Page 89 - chs-2012
P. 89

Demetra Williamson                    Carol Wise                           Rebecca Wise
                          Ms  Williamson                        Ms  WlSe holds a BacheloT's          Ms  Becky W1se gradu-
                          attended The Umver-                   d~ee m French from the               ated fTom h1gh school
                                                                Untverstty of flhno11 at Cht-
                          stty of Central Florida               ago In 2010. she earned her          long, long ago. She
                          and recetved her                      Masten tn French Educat1on           rece\Ved her Assoc1ates
                                                                from the Umvers1ty of Horth          Degree fTom Un1Vers1ty
                          Bachelors Degree in                   nonda  She been teach-          of Central Flonda  Ms
                          Biology. She currently                tng French at CHS s1nce 1980.        Becky Wtse hobbles are
                          teaches Biology at                    and continues today  Her             Cookmg, Bakmg, and
                                                                hobbtes tnclude tap dancmg
                          CHS and enjoys                        and plaY'ng the guttar  Her          Gardemng  Her favonte
                          shoppmg m  her spare                  favonte color tS red  and her        color \S blue, and favor-
                                                                favonte songs are anythmg by
                          time.                                                                      lie song \S "Remember
                                                                the early Buttes. or anythtng        When· by Alan Jackson
        Not Pictured
        (even teachers forget about picture day)

                                                Albury-Owens                         Allen
                          Ms. Acosta gradu-                     Ms  Albury-Owens at-                 Mr  Allen gradu-
                          ated in 1991. She cur-                tended lake C1ty Commu-              ated fTom Flonda State
                                                                mty College and St. Leo              Umverstty m 1996 Wlth
                          rently attends Florida
                                                                Umvemty  graduahng                   a B S  degree m Soc1al
                          Gateway College.                      wtth a B.A. m Psychol-               Studtes. He coaches
                          Her favonte hobby                     ogy  She leaches World               football as well as
                          ts readmg, and her                    H1story as well as coaches           teaches wetghthftmg
                          favonte color IS blue.                httle league cheerleadmg,            HlS hobb1es mclude
                                                                and youth soflball  Her
                          Her favorite songs                    hobbles mclude readmg                huntmg and tishmg
                          mclude anythmg SO's                   and Zumba  Her favonle               and favonte color 1s
                          and Christian rock.                   color ts green and her               blue. Hts favonte song
                                                                favonte song is "Hero'"  by          ts "Welcome to the
                                                                Superch1ck                           Jungle."
           Bender                               Braley                               Bridges
                          Ms  Bender graduated from             Mr  Braley attended                  Mr.  Bndges graduated
                          the Un1Verstty of Hawan m             Santa Fe Commumty                    Htgh School m  1988
                          1975 and Ronda State Um-              College as well as the               and college m 1997,
                          vemty m 1988  She holds a             Umverstty of Flonda. He              2001, and 2009  He
                          8 S and M S degTee m Voc              graduated m  2011 Wlth               attended Southern
                          Ed  Famtly and Consumer
                          Sctences  She teaches Cu-             a BA m Enghsh and                    Utah Vmvers1ty and
                          lmary Arts and her hobbtes            now teaches Enghsh III               Chapman Vmvers1ty
                          mclude cookmg. as well                He enjoys playmg mu-                 He teaches Spec1al
                          as collectmg anttques  Her            SIC wtth hlS fnends and              Needs, and Autistic
                          favonte color ts etther blue          the green color that the             k1ds.  He enjoys outdoor
                          or green. and her favonte             Glow-m-the-Dark stars
                          song ts ·Amazmg Grace.·                                                    achvthes and advocacy
                          She also enJoys any 60's              gtve off, \S h1s favonte.            m  hts spare tlme
           Brown                                Carpenter                             Carswell
                           Mr  Brown gradu-                     Ms. Carpenter graduated              Ms  Carswell attended
                                                                                                     Untverslty of North Ronda
                           ated h1gh schoolm 1969,              from htgh school m 1974  She         and rec.etved her Masters
                                                                attended Brevard Commumty
                           graduated from FAMU m                College and Ronda State              and Bachelors m Elementary
                           1974, and also attended              University and recetved her          Education m 1991  She \1 now
                           the Un1Vers1ty of Flonda             A.A. tn Bustness_ She·s a Para       teachmg: readmg classes at
                           He coaches football,                 J>ro m the hbrary here at CHS        CHS  Her hobbles mclude
                           basketball, tenms, track.            Her hobbtes tnclude readmg           g:omg to the beach. shopptng
                                                                                                     readtng:. and keeptng up With
                           golf and bowhng  H1s                 campmg. and tTavehng:  Ms            her chddren and the1r acttvt·
                                                                Carpenter's favonte color 11
                           hobbles mclude golfing               blue and her favonte songs           ties  Mrs  Carswell"s favonte
                           and hts favonte colors               are ~At Last by Etta James           color lS any shade of pmk and
                           are red and whtte. "It's a           "You Ate The Sunshn'\e Of My         her favonte song 1S "All Sum·
                                                                                                     mer Long· by Kld Rock
                           Blessmg to be Ahve- \S h1s           ltfe~. ·My Chene Amore~. or
                                                                any Stevte Wonder song
                           favonte song
           Dedge                                Dotson                                Giddens
                           Mr  Dedge graduated                  Mr  Dotson graduated                 Mr. Giddens graduated
                                                                fTom Purdue Umvers1ty                fTom the Umvers1ty of
                           from Florida State
                                                                Wlth a a_s_  tn Consumer             Flonda m 1997 wtth a
                           Umversity in 2007.  He                                                    B.S. m Mathemahcs  He
                                                                Fam1ly Sc1ences  He
                           teaches English IV.                  teaches P E., coaches                teaches Math and Pre-Cal
                           In hts spare hme, he                 football, and welghthfl-             at CHS  He helps coach
                           likes to dominate the                tng _ In hts spare hme he            lhe football team and
                           world, and read.                     hkes to hunt and flsh. HlS           tn h\S spare hme hkes
                                                                favonte song ts '"Thun·              to play golf. H1s favonte
                                                                derstruck- by ACDC.                  color \S Magenta and
                                                                And hts favonte color ts             "J1mmy Pirates Look At
                                                                purple                               Forty- by J1mmy Buffet \S
                                                                                                     h1s favonte song
                                                                                                             Eighty Five
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