Page 86 - chs-2012
P. 86
Gloria Mcintosh Tabatha McMahon Paula Moseley
Ms Mcintosh holds a B.S McMahon s f•vont hobby " Ms. Moseley works m
m Chem1stry from Silli- 90Ul9 to coli~ • MnOUsly She 1 the Computer lab, as-
man College. She teaches the Unlvtnlty of F\oncla
Earth Sc1ence and m her the Un1ven1ty of Central Flond.a. Sists m Disciphne, and
Floncla State Untvtn•ty.
spare hme she hkes to lnten:onhnental Un1wn1ty and helps around campus
the Amencan con~ of Educa•
read romance novels and hon She h~dJ Masters OegTeet when she's needed.
grow plants Her favonte 1n both Educat\Of\al Leadenh•p She has four children
color IS btu /green. Her and Edue.tiONI C\lrnculum. and enJoys domg
as wen as hc:hekH-1 t)egTHtln
favonte song IS "My Soul
Joumahsm and Communw:a· crafts m her spare
Is Anchored lnThe Lord" hons She teaches Joumal~m. time Her favorite
by Douglass M1ller. thgttAI Drn1gn. and Web DH1gn
and it for the CHS \..ad1e1 color IS blue and she
TennLS Two Ttme Dutnct and likes most Country
Reg\ ChamptOnJ She enJOYS
photQ9n!phy tenntJ and planrung mUSIC.
wcwklw\d dom•n.abon
Linda Moses Melinda Moses Trisheka Nelson
Ms Moses graduated from Ms Moses has been an Ms. Nelson attended
Columbia Htgh School m AssiStant Pnnc1pal at
1969 and got her Master's CHS smce 2008 She Ronda A & M where
m Busmess 'Educahon from graduated from Mercer she recetved her B.S.
the Umverstty of Ronda m degree m Mathemat-
1974 She teaches busmess Umvers1ty With her B.A ICS Education. She
educatton and Cooperatlve m m BehaVIoral Stud1es teaches Geometry
Educatton. Her hobbtes and before becommg
mclude Gator football and an admm1strator, taught and lntenswe Math at
basketball aerobtcs, SWlm· World Geography and CHS and her hobby is
mmg. movtes. and readmg . World H1story. She loves relaxmg. Her favonte
Her favonte color \S purple
all Tiger Sports and her color 1s purple, and her
and her favonte song \S favonte song IS "My
favonte color 1S green
"'j~~~.•~--..J.~~~ "Red Rubber Ball" by The Worsh1p ts for Real"
-.. Cyrkle
Chester Nordmeyer Denise Nordmeyer Stephen Norman
Mr. Nordmeyer attended Ms. Nordmeyer gradu- Mr. Norman attended Lake
North flonda Communtty ated from Flonda State C1ty Community College,
College and Flonda State Umvers1ty m 1999 With Umverstty of South Flonda
Umverstty where he earned an A.A. and B.S m Sec- and Valdosta State Vmver·
hts Associate of Arts ondary Math Education Slty He graduated With a
and Bachelor of Sctence She teaches Algebra 1A Bachelon Degree m Mass
degrees m Stud to Art. He Communtcation and teach-
teaches 20 and 30 Art and 1B She IS the skate ers Computer Technology
here at CHS HIS hobbles club Sponsor Her hob- and Electromcs. Hts hob-
are playmg gut tar and bles Include anythmg btes are. htkmg, swtmmmg
pamtmg Hts favonte color crafty Her favonte color and huntmg Hts hkes the
lS brown. and hlS favonte 1S green and her favonte color blue and hts favonte
song ts ·Nothmg Else Mat- artut ts anyone from song lS '"Three ltttle Btrds,·
ters.· by Metalhca the 80's by Bob Marley
Dale Oakes Kristan Pardue
Mr. Oakes attended Ms Pardue graduated Ms Perry attended Lake Ctty
Edmboro Umvemty from the Umvers1ty of Communtty Cotteqe. North
and the Umvers1ty of Flonda With a B.A. degree Ronda Jumor Cotleqe. and St
Flonda He holds a B.A m Enghsh and Philoso- l.eo and Capella Umverstty
m EngliSh, an M Ed m phy and M Ed m EngliSh She holds an A A and 8 S
degree m Health Care Admm•
Gu1dance and h1s Med1a education. She teaches lStrahon and an M S degree
SpecialiSt cert1hcate. HIS EngliSh and her hobb1es tn Psychology She teaches
hobbles mclude hunting, mclude travehng Her cnmtnal JUShce and coaches
ftshmg, and cookmg H1s favonte color ts blue and glrls basketball Her hobbtes
favonte color ts green. "neighborhood #1 (tun- tnclude playtng guttar and
wnhng songs Her favonte
and h1s favonte song IS nels)" by The Arcade F1re colon are pmk and black and
"Sta1rway to Heaven· by ts her favonte song she hkes any song sung by
LedZeppehn Sheryl Crow
Wanda Poppell Andrew Porter Betty Proveaux
Ms. Poppell graduated Mr. Porter gradu- Mrs. Proveaux attended
from the Umvers1ty of ated from Ron da State Lake C1ty Commumty
Flonda m 1973 and 1978 Vmvers1ty m 1987. He College and maJOred m
She has her Masters m teaches Earth Space Secretanal and Bustness.
Soaal Stud1es and teach- She makes sure every-
es Psychology, Soctology, Sc1ence and coaches thing runs smoothly
and AP Psychology Her wr~sthng. He hkes to at the front desk m the
hobby IS Sudoku, her fa- hunt m his spare time. gu1dance department
vente color ts red and her Is favorite color is red Her favonte colors are
favonte song ts ·Those and h1s favonte song IS blue and pmk and she
Were The Days· "Black" hkes country mus1c and
some rock n' roll.
Eighty Two