Page 88 - chs-2012
P. 88

Ed Stults                             Kim Sweat                             Mary Tannenbaum
                         Mr. Stults attended                   Ms. Sw  at attended                   Unfortunately.  Ms. Tan·
                         Bluffton Untverstty and               Georgta Southern and                  nenbaum could not be
                         graduated Wtth a BA m                 Brewton Parker College                located for an tntervtew
                         Education. He currently               and has a Bachelors
                         teaches World Geography               m Math. She teaches
                         at CHS and coaches                    Algebra at CHS and She
                         Football  He and enjoys               enjoys cooktng and her
                         golftng and readtng tn                favonte color ts green
                         hts free hme. Mr. Stults'             When asked, Sweat satd
                         favonte color ts blue and             her favonte song IS,
                         hts favonte song IS "Des-             "Unforgettable" by Nat
                         perado" by the Eagles                 Kmg Cole

         Linda Taylor                          Valerie Tilton
                         Ms. Taylor IS a data-                                                      Mr. Tyler attended
                         processmg wtZard.                     the Umverstty of North               Erskme College m
                         She can dehver any                    Ronda and Ronda State                South Carohna and
                         school-related stahsttc               Umverstty  She holds a               receiVed hts B.S  degree
                                                               Bachelors degree and cur-
                         m  record hme. She ts                                                      m  Btology. He teaches
                         also the sponsor of the               rently teaches Intenswe              Btology at CHS as well
                                                               Readmg at CHS. Her
                         jumor class, and asststs              hobbtes tnclude spendtng             as Coaches the Varstty
                         m  planmng prom. Ru-                  bme Wlth her famtly and              Boys Soccer Team. Hts
                         mors mdtcate that her                 Facebooktng  Ms  Tilton's            hobbtes mclude Camp-
                         typmg speed  ts near                  favonte color ts green and           mg and adventure
                         600 words per mmute.                  her favonte song "Ghtter             sports
                                                               tn the Atr'  by Ptnk

         Marcia Umstead                        Veronica Van Montfrans               Amy Wacha
                         Ms. Umstead graduated                 Ms  Van Montfrans holds a            Ms. Wacha graduated
                         from htgh school tn 1986              B S. m Btology, a Masters            m  1996 and holds a  B.A.
                         She attended Lake Ctty                of Teachmg m Science,
                         Commumty College, now                 and a Masters m Commu-               m  Elementary Educa-
                         known as the Ronda                    mcatton and leadershtp               tion. She currently
                         Gateway College and                   She attended Mary Bald·              teaches ln tenstve Read-
                         holds an A.A. degree                  Wln College, Umverstty               ing at CHS. Wacha at-
                         Her hobbtes mclude                    of Vtrgtma, and Gonzaga              tended LCCC and SLU
                         readmg and fuhmg  Ms                  Umverstty  Her hobbtes tn-           She spends her free
                         Umstead's favonte color              clude runntng and playmg              hme enjoymg outdoor
                         IS yellow. and her favonte           soccer  Her favonte color             sports, and her favonte
                         song IS "How He Loves"               ts red and · Phenomenal               color lS blue.
                         by Dame\ Crowder.                    Woman· by Ruthte Foster
                                                              ts her favonte song.

         Kimberlee Ward                        Daniel Westra                        Sarah Wichterman
                         Ms  Ward attended the Unt·           Mr. Westra gradu-                     Ms. Wtchterrnan attended
                         verstty of North Ronda and                                                 the Umversttt of Ronda
                         holds a 8 A  tn Elementary           ated in 1978, and
                         Eduatton as well as a Masters        holds a Ph.D. an                      where she recetved her
                         tn Elementary Education                                                    B.A.  m Enghsh/Ftlm
                         formerly a Ftrst Grade teacher       M.A. and a B.S. He                    and her  M.A. m Enghsh
                         (she tllught Jon Darby) and          currently teaches                     Educabon.  She teaches
                         Medta Spec1ahst. she \J cur-                                               Enghsh. Drama, Creattve
                         rently the Teshng Coordtnator        Math at CHS. He                       Wnhng, and Speech
                         for CHS  Her hobbtes tnclude
                         shoppmg. travehng. and               enjoys Gardening                      Her hobbtes are:  art,
                         decorahng  Her favonte color         in his spare time                     photography, and ftlm
                         tS Ch.artTeus gTeen and she                                                Her favorite color tS hot
                         en)oys the Dave Mathews              and his favorite                      ptnk; and her favonte
                         band  lac Brown band  and            band is Pink Floyd.                   song tS ·The Passenger·
                         Foo F1ghters
                                                                                                    by Iggy Pop
         Jimmy Williams                        Laura Williams                       Ruth Williams
                         M.r  Wtlltams attended lake          Ms. Wllltams attended the             Ms. Wtlhams graduated m
                         Ctty Communtty College,              Umverstty of North Flonda
                         Umverstty of North Flonda,           and holds a B.A. m Elemen-            1991. She holds a B.A.  tn
                                                                                                    Enghsh and a Masters tn
                         and St Leo Umverstty and             tary Education and recently
                         recetved hts Pschology               fln\Shed her Masters m                Management and Leader-
                         degree. He now teaches               Education from the Amen-              shtp. Wtlhams attended
                         Butldmg Constructton and             can t:ollege of Educatton             ·Webster Umverstty  and
                         coaches Varstty Softball             Currently the Math Coach              currently teaches Enghsh
                         HlS hobbtes mclude gomg              at CHS, she enJoys Zumba              1 at CHS. Her favonte
                         to sportmg events  M.r               (wtth Ms. McMahon) and be-            color ts purple and favor-
                         Wtlhams favonte color ts             mg at the gym. Her favonte            tie song ts "School's out
                         blue and hts favonte song            color \S pmk and when                 for Summer ·
                         \S ""Ttme Of My ltfe· on the         asked what her favonte
                         Dtrty Oanetng soundtrack             song was she replied, '"how
                                                              do you ptck JUSt one'"?
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