Page 213 - 2013 Columbian
P. 213

Deni-&e  Nordrv1e~er

                                                                          Ro.bert  Coo

                                                                    Divamamal3.  Mr_Cox,  M  _Silver  tein,
                                                                    #mo  trelatable #notawkward #dontmakeitawkward

          Shelli_Shoup.  CaroiWi  e.  MShoup.
          Meli  a_Ray,  KDekle
          #mo  t  chool  pirited #purple #gold

      Life  is  full  of  moments  that  we  capture  through
      photographs.  lnstagram  is  an  app  for  IPhone  and
      Androids that millions of people use to edit and share
      these  moments  with  the  world.  Many  people  use
      ha  htags  to  express  little  thoughts  about  their  pic-
      tures.  Hashtags are  used  as  links so  that  people can
      search  and  find  other  pictures  with  the  same  tags,
      that  may  or may  not be  similar  to  their own  picture.
      People  around  the  world  use  these  tags  to  promote
      their cause  or movment,  to  spread  the  word  of what
      they believe in  and stand  for.  lnstagram is  a free and
      revolutionary way to have all of those thing  in one on
      your modernized cell  phone or other mobile  devices.

                                                                    #funnie  tteacher #lol #rotll                      I
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