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Name  Joe Roberson                                        Name  Amy Elizabeth  Rowand
      D 0  B · 8/16/87                                          D.O.B.  9/11188
      PO B  Lake C1ty, Fl                                       PO.B  Lake C1ty  Fl
      Favonta Quote  "Oopsy I made a poopsy •                   Favonte Quote  Eccl  12·13· Fear God and keep h1s  commandments for th1s  is the whole
      Favonte Song:  Laffy Taffy                                duty of man.
      Accomplishments                                           Favorite Song  Just about nght-Biackhawk
      9th  passed                                               Accomplishments
      10th  passed                                              9th:  JV soccer captam, academ1c letter,  Fr  Class treasurer
      11th  passed                                              1Oth:  V  soccer, tenms, academ1c letter
      12th  passed                                              11th  V  soccer, academic letter, tenms, Spamsh Club VP
      Memones  Me. Scott W1lson, Andy Nolin, mess1n With  Mr  Getzen, My buddy Dav1d  Varnes drowned   12th  V  soccer. sw1mm1ng, tenms, NHS pres1dent, Sr  Class treasurer, Treasurer 1f Mu Alpha
      at Little R1ver                                           Theta, Young  Republicans
                                                                Memones.  Jetskung,  BF w1th  HP. back of the bug, barefoot and bowling, sun PM. tenms,
                                                                FBC and OXB w1th  the wook1e  Italian House of Mann, 143 GH, you are my hero  Gator
                                                                Games and cru1ses
      Name  Bnana M  Roberts
      D 0  B : 8130/88
      PO B  Ft Leonard Wood, M1ssoun
      Favonte Quote  "I can do all thmgs through Chnst wh1ch  strengthens me."   Name  Alyssa Grace Royster
      Favonte Song  I w1ll  Always love you -Whitney Houston    D.O.B  7/12/88
      Accomplishments                                           PO.B  Ga1nesv1lle, FL
      9th  Chorus                                               Favonte Quote  "Everything happens for a reason."
      10th  Chorus                                              Accomplishments
      11th. Chorus, me and my fianre successfully had a baby g1rl  (Haley), and I ma1nta1ned  good grades   9th.  JV cheerleadmg
      12th  Graduating                                          10th·  V sw1mm1ng
      Memones  Hang1ng out w1th  my fnends, finding  the love of my life, and hav1ng a beautiful baby g1rl   11th:  V cheerlead1ng,  Jumor Club
      w1th  h1m  I love you  Ben forever!                       12th  V cheerlead1ng
                                                                Memones.  "Yupl" AR, MH, JC, BC, JM, CC's House, FW game, MR. Jabs JC, AR, BC,
                                                                SG; 4-way; semor Party Po  Po; tobacco Barns, Halloween Horror mghts, RHG RIP. Frogz
                                                                SK, KL.  HK; CMS and RHG Love ya'll  and  m1ss you! Coach LL
      Name  Steve A  Roberts, Jr
      D.O B.  9/11187
      PO B  Lake C1ty, FL
      Favonte Quote  "I can do all th1ngs  through Chnst Jesus who strengthens me "    s
      Favonte  Song  Charlene-Anthony Ham1lton
      11th:  mak1ng  1!  through Anderson's practices
      Memones  Ch1llen w1th  the hom1es in "The Creek·. Coach Anderson, 110's.
                                                                Cathenne  Summers
                                                                D.O.B:  07/07/1988
                                                                PO B:  Ga1nesvllle. FL
                                                                Favorite Quote. "Every man got a nght to own h1s own destiny" -Bob Marley
      Name  Knst1na  Rodnguez                                   Favonte Song  "Konstant1ne" Somethmg  Corporate
      D O.B.  1/24/88                                           Accomplishments
      PO.B  Gainesville, FL                                     9"  Academic Letter
      Favonte Quote:  "L1fe's a garden, JUSt d1g  1!!"          10"  Academic Letter. A-B Honor Roll
      Favonte Song  You  and  Me-Ufehouse                       11" AcademiC Letter,  Solo and Ensemble
      Accomplishments                                           12"  Academ1c Letter, French Club Pres1dent, Leo Club, Treasurer, National Ment
      9th:  Freshmen Class VP, A honor roll                     Commended Student, Color Guard Captain, Voted Most Likely to Succeed
      10th  Hoby Award, Student Body Secretary, A-Honor Roll    Memories·  JEB-BFF, football  games,  steak-n-shake, Texas  and Atlanta, Mov1e  N1ghts, Soco
      11th  G1rls  State Governor, Governor's H1gh  School "All Stars", Student Body VP   and Yellowcard, Fu  King, Windows down and makmg pizzas, tnps to the beach and nver,
      12th  Homecom1ng  Queen, Voted "Most Admired." student body pres1dent, Vars1ty  Tigerettes   Red  Falcon, Harry Potter, Rootbeer floats and gnlled cheese, ra1nboots,  My we1rd  house,
      Memones.  Chnstmas Part1es w1th  fnends, spring break 1n  Day1ona, Birthday Party at Ruby Tuesdays,   appendic1t1s, I <3 all  you k1ds
      F1rst Day as a Semor, Homecom1ng every year,  all  the football games w1th  the Tigerettes
      Kelly  N1ccole  Rogers                                     Brianna  Scoot
      D.O.B  5/4/88                                              D.O.B:  02/03/1987
                                                                 P 0. B  Shand's of Lake Shore 1n  Lake City
      PO B  Gamesvllle, Florida
      Favonte Quote  "Scars are temporary but love is forever" "He who has a thousand   Favonte Quote  "We hve then we d1e  so we try"
      fnends has not a fnend  to spare, while he who has the enemy shall meet h1m   Favonte Song  "Shake it off' Manah Carey
      everywhere " -N1ran1an  Desai                             Accomplishments
      Favonte  Song  We  Belong Together-Manah Carey             9"' Chorus
      Accomplishments                                            10"' Chorus
      9th  Columbia  H1gh  Band-trumpet, Quartenmaster, Academ1c Letter, AlB Honor Roll   11" Chorus
      10th  Columbia  H1gh  Band,  Quartenmaster, Service Award w1th  band, AlB  Honor roll   12"' Chorus
      11th  Columbia H1gh  Band,  Student Council, HOSA, Teen  Court,  Peer Med1at1on, AlB   Memones  Went to D1sney w1th  Sh1ne  C. Heather H  Bntney and a couple of other
      Honor roll                                                people. I had a lot of fun w1th  them going to Jacksonville Beach With  all  my fnends .
      12th  HOSA Historian, Teen  Court,  Peer Mediation, AlB Honor Roll
      Memones  CC+BB=Smart, All  the good  t1mes with AS as Quartermaster, that good say1n
      With  B1g  T "Do 11";  my new best fnend CM, 10-8-05; "Oh yeah" w1th  BB  and  the
      memones go on                                             Lewis  Sharp
                                                                D.O B:  10/05/1987
                                                                Favonte Quote  "Worry1ng 1s  like a rock1ng  cha1r, 11  g1ves you someth1ng to do. but gets you
                                                                no where"
                                                                Favonte  Song  "Presidential" Youngbloodz
      Name  Jason Rosenfeld
      D.O B  8/12/87                                            Accomplishments
      P 0  B  Lake C1ty, Fl                                     9'" JV Football. Vars1ty  Wrestling, Academ1c Letter
                                                                10" JV Football. Academ1c Letter. NHS
      Favonte Quote: "Are you hav1ng  a bad day?" Josh
      Favonte Song  Canon m D                                   11" Vars1ty  Football, Academ1c Letter.  NHS
      Accomplishments                                           12"' Vars1ty  Football,  Vars1ty Wrestling, Student Council  Representative
      9th  Cotton Bowl halfl1me performance, superior march1ng  band perfonmance.  key club   Memones  The Boys 2-1. West. Bass, Tony,  Yayo, Woodgate, SB'04, SB'05.  HHN '03,  3'"
      freshmen representative.  Beta Club,  French Club,  FCA, Supenor solo ratmg   level, Wardy's, Pumpkin, Card1nal  PL. Official Vis1ts, Shnne Club  The Woo, 9/1 , The
      1Oth·  Supenor march1ng  band perfonmance, peach bowl  halfl1me  perfonmance, Key club   GMC, Rollo
      of11cer, My Alpha Theta. Beta Club, French Club, Co pres1dent FBC youth group
       11th  Drum MaJor  D1stnct and solo supenor rat1ng,  Supenor march1ng  band performance.
      Key Club Vice Pres1dent, FCA Vice Pres1dent,  Mu Alpha Theta, Concert band  Supenor, CO
      president FBC  youth group
       12th  Drum MaJOr,  Supenor Marchmg Band Performance.  Leo Club.  Mu Alpha  Theta
      Memones:  Band tnps,  s1ng1ng  on  the buses, times gomg to mov1es w1th  fnends,  go1ng  to the
      waterfall,  spendmg t1me  w1th  Jenm, hang1ng  out w1th  the drum majors, helpmg w1th  the  llv1ng
      h1story museum. • I vote out Bradley.  ••  appendicitis
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