Page 83 - chs-2012
P. 83
Sharon Coats Christopher Coleman Officer Collins
Ms Coats graduated h1gh Mr Coleman attended Mr. Collms gTadu-
schoolm 1976 and from Umverstty of Flonda and ated from h1gh
Flond State Umvemty rec.e1Ved h11 Bachelors tn
Fme Arts m Mmor Art Htstory school in 1985. He
m 1980. She holds a 8 .S m 2009 He now ts teachmg
and Masters 1n Phys1cal Graphtc Design and 2-0 Art coaches football,
Education Her hobbles Comp 1. and also coaches and his favonte
mclude workmg on the football H\S hobbtes tnctude
farm, gomg out to eat, drawmg, sports. and tishmg hobby is to live
and hunting All colors Mr Coteman·s favonte colors life. His favorite
are orange and blue and hts
are her favonte and she color is blue and
enjoys country mus1c. favonte song ts •lsn·t She
t.ovety• by Stevte Wonder. his favorite song is
"You and I."
Carrie Cooper Robert Cooper Angela Coppock
Ms. Cooper ts an alumnt Mr Cooper gradu- Ms Coppock most re·
of CHS and Flonda State ated from Flonda State cently achteved a Masters
Vmvers1ty She gradu· Umverstty tn wtth a 8 S. tn m Educahonal Leadershtp
ated (Magna cum Laude) Soaal Sctence educatton from Nova Southeast·
With a Degree m EngliSh He teaches AP Human em m 2008. Shes an
E:ducahon and returned Geography and World admm\Strator at CHS, and
to CHS to teach EngliSh Geography He enjoys supel'VLSes the Sctence
Mamed to her h1gh runmng, hshmg, and Department. She enJoys
school sweetheart, Robert spendmg time With the bemg at home, hstenmg
Cooper. She has three Mmt-Coopers. HlS favonte to mustc, and shopptng
beautlflJl children. In her colors are garnet and Her favonte color u
spare hme, she loves to gold And hiS favonte purple, and she loves far
read, and practice pho- song IS "If Today Was Your too many songs to p1ck
tography Last Day· by N1ckelback one favonte
Alan Cox Dawn Cox Celena Crews
Mr. Cox is mar- Ms Cox graduated from Ms Crews graduated
the UniVersity of Flonda from the Vmvers1ty of
ried to Mrs. Cox. m 1975 rece\Vmg her B.S Flonda and holds a B.S. m
He teaches Social tn Math and then agam tn Aerospace E:ng1neenng
Studies and was 1976 With an MA 1n Math She teaches Mathematics.
Educahon. She now Sctence. and 'Engtneenng
unavailable for an and coaches the Robotics
teaches Algebra 2 Honors
interview. and Regular She loves team_ Her hobbtes mclude
shoppmg and readmg, kmthng, crochet. runnmg.
her favonte color ts blue, as well as readmg Her
favonte color IS purple
and her favonte song IS and her favonte song lS
"Roll1ng m the Deep, • by
Adele · world lns1de My Head"
by SISter Hazel
Cindy Dansby Mariam Darwiche Vivian Darley
Ms Dansby attended college Ms DarWlche holds Ms Darley holds a 8 A
at Lake Ctty Commumty an A.A. and a BA m m Cnmmal Justtce from
College and the Umverstty Elementary Education. Samt leo Umverstty as
of flonda and recetved her She attended college at well as her Professional
8 S m Nursmg wtt" a mmor both Flonda Gateway Teachmg Cemhcate
m Psychology She teaches She teaches ESE EngliSh,
Geometry at CHS Her hob- College and Samt Leo Math, Sc1ence, Soc1al
btes mclude spendmg hme UniVersity She teaches Stud1es and Readmg She
wtth her daughter (helpmg to tntens1ve readtng and
coach . watchmg mOVtes and enjoys takmg part m any SWims as a hobby, and her
readtng books Her favonte outdoor achvthes as welt favonte color ts Blue Her
color ts black because tt goes as draWlng and readtng favonte song ts .. Commg
wtth everythmg Currently, Her favonte colors are Home· by Mark Lowry
her favonte song \S ~Set ftre
to the Ram· by Adele black and red
Cathryn Dekle Maci Dukes
Ms Dekle attended a plethora Ms Dukes graduated
of colleges starttng wtth \..ake from Free W1ll Baptist
Ctty Community College (now B1ble College With a
Ronda Cateway College).
Untverstty of North florida. B.A m history and the
Ronda A&M. and PhoeniX B1ble. She teaches U.S
Untventty She has an AS 1n H1story. Her favonte
Bustness. a 8-A. m Soctal Set•
ence. and a Master's Degree m color IS Orange and
Gutdance & Counsehng wtth she hkes to run m her
an Educahonalle:adershtp spare time. She coaches
mtnor She ts the Autstant the CHS Jumor Vamty
Pnnc&pal m charge of Gutd-
ance Her hobbtes tnclude her Cheerleadmg team
grandchtldren and Travehng
Seventy Nine