Page 90 - chs-2012
P. 90
Joye Merrick
Ms. Holmes Ms Joye graduated from Mr Mernck waduated
graduated wtth a CHS as the Class Secretary from college m the year
m 1966 She attended \.CCC
Bachelors degree (now Ronda Gateway Cot- 2002 With a Bachelor's
dewee m B1bhcal Studtes.
in Science, in the lege) and the Umvers1ty of Mr Memck works m
Flonda. recetvmg a Master·s
year of 1999. She degree m Education At the Attendance Office
currently teaches CHS her JOb \S to mamtam and hts hobbles mclude
motorcycle ndmg. and
the medta center, and tn
Chemistry, and AP her spare ttme she enJoys wnllng Hts favonte color
Chemistry. gardenmg coolcmg, and IS be1ge, and h1s favonte
hshmg Her favonte color song lS ·Amaztng Grace·.
ts green, and she loves the
song "Unchamed Melody by
Rtghteous Brothers •
Merricks Murphy Peeler
Mrs. Memcks graduated Mrs Murphy graduated Mr Peeler waduated h1gh
from H1gh School m 1970, from H1gh School m 1992 school m 2004. He wadu-
and recetved her Bach- She attended Ftonda A&M ated from Flonda A &M
elors of Arts m Speech Untverstty. where she Un1vers1ty With a B.S. m
and Drama at FAMU She recetved her Bachelor of soc1al stud1es He teaches
teaches Language Arts at Sctence OegTee m Busmess world geO!JTaphy, and
CHS Mrs Memcks' hob- Admmtstrahon Mrs Murphy also coaches football and
btes mclude wanung and teaches Entrepreneurshtp. we1ghthftmg. H1s favonte
studytng her B1ble. Her Dlgltal DeSign. Busmess
favonte colors are black. Management m Law. and hobby ts golf. H1s favonte
way. taupe. beige. purple, Busmess Ownershtp. She color ts blue, and "For
and gold Her favonte enjoys smgmg. Her favonte Those About to Rock" 1s
color u purple, and favonte
song IS "I Sang Pratses hiS favonte song
to You· song u •Jesus ts l.ove
Prince Reynolds Robinson
Ms. Pnnce !JTBduated Mr. Reynolds attended the Mr Robmson gradu-
h1gh school m 2002. Vntverstty of Ronda and ated m 1976 and holds
She attended LCCC and graduated W'lth a bachelors a busmess degree fTom
!JTBduated fTom the Um- degree m HIStory He's cur- the Umvers1ty of Flon-
verslty of Flonda With a rently workmg on hts Mas- da. he teaches Gu1ded
ters degTee tn Social Studtes
B.S. degree m Materials Education. He teaches AP work place leammg at
Sc1ence and Engmeer- Htstory. AP government. CHS. In h1s spare hme,
mg. She teaches Algebra and AP econom1cs at CHS Mr. Robmson enJoys
I and Algebra ll Her Hts hobbles mclude Ga- wood workmg and hiS
favonte hobby IS water tor games and CHS hger
sknng. Her favonte sports. Hu favonte colors favonte color IS blue.
color IS blue. are blue and orange and hts
favonte song ts ·u·s My Job·
by J1mmy Buffet
Ross Sanders Thorton
Ms. Ross graduated m Ms Sanders attended the Mr. Thorton waduated
2009 and holds a B.S. m Umventty of Central Flond.a from CHS tn 1991 and re-
b1ology and an M.S. in and Grand Canyon Umverstty ceiVed h1s A.A. from Lake
She has a Bachelor's degree in
Cellular and Molecular Mech.anteal Engmeenng and a C1ty Commumty College
B1ology. She currently Masters tn Edueatton Admmu- and NashVIlle Auto
trahon. Ms Sanders currently and now teaches Auto
teaches B1ology and
teaches C.Ometry and Uberal
Manne Sc1ence at CHS Arts math here at CHS She MechaniCS at CHS Hts
In her free time she en- also coaches baslletbatl along favonte color ts orange,
joys playtng the p1ano Wlth tracll and field Her hobby he collects sea shells for
u spendmg ttme W\th famdy fun, and h1s favonte song
and pambng and her Her favonte color ts orange. IS "Songs About Ram,· by
favonte color IS blue. and her favonte song ts, Gary Allen
Mr. Williams graduated
m 1938 With a BA in
theology He attended
Sacramento B1ble
College. HIS hobb1es
mvolve preachmg the
Gospel, favonte colors
are gray and brown,
and hiS favonte song
IS "A Country Boy can
Eighty six