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P. 82

Shelly Baisden                       Martha Baker                          Brandon Beadles

                          Ms. Baisden gradu-                   Ms. Baker attended Nt-                Mr  Beadles attended
                          ated from high                       agara County Commumty                 college at Texas A&M
                                                               College, Medatlle (Buffalo,
                          school in 1976.  As                  NY), and Lamar Umverstty              University at Com-
                          a hobby she plays                    (Beaumont, TX). She holds             merce and graduated
                                                               a B.S. degree tn Medta                in 1989 with a  B.A.
                          with her grandchil-                  Commumcatlons. and
                          dren, her favorite                   teaches Enghsh.  Her                  He now teaches the
                                                                                                     Education Options
                          color is red, and                    favonte hobby ts travel               lab and coaches
                                                               and her favonte colors are
                          her favorite song is                 green and teal. 'Gonlla"              We1ghthftmg  For fun
                          "Remember When·                      by James Taylor ts her                Beadles likes to go
                          by Alan Jackson.                     favonte song                          fishing and hunting.

          Stephanie Bennett                    Kristine Benton                       Michele Bisaccia
                         Ms. Bennett attended                  Ms. Benton attended                   Ms. BtSaccta graduated
                         Tallahassee Communty                  LCCC (now Florida                     from the Umverstty of
                                                                                                     Flonda wtth a B.A.  m
             &_.         Gateway College, eam-                 As Bookkeeper, she                    Enghsh and a  Master's
                         College and Florida
                                                               Gateway College).
                                                                                                     m Enghsh educa-
                         mg her A.S. degree. She
                                                               is in charge of all
                                                                                                     tion  She teaches 9th
                         momtors a computer
                         lab at CHS and her                    the school school                     grade Enghsh. coaches
                                                               accounts. One of
             "~                                                her her hobb ies is                   softball. and enjoys
                         hobbies•nclude read-
                                                                                                     cookmg and rollerblad-
                         ing and crafts. One of
                                                               researching antiques
                                                                                                     mg.  Her favonte color
                         her favonte songs is
                         "Angel Flymg Too Close                and her favorite color                lS Penwtnkle and her
                         To the Ground"
          Margaret Boris                        Candace Brannen                      Linda Brooks
                         Ms  Bans attended                     Ms  Brannen •ttended. Santa Fe        Ms  Brooks graduated m
                         Santa Fe Commumty                     Commumty College and Lake             1972. attended Lake Ctty
                         College and Lake Ctty                 C1ty Community College  She           Commumty College and
                         Communtty College and                 rec.e1Yed her A.A  In Nunmg           earned an A.S.  She works
                                                               and her Assoctates OegTee of
                          the Umverstty of Flonda              Nursmg as a Registered Nurse          tn the Bookkeeptng Office
                         and has an A.A. and a                 She \S a nursmg ass\Stant.            and attended LCCC.  She
                          B.A. m Economics  She                plus she teaches Health Oc·           enJoys cross stttchtng and
                          teaches Economtcs and                cupahons  Medical Sktlls. and         shopptng, her favonte
                                                               Health Saence ll She helps
                          Amencan Htstory and                                                        colors are blue and green,
                         for fun. enjoys readmg                lead the youth at church and          and her favonte song ts
                                                               also enjoys spendmg ttme
                         and snow sknng  Her                   ~th her family  Her favonte           "Because He ltves I Can
                         favonte color lS blue and             color tS blue. and her favonte        Face Tomorrow.·
                          her favonte song u  ·1 Can           song tS "God Gave Me You" by
                         Only Imagtne •                        Dave8ames
          Charisse Buzzella                    Quinton Callum                        Yolanda Carlisle
                         Ms  Buzzell& went to the              Mr. Callum attended                   Ms. CarliSle graduated
                         Untverstty of Southern                Jonos Jr College and the              wtth a B.S  In Btology and
                         MtSstsstppt and Valdo-                UnlVerstty of South Flonda            a Masters tn Educatton
                         sta State Untverstty.  She            and recetved hts B.S tn               after attendtng TUskegee
                         holds a B.A. tn French.               soctal sctences  He u  a              Umverstty and South-
                         Wlth Mmors m German                   student care attendant                eastern Umverstty  She
                         and Secondary Education               and coaches football and              now teaches Anatomy
                         In her free lime. Ms  Buz-            wetghthftmg  Hts hobbtes              and Anatomy Honors
                         zella tap dances. reads,              tnclude spendtng ttme                 She loves to pamt. her
                          htkes, and travels.  Her             wtth hiS famtly. Callum's             favonte color ts purple,
                         favonte color t.s turquotse           favonte colors are gray               and her favonte song
                         and her favonte song lS               and black and h1s favonte             ts "lord You've Been So
                          You Ratse Me Up" by Josh             song Is "Welcome To The
                         Groban.                               Jungle"                               Fatthful"
          Glen Cherry                          Candace Christie                      Michael Christie
                         Mr  Cherry attended Lee               Ms. Chnst1e attended Ronda            Mr  Chnshe attended
                         Umverstty, Lake Ctty                  Gateway College, UntverS\ty           Samt Leo Untverstty
                         Commumty College, FSU,                of Ronda. and St Leo Vm-              to earn hts B.A. degree
                         and Full Sat\ and recetved            verstty. to earn Bachelors of         in psychology and h1s
                         hts AA.,  B ME, and M.S               Art m cla.sS\cal stud1es and          M.Ed  m  Education
                                                               Masters 1n Educahon Leader-
                          He now teaches Chorus,               stbp  She teaches Algebra and
                         TV Producttons and Au-                Latm. Her hobbies tnclude             leadershtp. Hts hobbtes
                         dto. HIS hobbtes mclude               spendmg ttme W1th both                include golf, tishmg,
                         mustc and technology                  her httle gtrls  HeT favonte          and vtdeo games. Blue
                          HtS favonte color ts green           coloT 11  purple and one of           is hts favonte color.
                                                               heT favonte songs 11 •Across          "Anythmg" by Lynyrd
                         and hts favonte song lS               the Un1Yene".  but dependmg
                         "Have Yourself A Merry                on heT mood she has many              Skynyrd ts hts favonte
                         ltttle Chnstmas"                      otheT favonte songs                   song.
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