Page 85 - chs-2012
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Candace Hines                                                              Bridget Hosford
                          Ms. Candace Hmes went to              Ms.  Hof attended both               Ms.  Hosford attended
                          Sulhns College m Bnstot               the Umvers1ty of South               Lake C1ty Commumty
                          VA.  and also the Vn1Verstty          Flonda and the Um-                   College and St. Leo Unt-
                          of Alabama m  TUscaloosa.                                                  verslty, and has a B.A
                          Alabama  Ms  Hmes has                 verslty of Flonda  She
                          a Bachelors's degree and              has a B.S.  m Busmess                m Busmess Adm1ms·
                          is currently teachmg 9th              and teaches Amencan                  trat1on/Management.
                          grade mtenstve readmg                 H1story and also a                   She teaches F1nance,
                          She loves pamhng. craftmg,            Holocaust Class.  She                Accountmg, and AVID
                          and travehng  Her favonte             coaches Basketball Her               and her favonte color
                          color 11 green and favonte                                                 IS baby blue.  She loves
                          songs are by the art\Sts  Joe         hobby IS  Karate, favonte
                          Cocker. Rascall flails. and           color IS yellow, and her             bemg a mommy and
                          Bob Dylan                             favonte song IS "Yeah"               her favonte song ts
                                                                                                     "W1thout You.·
                                                   .....  -~~~ ... -~ by Usher.

          DeidreHouk                            Terry Huddleston                     Gloria Hunt
                          Ms  Houk attended lake                Mr  Huddleston IS the                Ms  Hunt was born m
                          C1ty Commumty College                 Pnnc1pal of Columb1a                 Ecuador. South Arnenea
                          and St. Leo Un1verstty and            H1gh School. He has                  She attended Lake Ctty
                          holds a B.A. m Psychology             worked to Improve the                Commumty College. and
                                                                                                     earned an A.A. She recetved
                          and a Liberal Arts A A  She           school's FCAT grade,                 a B.A  and an M.A. from the
                          currently teaches Enghsh                                                   Umven1ty of Ftonda.  She
                          II at CHS  Ms  Hauk's                 and can usually be                   enjoys danctng. readmg,
                          favonte color is red and m            heard da1ly on the                   shopptng. and ttme
                          her tree hme she enJoys               momtng announce·                     Wlth her famtly  She teaches
                          yard sales and shopptng               ments welcommg                       SpaniSh 1 and II  Her favonte
                          Her favonte songs mclude              teachers and students                color ts red  and heT favonte
                          "L1fe s Not the Breath                to a "wonderful day at               songs are  ·vou are the W1nd
                          You Take" or anythmg by               Columbia H1gh School.·               Beneath my Wtngs:  and
                          Journey                                                                    "'Dynamtte _ •

                                                Jill Hunter                           Syreeta Jackson-Lee

                          Ms. Hunter attended                   Mrs  Hunter recetved                 Ms. Jackson-Lee attended
                          Florida State Umvers1ty               her B.A  m Mathematics               Flonda State Un1vers1ty
                          and holds both a B.S. m               from St. Leo Umvers1ty               and earned her Bachelors
                                                                                                     and Masters m Soctal
                          Psychology and a Mas·                 and teaches leadership               Sctence Education She
                          ters Degree m Fam1ly                  and mtens1ve math. She               currently teaches Govern·
                                                                sponsors the Student
                           Practice. She currently              Government Assoctahon,               ment and Economtcs, and
                           teaches Readmg at                                                         when the hme comes to
                                                                and has cookmg skills
                           CHS. She takes pleasure              that nval those of Paula             reap the pleasures of hfe
                           in cookmg and readmg,                Dean. In her spare time,             she enJoys readmg and
                           and regards pmk and                  she part1c1pates 1n the              shoppmg, you can also
                           purple as her favonte                Woman's Club and Gar-                hnd her procla1mmg that
                           colors.                              den Club                             her favonte song ts ·creat
                                                                                                     IS thy faithfulness"
                                                Charleen Kelley                       Machon Kvistad
                           M.r  Jetfenon earned a               Ms.  Kelley graduated                Ms  KviStad attended
                           bachelor degree tn Bustness          from the Umvers1ty of                LCCC, FSU.  UNf. and
                           tducatton from Kansas State          Flonda wtth a B.S.E                  fAMU  She holds a Masters
                           Umverstty  He \s currently the       and M Ed  She teaches                m 'Elementary Educatton
                  support facdttator                                             and Phys1cal 'Education
                           for ESE students tn Btology          Biology, Anatomy, and                Ms  KVIStad teaches Early
                           and Atgebr. and also Coach of        AP B1ology  She enJoys               Childhood and coaches
                           the CHS Boy's Basketball team        collecting sharks teeth              Softball and Volleyball at
                           He enJoys playmg softball as         and shells and attending
                           a hobby and also readtng and         U.F.  football and Basket·           lake C1ty M1ddle School
                           domg crosswords  Patrtotic                                                In her tree ttme she
                           towards the school  htt favor·       ball games.  Ms  Kelley's            enJoys readmg. spendmg
                           tte colon are purple and gold.       favonte color IS blue and            ttme Wtth her famtly. and
                           and on an unrelated note h\J         she hkes any song by                 coachtng. and her favonte
                           favonte song tJ "God Favon           J1mmy Buffett.                       color \S Plnk.
                           Mt( by M.afV\n South
           Justin Lang                           Helen Lee                            Wendy McFatter
                           Mr. tang attended Sante Fe           Ms  Lee 1s one of Co·                Ms  McFatter IS  the
                           Commumty College and                 lumb1a H1gh's expertly               hrst person vts1tors
                           the Umverstty of Ronda               tramed secunty of·                   are greeted by when
                           where he graduated Wlth              hcers. She's a welcome               they vtSit our school
                           a Bachelor of Arts and
                                                                s1ght m the commons                   She has her Rad1ology
                           one of the readmg coaches            each mommg and dur·                  and Dental Ass1st1ng
                           at CHS.  as well as a coach          mg class changes.                    License. She IS  a maJOr
                           for the Boys JV Soccer                                                     fan of football and
                           Team_ Mr. tang enJoys hlm,                                                 loves to scrapbook.
                           electrontc muslc and read·
                           mg m  hts spare tlme_ Hts
                           favonte color ts blue. and
                           favonte song ts •ttghtnmg
                           Crashes.· by L1Ve
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