Page 87 - chs-2012
P. 87
Vickie Raulerson Melissa Ray Daryl Richardson
Ms. Raulerson gradu- Ms Ray attended Sa1nt Mr R•chard.son attended Troy
ated from the Umver- l.eo College and Lake State Umven1ty Untventty of
Phoemx and Nova Southeast·
Sity of North Flonda C1ty Community College em Umventty He graduated
With a B.A. degree m She holds an A.A. dewee wtth a B.A. degr-ee m Busmess
m Liberal Arts, and a B.A. Admtntstratlon. a Masters tn
Elementary Education.
In her free hme she degree m EngliSh Educa- Human Resources and an
MBA He teaches JROTC and
tion. She teaches Enghsh
enJoys scrapbookmg, 3 and her hobby IS read- coaches OnlVRtfte team and
readmg and textmg her Exhtbttton tum HlS favonte
mg Purple IS her favonte colors are btue and red and hlS
fnends. Her favonte color, and "Ima!Jine" favonte song lS •t don·t want
color 1s purple. by John l.ennon IS her no peanut butter and Jelly• by
the eiot,pel TruUettes
favonte song
Charles Saunders Mitchell Shoup
Mr Saunders attended Lake Ms Shme attended Embry Mr Shoup attended Hmes
C1ty Community College R\ddle Aeronautu:al Umventty Jumor College and l1V-
and Flonda State Umverstty and Excelstor College She mgston UnlVerstty and and
and recetved hts Bachelors holds a degree tn Uberal recetved hts B.S m Math-
of Sctence m Educahon Arts, Atrport Management.
and Safety Ms Shtne teaches
He ts now a counselor and JROTC and Mthtary Sctence
coaches bowhng H11 hob· She also Coaches the DnlV and softball H1s hobb1es
btes mdude hunhng Mr Rtne Team. and the Exhtbttton mclude hshmg and coach·
Saunders favonte color ts Team. She lows aU sports Het mg Mr. Shoup's favonte
Carolina Blue and hts favor· favonte color ts red/maroon. colors are purple and gold
tte songs are · Fnday Ntght", and favonte songs are ~let and hts favonte song ts
by Brantley G1lbert and C.O and God" by Dewayne ' Our God Is Stronger", by
"'The Day the Squtrret Went Woods and •Jn Thts Ltfe· by IZ ChnsTomhn
Benerk·, by Rey Stevens
Shelli Shoup Janet Silverstein
Ms Shoup gTaduated fTom Ms S1lverstem attended Ms. Smor attended
the Un1VerStty of Alabama Kalamazoo College, and Vtrgtma Tech. Her
wtth a four-year degree the Umvers1ty of Flonda hob btes mc\ud e art
m JUSt two years and nme She holds a B.A. dewee
weeks She teaches Algebra m B1ology, and a Masters and stained glass
I and Honors. as well as in Health Educahon She Her favonte color ts
Algebra II Honors She teaches b1ology. In her blue and "Because He
used to coach the Ttgerette free hme she enJoys run-
dance team and cross
country She's mamed to nmg. Blue IS her favonte
Mttch Shoup In her spare color
ttme, she ts very mvotved
wtth her chtldren and the1r
athlehc and academtc
Altamease Smith Cheryl Smith Stephen Smithy
M.s. Smtth ts one of our Ms Sm1th attended Santa Mr Smtthy attended the Um·
secunty officers at CHS Fe College, The Baptist ventty of North Ftonda where
he graduated wtth a Bachelors
and she can can be seen College of Flonda. and QegTee m Educatton He also
waVlng us on as we extt the Umvemty of Ftonda has hlS Masters degr-ee tn
the campus She's a She holds a B.A. dewee Educahonalleadenhlp from
mother and grandmother 1n Chnsllan Counseling American College of Educa~
hon. Mr Smtthy teaches PE
and was part of the first She teaches algebra 2 at and coaches boy's golf here
class to gTaduate from CHS She doesn't have at CHS Hu hobbtes are golf
CHS at thiS location She any time for hobb1es and fuhtng HlS favonte color
loves her CHS students because she has three lS purple and favonte song
k1ds. Pmk IS her favonte lS ·0on t Stop Behevmg" by
and her favonte song IS Journey
"So Many T1mes the Lord color
Has Made a Way for Me",
Patricia Starnes Wendy Stevens
Ms. Stanton Stanton has Ms Starnes attended Ms Stevens attended the
Umvers1ty of f\onda where
attended the Untverstty of Santa Fe Commumty she recetved her B.A. 1n
Alabama and St. Leo Um- College and the Umvemty
verstty She holds a 8 A. m of Ftonda. She holds a tducahon. She ts currently
hmshmg her Masters m Ed
Elementary Education. spe· B.S. m Agncutture and a teadershtp at the Amencan
ctahzmg m btology 6-12 and Post Bacc 1n Agncuttural
ts currently workmg on her Educahon. She teaches College of Education
Master's m Education tead- Agnsctence. Ammal Stevens currently teaches
ershtp Campmg. htkmg Sctence. Vet Asstshng readmg m mght school
and IS a Academtc Readtng
readmg. and adventures are and Ag Mechanics. as
her favonte way to spend well as Sponsonng the Coach Her favonte color IS
her spare ttme Ms Stanton's pmk and her favonte song
favonte color ts red and her FFA prOgTOm at CHS Ms IS "I've Got a Feeling• by the
favonte song ts, "Oon·t Stop Starnes Her favonte colors Black Eyed Peas
....,...._ ___ .._..._ BelieVIng" by Journey
Eighty Three