Page 84 - chs-2012
P. 84
Diane Ellis
Ms. Eilts attended the Ms Elhs attended Manatee Jr
Umvers1ty Of Flonda and College Umventty of South
holds both a SA and Flortda.. Flonda A&M. and Um-
an MA Elhs currently verstty of Florida She holds a
B.A tn Pohttcal Setence Educa~
teaches Enghsh at CHS hon and a Master s Degree tn
In her spare hme she Guidance & Counsehng Ms
enJoys readmg, cook1ng, Ellls is currently the 9th grade
and b1cychng, and her Gutdance Counselor here
favonte colors are cnm- at CHS Her hobbtes tnelude
readtng travehng, and ·arts-y
son and sage green. Her stuff· Her favonte color ts
favonte song ts ·Fur Eltse· red. and her favonte songs are
by Beethoven "Price Tag· by Jeute J and
"We Dtdn·t Start The F~re· by
Btlly Joel.
Casey Fulford Samuel Getzen Deborah Godbold
Ms Fulford went to Mr. Getzen graduated Ms Godbold attended Lake
Lake City Commu- from h1gh school1n 1964 C1ty Community College, St
mty College and St. leo He later went to Abra- Leo Untventty, Vmvers1ty
Vn1vers1ty. She holds ham Baldwm College of West Alabama. and has a
a B.A. m M1ddle School and holds a degree 1n B.A. tn Elementary Ed and
Education and Enghsh. Agncultural equ1pment a Masters degree tn School
Counsehng In her spare
She teaches Engltsh 1 technology In h1s spare ttme she hkes to play the
Regular and Honors hme he restores old trac- ptano and read Her favon te
and her hobbles mclude tors. H1s favonte color ts color lS pmk and her song
John Deere Green and
)oggmg and spendmg hts favonte song IS "I Saw of chotce u "Vnwntten"
ttme wtth fam1ly by Natasha Bedenheld.
the L1ght" by Hank Wil- She also coaches Varstty
liams, Sr Cheerlead1ng
Rebecca Golden Pam Green Gina Guzman
Ms Golden attended the Ms. Green attended Lake Ms. Guzman went to
Un1vers1ty of Nebraska at C1ty Commumty College college at ULA and UNA.
Kearney She holds a B.S. and the Un1vers1ty of She acqu1red a degree
tn Bus1ness and Technol- North Flonda She has an m both the denttstry
ogy and Vocational A.S. tn nurstng and ts cur- held and the educa-
Educat1on. She now rently a career spectahst. tional held. In her spare
teaches Global Logtshcs She enJoys readmg, ttme she stams glass
and coaches Volley- watchmg movtes, and
ball Ms. Golden loves sports. Her favonte color Her favonte color IS
photography, cook1ng, IS pmk. and her favonte blue. "Anme's Song· by
and ndmg motorcycles song IS "Dance wtth my John Denver. she also
and her favonte color ts Father agam· hkes "Father & Son· by
purple. Cat Stevens.
Kristen Haddock Eugenia Harris Donald Harrison
Ms Haddock graduated M.s Hams attended what Mr. HarriSon holds a 8 S
from college m 2005, lS now Flond.a Gateway Degree tn Phys1cal Educa-
College, as well as FA.MU,
havtng attended Santa hon from the Vntverstty
graduating wtth a Bach-
Fe Communty College elors Degree She CUTTently of Flonda and a Masters
and Lake C1ty Commu- teaches a wtde vanety of '" Educational Leadership
mty College. She holds subjects tndudmg English, from Nova Umvers1ty. He
a degree m Nursmg and readmg, sctence, soctal ts an Asststant Pnnctpal
loves Baton 1\vtrhng studtes. and mathematics at CHS and loves to hunt.
In her down ttme she often
hsh, and nde motorcycles
Her favonte color ts reads, shops usmg coupons tn hts spare ttme. Hts
pmk and her favonte and watches the Hallmarlc favonte song ts ·Ltve ltke
song 1s "The House that channel Her favonte color ts You Were Dymg· by T1m
Bu1lt Me" by M1randa pmk. and she en,oys a wide McGraw
Lambert. vanety of music
Kristin Hart Kathryn Herndon Katherine Herschleb
Ms. Hart attended Ms Herndon gradu- Mrs Herschleb ts a
Alabama State Umvers1ty ated from the Vntverstty graduate of the Um-
(Go Hornets!) and earned of flonda W\th a Bachelors verslty of Flonda With
her B.S. tn Phys1cal m Htstory She has trav- degrees m Enghsh and
Education. She was eled the world educatmg
the "Boss· '" track and herself on vanous cultures, Secondary education.
held '" college, and she tncludmg the elwwe. She teaches Engltsh
canmbahsttc utand-people II and AP Engltsh
coaches tt and cross of t.atosl-Vtantta She now
country at CHS. She loves apphes her expenences m Literature. She ap-
runnmg and the color teachmg AP World and AP preciates a good novel
yellow Her favonte song Euro Htstory In her spare and co-sponsors the
1s ·sunshme Days· from hme she coaches the CHS Columbtan Chapter
the Brady Bunch movte AU-Star Academic Team of the National Honor
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