Page 259 - chs-2006
P. 259
Name. AliCia Tompk1ns
Josh Swa1n
0 0 B 6/28/1988 D.O.B. 3/5/88
p 0 B Warner Robms, GA PO. B. Albany. New York
Favonte Quote. "I a1n't cha momma .. don't back talk to mel" -Jenm Favonte Quote "In th1s world there are only two traged1es One IS not gettmg what
Favonte Song "When Doves Cry" -Pnnce you want and the other IS gettmg 11"
Accomplishments: Favonte Song Greatest love of all - Wh1tney Houston
g~ Marchmg Band. Symphonic Band, Cotton Bowl, Pregame/Halft1me, Parade Performance Accomplishments
10m Marching Band, Leadmg Solo1st, Ch1ef Quartermaster. Co-Selection Leader, Hom 9th Award for S1ng1ng (Chorus)
Quartet, Peach Bowl-pregame, halft1me, parade performance, Symphonic Band. 2"' cha1r 1Oth Went to Candelight m Epcot. FL (Chorus)
out of 5, NFHB Prom. Sop. Treasurer 11th "A" honor roll
11~ Marching Band, drum maJOr, nne solo1st, guard ensemble, symphomc band, 1• cha1r out 12th Work1ng toward gett1ng my CDA and CNA
Memones I love shanng laughter w1th my family and fnends My favonte memory
of 5. 2"' cha1r out of 8 NFHB, Young Democrats VP, prom
12~Marchmg Band, Semor Drum MaJor, Guard Choreographer, Guard Ensemble, R1fte was when my fam1ly and I spent the day at the beach lookmg for sea shells It was
Solo, Symphomc Band. NFHB, Leo Club, Young Democrats-Pres1dent, AIDS Day Dnve, wonderful JUSt spend1ng the way w1th my parents.
Band Heartthrob, and Most School Sp1nted, Prom
Memones All of the b1ll1on football games, competitions, fest1vals, and performances, Pep
Rallies, Atlanta Tnp, 10 years stra1ght Supenors, state concert contest. ranked as "Top
Drum MaJors" at camp (top 25 out of 118) "Most Outstandmg" "Most Improved" Service Name Emesto Jumor Torres
Award, "Instrumentalist Magazmes Leadership Awards, MD. CS, CM, CH, BB, DA, SB. AS. D O.B. 9/8/88
ES, JR. CH, BO. KP, WD, MC, WM, JT, JJ, NR. CHS Band and Color Guard Years '02-'06 PO.B St Petersburg
Favonte Quote. "Ufe IS a game Soccer IS senous •
Favonte Song Rheaggeaton Latmo-Don Omar
T 9th. Varsity Soccer, Spamsh Club, 1" place Got M1lk Tournament, cross country team
10th. Vars1ty Soccer, Spamsh Club, sophomore club, FCAT wnt1ng award
11th: Sw1m team, 2"' place Got M1lk Tournament
12th. Vars1ty Soccer, HOSA club, reg1on II pres1dent of HOSA, CAN Usence, we1ghtllftmg,
Memones CYSA, West Palm, Ft P1erce, M1am1, Stuart, Texas, Summer Condos, Oaks Mall.
Name Chnst1na Talley
0.0 B 2/10/87 Taco Bell, Zaxby's MT, EDT, TR, JD, BR BR, BW, CC, JC
PO B Alachua, Gamesv1lle, Fl
Favonte Quote: "To be or not to be, that IS the question."
Favonte Song: Helena by My Chem1cal Romance
Accomplishments Name Tom Trentacosta
9th: Passed D.O.B 12/11/87
10tlh. passed P.O B M1am1. Flonda
11th: passed Favonte Quote "I can do all th1ngs through Chnst wh1ch strengthens me • Ph1lhpp1ans 4 13
12th: leav1ng CHS, Graduat1ngl!l Favonte Song My g1rl - the Temptations
Memones S1ngmg my heart out Accomplishments
Memones Ms Perry's class and Tiger Tots Golf team and all the wonderful people I met
there. Joy mght at my church
Name Tiffany Thnft
0.0 B 1/13/88
PO B: Alachua General Name R1cky Turner
Favorite Quote "You people make me hostile" D.O.B.: 3/5/87
Favonte Song· The Best -Foo Fighters P 0 B Lake C1ty, FL
Accomplishments Favonte Quote "Do 11 b1g like no legs dnv1ng an Escalade."
9th: Band Color Guard Favonte Song Down low by R Kelley
10th Band Color Guard Accomplishments
11th: Band Color Guard 9th: First t1me playmg varsity football, track
Memones. Texas and Atlanta, football games, mov1e mghts, scoops the puppy killa, 1Oth Varsity Football, track
prom, drama 11th: Vars1ty Football, track
12th: Vars1ty Football, track
Memones My memones are ch1llen w1th all the boys TL, AC. SR MC, JB. MS. TT, and all
the speCial limes w1th TP, OW, JJ, CC. AR, GC, KH. VW, MD, WR, BW
Name Ashley Tilton
0.0 B 5/11/87
PO B. Orange Park. Fl
Favonte Quote.·' Welcome to the Suck', 'Luke, come over to the darks1de', I love my JOb u
thank god for everyday he g1ves me 1n the corps oorah." -Jarhead
Favonte Song My Best Fnend-Tim McGraw
9th 2"' Place 1n HOSA d1stncts competitiOn 1n Vetennary Ass1st1ng for FWHS
10th: surv1v1ng my first year at CHS
11th: competed at State Qualifications for JROTC Dnll Team, competed at Tiger Challenge Name MarqUita Shareese Udell
D.O.B 6/20/88
for color guard (2"' place) PO.B Gamesv1lle, Fl
12th made JROTC nne team. sweetheart for ballet club, got Sgt At Arms for Ballet Club Favonte Quote. Every1h1ng happens for a reason. You hate me cause you a1n't me.
Memones Shopping w1th my two best fnends Margaret Free and Amanda Sh1mp. Tock Favonte Song You should have known me better-momca
climbmg at the county fa1r and gettmg stuck at the top Semor Breakfast, see1ng all my
fnends as 1t was our last year and wanting to cry
9th: I passed
1Oth: playmg softball over the summer
11th· first t1me gomg to the prom
12th: wa1ted 13 years to make AlB honor roll
Name Kortney Tomlinson Memones Homecom1ng/homecom1ng pep rally, prom, my first and last year at CHS,
0.0 B 1/27/88 hangmg out w1th my best fnends Na'kia Dye, mostly JUSt havmg fun, POS
PO B Jasper, Fl
Favonte Quote ·c·mon baby Sm1le for me Show me you're as fake as you pretend
you're not."
Favonte Song. Perfect Day-Josh Bates
9th Beta, NHS, JV Cheer
10th. Beta. NHS, Mu Alpha Theta
11th. Beta, NHS, Pres1dent of FCA, Jumor Class H1stonan (well, 1• sem), co-ed1tor
12th Beta. NHS. memones that w1lllast a lifetime
Memones Larry's "Garden Party", Homecom1ng 03, IHOM, 1• n1ght out 16@
Hooters "Gom to the Chapel • SB04 and sunsets Taken and bonng, Scooby doo,
speCimlne, POS/ L1mo/ prom 05, Sr Pep rallies, boots, baseball (Infield), Indianapolis
05, Sk1 tnp 05 (red and wh1te blood cells), As always, Love ya OF. MG, KT, JA, CC.