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Pnya  Patel                                       Name  Molly Rayburn
           0 .0  B  10/31/1988                               O.O.B  12102187
           PO.B  London, England                             P 0  B  Key West, Fl
           Favonte Quote  "If 1ts free, take 1!"             Favonte Quote  "Dream B1gl"
           Favonte Song  "Lets Go"- Tnck Daddy Ft. Ul' John   Favonte Song  Want to talk  about mel - Toby Ke1th
           Accomplishments                                   Accomplishments
           11" A-B Honor Roll                                9th.  JV cheerlead1ng, honors, FFA
           12" A-B Honor Roll                                1Oth  Vars1ty soccer, honors, JV softball, FFA
           Memones  Getting on stage and s1ng1ng  Jenmfer Lopez songs m 10'" grade while   11th:  Varsity Soccer, Honors and AP, AB honor, Jumor Club
           sett1ng  up graduatJon practice for the semors.   12th:  Honors and AP, Honor Roll, Key Club, Leo Club
                                                             Memones.  Fun t1mes w1th  JE, MB, LG,  CU, BW  Prom. Spnng break and part1es w1th  LG,  BW
                                                             "Silly Goosel",  hurncane days with CU,  beach ooncert,  late mghts w1th  JB. JB baby boy-
                                                             walling for the arnval of Jayse Allen 3.06. Family Times. Spend1ng lime w1th  LM- FSU/FL
           Brant1n  Perk1ns                                  games, beach, and  fam1ly
           O.O.B  0512311987
           PO.B  Tampa, FL
           Favonte Quote. "There's only two thmgs 1n  life,  my word  and my ••••• and  I won't bust
           them  for nobody"                                 Name  Bnan  Readout
           Favonte Song  "You  and Me"-Ufe House             O.O.B  8/28/87
           Accomplishments                                   PO B  Gainesville, Fl
           9"'We1ghtllftmg, Track
                                                             Favonte Quote  "Only those who dare to fall greatly can ever ach1eve greatly ·
           1  0"' Cnm1nal  Justice Club, We1ghtllfbng        Favonte Song  Don't Know Why - Nora Jones
           11"Cnmlnal Justice Club, Mock Tnal 6"  Place in  State of Flonda   Accomplishments
           12  Cnmmal Justice Club, Mock Tnal                9th:  A-Honor Roll, Academ1c Letter, Beta Club
           Memones· Friends, Flavor of the week,  Girlfriends ... Halloween Horror Nights, The   10th:  A-Honor Roll, Perfect attendance, academic letter, beta club,  Mu Alpha Theta,  NHS
           Farm, The Civer, My Lakehouse, C.B's w/CE, JB, RC, ES, HW, TO, Jim and  Jack made   11th  Bausch and  Lomb sCience award, A-Honor Roll, academ1c letter, secretary-Beta Club,
           the farm great Prom. Me at Homecoming, Prelude,  Heavy Chevy, Shelley Keen,   Spamsh club,  Mu Alpha Theta, NHS
           Semor Entrance
                                                             12th  Secretary-Seta Club, Mu Alpha Theta, NHS
                                                             Memones  Uv1ng  in  Cusoo, Peru-Summer 2005. Jon Hernandez's AP  US h1story class.
                                                             Stealing candy from  MR.  Cox and blammg h1s  freshman.
           Kendall  P1cklo
           0 O.B  12115/1987
           PO B  Lake C1ty, FL
                                                             Name  Brandl N1oole  Reg1ster
           Favonte Quote  "Don't Let The Past Oec~de Your Future"   O.O.B  7/13/88
           Favonte Song. "When I Get Where I'm Gomg"-Brad Pa1sley   P.O.B:  Gainesville,  Florida
           9"' JV Tigerettes, Vars1ty  Sw1m  Team, Vars1ty  Letter   Favonte Quote: "Uve life to the fullest" and  the Golden  Rule
                                                             Favonte Song.  Something to be  proud of-Montgomery Gentry
           10" JV Cheerleader, French Club, Vars1ty Letter   Accomplishments
           11"Varslty Cheerleader, French Club, CJSA        9th:  CJSA,  CJI, student oounc1l  rep
           12  M1ss CHS, Student at LCCC, Beta, CBE, Teen Trendsetters Read1ng  Mentor   10th:  CHS band colorguard
           Memones. Homecommg '02,  BM, JM, Spnng  Break '03, BC, RC, New Orleans,  '03
           Tigerettes, Good  Times w1th  CSL,  LA           11th:  Semor Chapter of FFA, CJII, worked at North Florida  Ped1atncs
                                                            12th:  CBE, work at North Florida  pharmacy
                                                            Memones  My best fnends  AP, OP,  LL, JP, MH, EB,  BR, JR, SM, And  JW, getting caught
                                                            sk1pp1ng, prom 2-5, Destin, gomg to the  mountams, live oak
           N1oole  P1ncus
           D.O.B  06/30/1988
           PO B:  Atlantic C1ty, FL                          Name. Alex1s A. Reynolds
           Favonte Quote: "No One Can Make You  Feellnfenor W1th  Out Your Consenr-Eieanor   O.O.B.  6-23-87
           Favonte Song: "Here We Go"-Tnna                   PO B  361  Mart1n  Luther King Street
                                                             Favonte Quote  Don't have one
           Accomplishments:                                  Favonte Song  I should of cheated-Ke1sha Cole
           12  Graduat1ng  from CHS                          Accomplishments
           Memones: Remembenng all  times w1th  fnends  and fam1ly
                                                             9th·  When it's your freshmen  year you get bored 1n  a lot of th1ngs or don't when  nothing
                                                             1Oth  I th1nk 2008 don't really care about to much of nothmg
                                                             11th:  I like 2007 because they are more crunk than anyone else
                                                             12th:  I th1nk the semor are very exCiting th1s year and I th1nk the underclassmen look up to us
           Greg  Poole                                       Memones  I remember my 9  grade year when  I used to get 1n  a lot of trouble  Then my 10" grade
           O.O.B  05/03/1988                                 wasn't so bad as my 9'" grade year. And my 11"  grade year I really enjoyed 1!  because 1!  d1d  I did a
           Favonte Quote: "You W1n  Some and You  Loose Some"   lot of th1ngs, I went to prom and that was the  best t1me of my high school year
           Favonte  Song: "Pres1dent1ai"-Youngbloodz
           9"'Varslty Wrestlmg, JV Baseball
           10" Varslty Wrestling. JV Baseball                Name: Tiffany Richardson
           11" Varsity Wrestling, Vars1ty Football, Jumor Club   O.O.B.:  10/16/88
           12" Vars1ty  Wrestling, Vars1ty  Football, Student Council Representative   P.O.B:  Lake City, FL
           Memories: The Boyz, 2-1 , West,  Grandv1ew, The Escape, Bass, Nappies, Woodgate,   Favonte Quote: "You will never know what you can do until you try ·
           SB'04, SB'05, Steamers, Pumpk1n, Official Visits, Blazer, Rollo V.
                                                             Favonte Song  I'm sprung by T-Pam
                                                            9th:  Academ1c Letter, Band, Spamsh Club, Honor Roll
                                                            10th: Academic Letter, Band, National Honor Soc1ety, Spamsh Club, Honor Roll,  Most Improved
                                  R                         Woodwind
                                                            11th:  Academic Letter, Band,  National Honor Soc1ety, Beta Club, Spanish Club,  HOSA, Most
                                                            outstanding  woodwmd
                                                            12th:  Academic Letter, Ass1stant Tramer, National Honor SOCiety,  Beta Club, Spamsh Club, HOSA.
                                                            Students of Excellence, National Ache1vers  SOCiety
           Name: Bnttany Joye Range                         Memones  Football games, football practices, Moes Grill,  party at my cousms house, Atlanta tnp,
           O.O.B . 7126188                                  Homeoom1ng  night, Nelson's Class
           PO.B:  Jacksonville, Flonda
           Favonte Quote: "Uve today like there's no tomorrow ·
           Favonte Song·  Shake 11  off rem1x
           9th:  1• place 1n  HOSA reg1onal oompeht1on       Name. Bradley Clay Rigdon
           10th  2"" place in HOSA state competition         O.O.B  9120/87
           11th  Made Vars1ty Cheerleadmg  Squad             P.O B  Lake C1ty, FL
           12th:  accepted to UF                             Favonte Quote  "Lay out or get out"
           Memones  Football games and  the fa1r  Bas1cally just hang1ng out w1th  my fnends.   Favonte Song  I can't stop lovmg you-Ray Charles and  Georg1a  by  Ray Charles
                                                             9th:  MVP for JV soccer
                                                             10th:  Broke a 5 m1n  mile
                                                             11th:  went to  reg1onals 1n  sw1mming  and in 400 1n  track, captam of Varsity Soccer Team
                                                             12th:  Captam of Varsity Soccer, CHS sw1m  team,  Cross Country
                                                             Memones:  Gom clubbm w1th  Chns and  Jorge. Spring break w1th  my best friends  Hang1ng out at the
                                                             "2" spot Freestyhng w1th  lan on  the sw1m  team bus.  Stay1n up for 6 hours playmg HALO.  Gomg to the
                                                             fair w1th  Elizabeth Jones  Weanng  my Soccer Jersey to school 1n  elementary school  Playmg soccer
                                                             w1th  chns for 16 years.  Laughmg at and w1th  Charles Cofield  F1ghtmg  w1th  Charles and helping h1m  a
                                                             day later 1n  Spamsh.  Soonng from 45 yards out to t1e  up a distnct soccer game
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