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Enn  N1cole  Mosely                                                              0
      D 0  B  04119/1987
      p 0  B  Lake C1ty, FL
      Favonte Quote. "What goes around come around'
      Favonte Song  ' I thmk they like me'  ' Slick w1t  u'  ' Mock1ngb1rd" ' I Hope You  Dance'
      Accomplishments                                            Name  Bradley Osburn
      9  Freshman Club                                           D.O.B  1/23/88
      10  Sophomore Club                                         PO B  GalneSIIIIIe, Flonda
      11" Jumor Club (Prom Comm1ttee)                            Favonte Quote  ' He th1nks too much, such men are dangerous." (From the play Julius
       12~ Young  Democrats                                      Caesar)
      Memones  Too many to wnte .  freshman year, FBA, military ball (all  year) Popcorn playa, Dallas   Favonte Song  You're  the lnsp1rahon
      Band tnp, Erw1n  Focker, '03 Bonn~e & Clyde, ' You  and Me'  Mr  Nelson's AT class, Mrs  Oden's   Accomplishments
      class  11", Max's part1es, Woodgate, McCray's BBQ-the pond , Field day 9 .. ,  10"',  11"',  12   9th  SymphOniC  Band
                                                                 1Oth  SymphoniC Band
                                                                 11th  Symphonic Band, AcademiC Letter
                                                                 12th.  Symphonic Band,  Drum Major, Homecoming Court, 4 years of Spanish, Span~sh Club
       Chns  Mullen                                              Memones  Band Tnps, football games, D1sney, Ar-Dee-Bar, halo part1es, ch1cken  bowling,
       D.O B  10/22/1987                                         December 16"',  2003, yog1  bear, speakmg 1n  grunts, RP  n~ghts,  messmg with Tanner,
       p 0  B  Ft.  Lauderdale, FL
       Favonte Quote  ' Some people say the cucumber taste better pickled'  - Dave Chapalle   wrestling w1th  Ollie, crackmg my nb, Thanksg1v1ng  2004, and all the other fun th1ngs  that
       Favonte  Song  'Changes"-Tupac                            happened
       9'" Vars1ty Soccer, Young  Gun Awards, Freshman Club, CJSA
       10~ Vars1ty  Soccer, Sophomore Club, NHS
       11"  Vars1ty  Soccer, Jun~or Club,  NHS                   Name  Chnsta R  Ostendorf
       12~ Vars1ty  Soccer, Sen~or Soccer Captain,  NHS          D.O.B.  5f7/88
       Memones  Shnne Club, The B&B, HHN '03,  The Honda, Blueberry Lane, Acura Struts, CHS vs.   P 0  B  Lake C1ty, Fl
       Paxon, SB  '05, Canad1an  Chnstmas, The Z-Spot, My BMW, Bryn Mawr, "Cloud 9'  UFC @   Favonte Quote  ' I am so great.'
       Moon~ne,  The Soccer Boys, Eggs, Jr  Party, Sr  Party     Favonte Song  Time  IS  Runn~ng Out-Muse
                                                                 9th  Pass1ng  Mrs  Bishop's Algebra Class! Surv1ved first year 1n h1gh  school
                                                                 10th:  Passed the FCAT! Got a car
                             N                                   11th  Got a JOb
                                                                 12th  OCT, graduation
                                                                 Memones  fnends, football games, goofa, sw1mm1ng  on New Years, St  Augustine, Sen~or
                                                                 Year, Homecoming, SSA's, Lake summer nights, first day of school.  bonfire, parade to
                                                                 school,  homecommg pep rally 05, runn~ng through the school  all  the good t1mes at CHS,
       Name· Heather N1cole  Nash                                and  Graduation!
       D 0  B  2113/88
       PO.B  Lake C1ty, Fl
       Favonte Quote: "No Ma'aml'
       Favonte  Song: My Body-Pretty R1cky                                              p
       10th  Completing  Health Occupation  Students of Amenca
       11th  Learnmg more about becommg a nurse
       12th.  Go1ng  on  to be a nurse
       Memories  Hang1ng out With  fnends, gomg d1fferent places, learn~ng a lot of new th1ngs  Bemg m   Ashley Ann  Park
       HOSA                                                      D.O.B:  05/18/1988
                                                                 P O.B: Lake C1ty,  FL
                                                                 Favorite Quote  'Semper Fi'  (Always Faithful)
                                                                 Favorite Song  ' She didn't have lime'-Tern Clark
       Name  Daniel Stevan  Navarro
       D O.B  6/6/88                                             9"' Volleyball, Softball, FFA
       P.  0  B  Orange County, California                       10"'Volleyball, Softball, FFA
       Favonte Quote: ' Th1s  IS  where the world left me • -Ryan Key   11" Varslty Volleyball,  FFA Historian, OCT
       Favonte Song:  The acoust1c song-the red JUmpsUit apparatus, the  Sickness-disturbed, no   12"' OCT
                                                                 Memories: AF, BR, BN, Proms, Fishmg on RN  land, woods m Taylorville, PRTER HSE
       news is good  news-new found  glory
       Accomplishments                                           PARKIN, LOT
       9th:  I passed,  band tnp to Dallas, Texas (cotton bowl)
       10th:  I passed; band tnp to Atlanta, GA (Peach Bowl)
       11th:  Had the honor to play for Lakewood church-Houston, Texas' gettmg blown away by the
       trauma  one helicopter                                    Hetal  Patel
       12th:  gett1ng  accepted to ' The LA Film School'         0 .0  B  01/04/1988
       Memones  Martha Stewart, Pep rallies, POS 2006            PO.B  Lakeland, FL
                                                                 Favonte Quote  "Everyth1ng  Happens for a Reason"
                                                                 Favonte Song  "Behmd These Hazel Eyes'-Kelly Clarkson
       Name  Brian  Norman                                       9"' Freshman Class Sgt. At Arms.  Academ1c Letter
       D.O.B :  11/17/87                                         1 0"' Nat1onal  Honor Soc1ety, Beta  Leadership. Academ1c Letter
       P. 0  B  Lake City,  Flonda                               11"' National Honor Soetety, Span~sh Club, Treasurer of Beta, Academic Letter
       Favonte Quote: ' Remember the past to understand the present, and  you w1ll  rule the future.'   12"' Sweetheart of Nat1onal  Honor Soc1ety, Beta.  Secretary of Mu Alpha  Theta
       Favonte Song· Anythmg from Green Day, Metallica, or System of a Down   Memories: Summer '03, Atlanta,  Orlando, SB, New York, Ft.  Myers, Tampa, Homecom1ng
       Accomplishments                                           '05,  Butterfingers, News Room, Journalism, Mowgli,  Martha,  POS
       10th  5 on APUSH Exam, 4 on AP Euro Exam, academ1c letter
       11th:  AcademiC letter.  Pass1ng AP exams, UF and  D1sney Tournaments (Academic Team),
       Span~sh Club, Mu Alpha Theta, Young  Republicans
       12th.  Spanish Club, Span~sh IV, Asst.  Ed1tor of Newspaper, sk1t, Boys State part1c1pant   Khushbu  Patel
       Memones  PB  & J,  butterballs,  sqwrels, bowling, Rock1n' Roller Coaster, turtling, Plum   D.O.B  11/26/1987
       Leprechauns, Clear eyes, fight w1th Jam1e,  Cheese Cake @  the Columbian, Breakfast of   PO B  lnd1a
       Champions, B1g  Foot, The Dice  in StatiStiCS  (KS!), 'Skeletorl' , correct1ng  Hershey,  D1sney   Favonte Quote  "Past IS  a h1story,  present IS  a g1ft, fortune IS  a mystery'  "Everything
       World                                                     Happens for a reason'
                                                                 Favonte Song  "We Belong Together' -Manah Carey
                                                                 9"' Passed
                                                                 1 0"' Class Officer
                                                                 11"' Passed
                                                                 12"' Dance Club Officer
                                                                 Memones: C/0 '06 Lost The1r  Sen~or Homecommg
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