song Amazed by Lonestar
Accomplishments: Name Amanda Renee Hall
9 FCA 0 .0 B 12115/67
10"' FCA PO.B Broward County, Fl
11" FCA. Interact Favonte Quote: 'Whatever Happens. happens "
12"' FCA. Interact, Graduating! Favonte Song I wrll always love you-Whrtney Houston
Memones Cambell's class, Larry's class. "The Garden Party" Homecomrng '03, IHOM, 1•
mght out Crurse wrth L.R. B G. C.H-"ROCK ON BEAVER" Apn116, 2005, prom JUniOr year,
and POS camo, Prom after partres. best summer ever (KCM). the Dr Vegas & Gondola
Rrdes. Semor pep rallies, these boots, star-gazmg and brg smrles. THE PARTY (Laffy Name Gerry Hams
Taffy) Cody- I love you , KT, OF, CC, CB. ES, AM, -you make me smile, thanks for all the D.O.B 10/16/66
great trmes Love youl PO B leesburg, Fl
Favonte Quote "Get nch or dre trymg "
Favonte Song Soul Survrvor- Young Jen.y
Shelley Cathenne Gerberg 9th Football, track
D.O.B 02106/1966 10th: football, basketball, track
PO.B Garnesvrlle, FL 11th· football, basketball, track
Favonte Quote. "It's not the srze of the dog rn the fight, rt's the srze of the fight in the dog" 12th football, basketball. track
Favonte Song Shorty Swmg My Way Memones Bemg a freshman and my first year rn hrgh school Berng wrth my fnends and
Accomplishments chrllen at work on the weekends
9 Varsrty Soccer, Beta Club, Freshman Club
1 o~ Varsrty Soccer, Tenms, Beta Club, Sophomore Club
11" Varsrty Soccer Captam, Beta Club, Academrc Letter, Jumor Club
12"' Varsrty Soccer Captarn, Beta Club, GRADUATING Name. Kaci Hams
Memones Moon, Never Scared, CAMO Day, White tee. Tobacco Barns, Getting stuck, D.O.B 3/30/66
The wheel, Lulu, olives, C J 'n' smoke, JABS, golf cart, dret spnte, roach motel, The P 0 B Garnesvrlle, Fl
Prayer, NC Mountarns, L.B.L's, Homecomrng week '05, jetskirng, on Lake Jeffery, Yup! Favonte Quote: "Uve life to the fullest"
Vile, Prom, Egg mght, First Breakfast Club, Bnt, Chris Favorite Song: We belong together- Manah Carey
Memories: Prom nrght 2005, hanging wrth fnends, homecomrng 2005, hanging wrth
EB, SW, first day of school 2005, march 20", 2004, my JUnior year of hrgh school, July
4"', 2005, GT.
Charon Gnffin
0.0 B 0312211966
PO.B Lake Crty, FL
Favonte Quote: ' Love your haters, like your nerghbors" Name: Rrchard Harvey
Favonte Song: "Here we go" - Tnna D.O.B 6/3/67
Accomplishments: PO.B Tallahassee, FL
9" CHS Band. Solo and Ensemble Favonte Quote ' There's a poodle rn my stroodle and rt's name rs Mrnky Boodle" Space ghost
10"' CHS Band Favonte Song What the snowman learned about love -Stars
11" CHS Band, Horror Band. CHS Lady, Step Team Accomplishments
12"' CHS Band, CHS Lady Step Team, Solo and E'ssemble 1Oth perfect attendance
Memones All teachers and staff who helped me throughout my hrgh school years All
underclassmen who will be left behrnd All fnends and enemres All pep rallies,
homecomrngs, parades, partres, etc
Name: Tiffany Helton
D.O.B 9/1/66
PO.B Murfreeseboro, TN
Tamara Gonzalez Favonte Quote ' Lrfe rs not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the
0.0 B. 12/2211967 moments that take your breath away ·
PO B Mrami, FL Favonte Song Must be dorng somethmg right
Favonte Quote: "What doesn't krll you makes you stronger" Accomplishments
F avonte Song· Because of you" by Kelly Clarkson 9th. Key Club
Accomplishments 10th: Key Club
9"' SWAT Club and HOSA Club 12th NHS, leo club, rnterpretmg Amencan srgn language at LCCC
10" FCCLA Volunteer at the VA Hosprtal Memones My fondest memones of my semor year have been dunng homecomrng week
11" Spamsh Club, A-B Honor Roll, I also got another award also have greatly enjoyed bemg a part of NHS and LEO club
12'" Dance Club, so far strarght A's
Memones I wrll remember how much 1 stnved myself at school
Name. Joshua RC Hetnck
D.O.B 10/17/87
Lyndsey Goodson Favonte Quote 'Wrth great power, come great responsrbrlihes "
0 .0 B 09/0411967 Favonte Song Breakmg the habit- Unkm Park
PO B L Crty FL Accomplishments
Favonte Quote 'To the world you may be one person but to one person you may be the 10th meetmg my grrlfnend, squad leader
world" 11th: JROTC Dnll team co-captarn, Company XO. Amme Jr Sgt at arms
Favonte Song Makrng Memones of US- Kerth Urban 12th JROTC dnll team captam. exbrhon captarn S-4 lagrhcs, 3,. place at Rarnes HrhJ
Accomplishments School drill meet wrth unarmed squad, ANI ME sgt At arms
9 Varsrty Soccer, Freshman Club, Academic Award Memones Competrhons, fnends
10'" Varsrty Soccer, Sophomore Club, Varsrty Tenms
11"' Varsrty Soccer, Class Secretary, Interact, Mu Alpha Theta, Jumor Class Club
12" Varsrty Soccer, OCT Club
Memones My grrls, K.T"s house, In the beetle, mosqurtoes, Honeycomb Hideout, My G.D,
Never Scared, moon, Rrsrng from the dead, G-vrlle, Palm Beach SB' 04, Beach wrth GaGa,
SB'05-The Wheel, Whrte Tee, Lulu, My 16" (The Pact DB, B W, C.J, KD, S S, H NT,
H M.T) Halloween Horror Nrght '05, Cockroach Motel, Anthony