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Eddte  Shendan                                      Mtke Smtih
          D O.B  9/02/1987                                    0 .0  B  01/11 /1988
          P 0  B  Camden. New Jersey                          P 0 . B  Los Angeles, Cahforma
          Favonte Quote. "Two Dragons, Two Dragons" Starsky & Hutch   Favonte Quote  "Live to see another day"
          Favonte Song  "No Shoes, No Shtrl  No Problems"-Kenny Chesney   Favonte Song  "I'm 1n  love wtlh a dance"
          Accomplishments                                     Accomplishments
          9  JV Soccer, Varstly Track, Dtslnct Champs for Cross Country   9" Cross Country
           10"' JVNarstty Soccer                              10"' Football, Track
           11" Just hang out                                  11" Football, Track
           12"'Varstty Track, Leo Club, TV Producttons Club, FCA   12"' Football, Track
           Memones  Wtnmng dtstncts for Cross Country. Soccer games at PK Younge, Larry's   Memones  Hangtng out wtlh the homies; Luke, Slick, Rtcky, Actton, Corey, Gary, Jolly, and
          Class, Ruth's Class, SR Breakfast and entrance on first day of school, TD runmng   havtng some good years at the CHS, just chillln and enJoytng  my last year and  watchtng all
          over my foot, napkin contest, throwtng CB off the Jtmmy, CB's wtth  RC, JB, CE, BP,   the haters, keep hattng
           HW, TO  Jtmmy's Barn, the night before Homecomtng at BP's, HB's, wtlh BP, TO,
           RC. HW  Football games, The Nease Game, Homecomtng '02,'03,'04,'05, The LA
           Dream  Center-Mtehtgan
                                                              Marsha Dtane Smtih
                                                              D.O.B  12/08/1987
                                                              P 0  B  Jasper  FL
           Emily Ann  Stlcox                                  Favonte Quote  "Life's hke  a box of chocolates, you never know what your gonna get•
           D.O.B  05122/1988                                  Favonte Song  "Ntght Moves"-Bob Seager
           PO B: Ga1nesvtlle  FL                              Accomplishments·
           Favonte Quote  "Who you  are speaks so loudly I can't hear what you  are saytng" Ralph   9"' Academic Letter, 3 8 GPA, Algebra  1 Honors and English 1 Honors
           Waldo  Emerson                                     1  0" Academtc Letter, 3 8 GPA, English  1 Honors
           Favonte Song  "Tiny Dancer"-Eiton John             11"Academtc Letter, Mamtatned a 3.8 GPA
           Accomplishments                                    12"' Working  hard on quahfymg for the Gold Seal Scholarship, 3.5 GPA
           9  Varstty Tigerettes, A-Honor Roll, Beta, Varstty Letter, Academic Letter   Memones  Hangmg wtth  Detdra 1n  P.E  class m 9"' grade, Hangmg out wtlh my fnends at Dan's and
           10"' Bowhng, A-Honor Roll, Beta, Leo, NHS, Academtc Letter,   seetng "Black Cats" wtlh Jesstca,  also spendtng lime wtth  my boyfnend Lonme  and  havtng htm  to
           11"Bowllng. A-Honor Roll, Beta, Leo VP, NHS, Young  Democrats, Academtc Letter   lean on  all  through Htgh School
           12"' Varstty Tigerette Captatn, Most Arttstic, Leo Club Prestdent,  NHS  Htslonan, Young
           Democrats VP. Beta, Art Club, Academtc Letter  UDA All-Star Team
           Memones. Soundstage dancmg 1n  Braztl, Maggte Valley, NC, Charleston S C, Gator
           Growl, and Sea World, AW Shucks, Butts on the creek,  SoCo Concert, readmg   Heather Spahalskt
           ratnbow dance  car dancmg,  Steak n Sheak after Tiger Games-MO. JB, CS  My straw   D.O.B  09/27/1987
           buddy-CB. roadtnps-DD, DE  "It's feastble" JS. the art crew,  10,000 potnl club,   PO.B  Lake Ctty, FL
           Moocher. Movte ntghts and prom, the gang- KR. AB, lA, JH, GB, BO, CM, NR, TS, AS,   Favonte Quote  "Betng  Happ Doesn't Mean Bemg Perfect, Just Seemg  Past the  Imperfections"
           CD, SO, CH, JR, JJ. AR, LD, OM, DG, UP  Tigerettes tn  NYC, Mtlkshake runs-AH, "Best   Favonte Song  "Don't Forget About Us"
           Pork and  Beans  Ever"-AJ, Dtaper Slammer-CS, Jean Luc and  Barbte, Cheese gnts   Accomplishments
           and  trout, salt-n-ptppa-Antho-Knee\               9" Who's Who Among  Htgh School Students, NHS
                                                              10"' Who's Who Naltonal Honor Soctely, CJSA
                                                              11"Who's Who National Honor Soctety, CJSA, A-B Honor Roll, Jumor Club
                                                              12"' CJSA, Young  Republicans Club, Flonda  Law Honors SOCiety
           Amber Stmpson                                      Memones. My boyfnend CF, Bubble Baths, The Woods, SB '05, Prom '05, Late mgh Wai-Mart
           D O.B· 05/07/1988                                  trips,  "I can flex my muscles too" JA, BC, AR, JC, AY, CB, TH, 24 Krystals
           P.O B  Lake Ctty. FL
           Favonte Quote: "The best things 1n  life are unseen that's why we close our eyes when
           we ktss and dream"
           Favonte Song  "Wtld  One"-Fatth Hill               Ashley  Ntcole  Stalnaker
           Accomplishments                                    D.O.B·  02/24/1988
           10"' Journalism, Sop. Club
                                                              P.O B  Jasper, FL
           11" Journalism. Jumor Club,  and  Prom Club        Favonte Quote  "No one can  make you feel  mfenor wtthout your consent"- Eleanor Roosevelt
           12  Journalism OCT                                 Favonte Song  "Run  It" Chns Brown "Photograph" Ntckelback
           Memones  Pep Rallys, Tiger Games.  02/05, Football buddtes, Wrong Turntng  Lane,   Accomplishments
           Dnve by ·ousr- MW "Light Looks Green" - MW KFC, Lostng  Homecommg, CC Fatr   9" Varsity Softbaii-Rookte of the Year, Academtc Letter, lnvtted for National Honor Roll
           03-04-05, Orange JUice & PB, 12 00? (MW) Muddm' RNI  Ftrst day as semors wtlh MW,   10"' Varstty Softball-Most Improved Battmg, Spamsh Club,  lnvtted to Naltonal Honor Roll
           AJ , and MP  Panama Ctty 2005 wtth AJ, talk wtlh Nanny, Late Ntghts wtth Fred   11" Varstty  Softbaii-Dtstnct Champs-Won First Round of Regtonal,  CJSA,  lnvtled to Nattonal Honor
                                                              12" Vars1ty Volleyball-Top Defensive Player of the Year, Varsity Softball, lnvtled to the Naltonal
                                                              Honor Roll
                                                              Memones  My memones tnclude debaltng m Mr  Conner's class 1n  10" grade, performtng  plays in
           Jamte Stpp                                         Mrs. Herschleb's class m 1 0" grade, Wmnmg  dtslnct Iitie for Varsity softball, Jumor Year, and gotng
           D 0  B  11/08/1987                                 to second  round of Regtonal, playtng varstly volleyball wtth the best group of gtrls
           PO. B. Lake Ctty, FL
           Favonte Quote  "Hard work pays off m the future  laztness pays off now"
           Favonte Song  "Cool" by Gwen Stefani "My Humps" by Black Eyed  Peas
           9  Freshman Class Club, Academtc Letter            Sherman A. Stanley Ill
           1  0"' Mu Alpha  Theta  NHS, Beta, Academtc Team, Academtc Letter   D 0  B  11/17/1987
           11" Mu Alpha Theta, NHS, Beta, Academtc Team. Academic Letter   PO.B  Gatnesvtlle, FL
           12  .. Boys State Aftemate, Prestdent of Mu Alpha  Theta, Semor Class  Srgt. At Arms,   Favonte Quote  "Procrasttnatton IS  the art of keepmg up wtlh yesterday"
           Asstslant Edtlor of Newspaper, Heart1hrob of Mu Alpha Theta, Academtc Team   Favonte Song  "What I Got" -Sublime "Supersomc" -Bad  Religton
           Memones  The hustle, the nng mctdent, Btg Foot. Dtsney and  UF, Precalculus, Don't Cha,   Accomplishments
           My Humps, "We say, Htt tl" POS, Martha, Hot Grandma, Homecomtng '05, Meet Your   9"' Marchtng  Band, Academic Letter, Cotton  Bowl  wtlh  the Band
           Netghbor, Male Swan, "Kill the Btrd" -Mrs.  Marltn   1  0"' Marchtng  Band, Academtc Letter, Peach  Bowl wtlh  Band
                                                              11"' Marchtng  Band, Academtc Letter
                                                              12"' Marchtng  Band, Academic Letter
                                                              Memones.  Hangtng wtth  all the fnends,  spendtng ltme wtlh Cole, All the  senior year sktts
                                                              and aclivtltes,  all  the good  ltmes
           Ashley Rene Strad
           D 0  B  11/09/1987
           P 0  B. Lake Ctty, FL
           Favonte Quote· "Work like you  don't need the money dance like nobody's watch. look
           hke  you've never been hurt"                       Millon Staples Ill
           Favonte Song· "Help Somebody" -Van Zany  Stnce You  Been Gone" -Kelley Clarkson   0 .0  B. 6/14/1987
           Accomplishments.                                   PO.B  Lake Ctty, FL
           9  Band, Quarter Master                            Favonte Quote  "To the world you may be one person, by1 to one person, you may be the
           10"' Band, Quarter Master                          world"
           11" Band, Quarter Master, Tiger Tot Teacher        Favonte Song  "You  Don't Know Me"-TI
           12" FEA, Tiger Tot Teacher                         Accomplishments
           Memones. Becomtng best fnends wtth  NR, Fu  Ktng, MD, CS, NR, lA, GB, JP, AC   9"' JV Basketball, Track, Pep Club
           Peach Bowl Tnp-NR  Whtle Spnngs, NR, AC, BB, MD. CS,  ES, CM, lA, JP, TS, Perry   10"'Pep Club, Got Ftrst Job
           Class '05. Meetmg AC.  Band Tnps NR,  Prom '05. AC&AN, "The Hurricane" Spnng   11" Track
           Break '05, AC . NR, MD,  lA, JP,  GB               12"' Track, Graduate
                                                              Memones  My famtly,  workmg at Zaxby's, Ntcks, 211 's, Tha  Dome,  Prom '05,  SH,BA,
                                                              AR,SR, MT, JK,  SC, MB, NN, GC, SD, and the one and only JM
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