Page 260 - chs-2006
P. 260

v                           Name  Houston Whitehead
                                                              D.O.B  7/28/88
                                                              PO.B  lake C1ty, Fl
                                                              Favonte Quote  One love, one hear1-Bob Marley
                                                              Favonte Song  ' Country State of M1nd'-Hank Williams Jr
           Name  M1chael  Vaughn                              Accomplishments
           D.O.B.  4124/88                                    12th  golf, we1ghtllftmg, graduatmg and gettmg out of Columbia County
           P 0  B  lake C1ty, Fl                              Memones  Semor entrance 1M day, homecommg pep rally, Halloween horror mghts, ch1llen
           Favonte Quote  ' Uve everyday hke  1t's your last'   With  CH, ES, BP, RC, TO, and  everybody else, my g1rt  Enca W1ggens, future  memones SB
           Favonte  Song  Photograph-N1ckelback               06, P1cn1c, and graduallon, weighthflmg, golf, wrestling, fam1ly, most of all  fnends and C/0 06
           9th:  Academy of Graphic Des1gn
           10th:  AGO
            11th  AGO                                         Name  Ashley W1ckline
            Memones  All of them crazy mghts w1th  DC, DB, JA, BB,  EO, RO, BO, SO, SW, MP,   0 .0 .6  7/1/88
           summer 05 Wh1te  Spnngs, skat1ng  nnk, spnnghouse, opossum, Gamesvllle, golf-cart, bed   P 0  B  Atlanta GA
            post, hubcaps, rushmg home to make cerfew         Favonte Quote  ' Shoot for the moon, even 1f you m1ss you'll land among the stars.'
                                                              Favonte Song· Underoath: Its dangerous busmess walkmg out your front door
                                                              9th  I helped construct a house 10  buildmg class
                                  w                           1Oth  I had artwork entered 1n  an exh1b1t  in Ch1na
                                                              11th  I was pres1dent of Ar1 Club
                                                              12th  Fm1shmg  my senior project
                                                              Memones  In  11 ~ Grade I went to Arab1an  N1ghts w1th  the art club  I made lots of fnends
                                                              throughout the years  Prom 2004 was a lot of fun
           Name  Ashley Waldron
           D.O.B  6/19/88
           PO.B  Gamesvllle, Fl
           Favorite Quote  I'm d1fferent just like everyone else.
            Favonte Song  luxunous, Gwen Stefani
           9th  F1nd1ng  everything and JUSt mak1ng  through the year
            1Oth  keep1ng  old fnends while mak1ng  new ones
           11th  prepanng  to rule the school
           12th:  homecoming. prom, everyth1ng  that had to do w1th walkmg high
           Memones  I made lots of great memones w1th  all my fnends, 1ts hard to believe that I'll
           be gone soon and another generat1on will take our place  Watch out world 06 IS  com1ng
            Name  Tye1sha  Wallace
            D.O.B  11/6/87
            PO.B  Gamesvllle, Fl
            Favonte Quote  'Do 11  b1g!'
            Favonte Song  s1gns  of love making-Tyrese
            1Oth·  Student CounCil  Representative
            12th  Dance Club
            Memones  Me and my homeg1rls getting crunk at the  station. Creep1ng  w1th  CD, late
            mghts RM  7, my hom1es-Jacki 0, CC, DH, KA, EC, TG, My homeboys MB, RR,  JB,
            JR, n

            Name  Brooke Watson
            0  0  B  12/30/87
            P O.B  lake C1ty, Fl
            Favonte Quote  'lmag1nat1on  IS  more than knowledge'-E1nstem
            Favonte Song  More than words-Frank1e J
            9th  JV cheerlead1ng, Freshman club
            10th.  JV Cheer1eading Captam, sophomore club, Mu Alpha Theta, NHS
            11th:  Jumor Class VP, Vars1ty  Cheer1ead1ng, NHS H1stonan, Mu Alpha Theta, Beta Club,
            12th  Semor Class Pres1dent, Vars1ty  cheerteading, NHS Treasurer, Mu Alpha  Theta,
            Beta Club, Interact. ranked #6
            Memones  My g1rts-LG, SG,  CJ, the boyz lS, GP, AD, CM, Jet sk1t, in the Beetle, KT's
            house, Impressed, 1• tnple date (mosqUito), lG, AJ, honeycomb h1deout, lOO's GO, 9/
            9/03 AW-beach. prom, west palm,  par11es,  Packers, PPT-Never scared, Moon (MR),
            nsmg from the dead, Palm Beach SB, Beach w/ Gaga, SW-The wheel, white Tee, lulu,
            G-ville, 04 guys, HHNOS, The Pact-DB, H.  Tram (late night chats),  H. Thom
            (WYSMITS), SS, KD
            Name  Anthony Westberry
            D.O.B.  6/9/88
            PO.B  lake C1ty, Fl
            Favonte Quote  'I thought 11  was a good 1dea at the t1me'-Walsh
            Favonte Song.  S1mple  Man -lynyrd Skynyrd
            9th:  AB honor roll
            1Oth  AB honor roll
            11th.  AB honor roll
            12th:  AB honor roll and A honor roll
            Memones  'Stup1d Carmes'  salt n peppa, fish n gnts, ndin on twank1es, emma lee, the
            BGP 'lets go crazy' -Chns M, 's1ck'  par11es, waffle house, Mrs  Mac's Chem Class, Kill you
            fame' wrth walsh, Spnng  Break, Angel Johns 1s  a Bum!

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