Page 216 - 2013 Columbian
P. 216

oa.tlie  oil iftS
                      Mr. Coleman attend  d UF               Mr. Coll1ns coaches FootbalL           Ms  Cooper 1s an alumnus of
                      and received h1s  B.A. m               and hiS lavonte hobby is to            CHS and FSU. She graduated
                       Fme Arts and a Minor In Art           hve hie. His lavonte color Is          (Magna cum laude) With a
                      HIStory. He now teaches                blue and his favorite song Is          degree In EngliSh Education
                      Graphic Oes1gn and 2·D Art             "You and I"                            and returned to CHS to
                      Comp 1. and coaches Foot·                                                     teach EngliSh. She married
                      ball HIS hobbles Include                                                      her high school sweetheart,
                      drawmg, sports, and fishmg                                                    Robert Cooper, and has
                      Mr  Coleman·s lavonte col·                                                    three beautiful ch11dren. In
                      ors are orange and blue and                                                   her spare t1me, she lov•
                      hiS lavonte song IS "Isn't She                                                to read, and practice pho·
                       Lovely" by SteVIe Wonder.                                                    tography.

                hert         ep                                   X                                   rewa
                       Mr  Cooper graduated from             Mr. Cox started college                Ms  Crews graduated from
                       the FSU  He holds a B.A. of           at CU m Ottawa. Canada                 UF and holds a B.S  1n
                       Saence m Soaal Science                and the transferred to UF              Aerospace Engmeenng and
                       Education. He teaches                 where he earned a degree               teaches Calculus, Physics,
                       AP Human Geography                    m Bus mess Admtn\Stratlon.             and Engmeenng Techno!·
                       here at CHS. His hobbles              He ran several successful              ogy. She IS m charge of
                       Include running, fishing,             businesses In Gainesville              the Robotics Team and h  r
                       and spendmg tune With hiS             before retum1ng to UF                  hobb~es mclude knitting,
                       "Mtnl·Coopers • HIS  lavonte          where he earned an M.Ed                readmg, and shuttling her
                       colors are garnet and gold            He has taught Soctal Stud1es           kids all over town. Her
                       and hiS lavonte song IS "II           lor almost 20 years. For a             lavonte song IS "World
                       Today Was Your last Day·              brief time 1n the 1980's he            Inside My Head"  Her talents
                       by N~ekelback. HIS talent IS          served as a Gamesville Ctty            are malntammg her samty
                       running In Circles                    CommlSS\oner                           while JUggling 5 preps, lam·
                                                                                                    lly, and the robotics team

               iftdy  cmst;y                                                                         dPWiehe
                       Ms. Dansby graduated                  Ms. Darley attended SLU and
                       from The UF.  (Go Gators!)            holds a B.A. m Cnminal Jus·            and a BA m Elementary
                       She teaches Geometry and              lice as well as Professional           Education.  She te  ches
                       Geometry Honors. Her hob·             Teachmg.  She teaches ESE              Intensive Reading, and she
                       btes tndude spendtng time             English, Math, Science,                attended college at both
                       with her family, liStening            Social Studies, and Reading.           FGC and SW.  She enJOys
                       to mus1c, and watchmg                 She SWims as a hobby, and              takmg part m any outdoor
                       sports. Her lavonte color Is          her lavonte color IS blue.             actiVIties as well as draw1ng
                       black. because 1t goes With           Her lavonte song IS "Gomg              and readmg  Her lavonte
                       anythmg. Currently her                Home• by Mark Lowry.                   colors are black and red.
                       favorite song IS "Paradise"
                       by Coldplay.

                        ede                                      eKle
                       Alter graduating from FSU,            Ms. Dekle attended a                   Ms  Dicks graduated from
                       Mr.  Oedge spent two years             plethora of colleges starting         VSU and FSU  She holds
                       teaching m the Repubhc of             With FGC, UHF, Flonda A&M.             M.A. m Counseling and
                       Panama. He now teaches                and UOPX. She has an A.S               Gu1dance. She IS a school
                       EngliSh at CHS. In hiS spare           m Busmess, a B.A. m SociAl            counselor and her hobbles
                       tl.rTie, Oedge enjoys 1\shmg,          Sc~ence,  and a MA degree             mclude leam1ng, cook·
                       readmg, pretendmg he IS                m Gu1dance and Counsel·   dJ          mg, and traveling  Her
                       Lord Grantham of Oownton              '"'I With an Educational               talents are haVIng fun and
                       Abbey, and developmg hiS               Leadership mmor. She IS the           hndmg the bright side of
                       plan of government lor                Assistant Princ1pal in charge          everything. People would be
                       when hiS world takeover IS            of Gu1dance. Her hobbles               surpnsed to team that she
                       complete  Note  II you see            Include her grandchildren              co-authored a program that
                       h1m m the halls, don't make           and travehng                  0        was nationally publiShed
                       any sudden movements.                                                        by the EducatiOnal Medl&

                       Officer D1cks graduated                Mr. Dotson graduated                  Ms.  Dukes graduated from
                       from K.C and holds a baste             from PU. He holds a B.S  m            Free Wlll Baptist B1ble Col·
                       law Enforcement Cert1h·                Consumer Family Sc1ences              lege With a BA m H1story
                       cate. He teaches different             and Will have hiS M.Ed. m             and B1ble  She teaches U.S
                       law enforcement top1cs and            -Education Leadership In               HIStory at ColumbiA H1gh
                       coach's !Jlrl's Softball HIS           one month. He teaches                 School Her lavonte color
                       hobb es mclude hunting,   dJ           Phys1cal Education at CHS             Is orange and she hkes to
                       fish1ng, and spending time             and coaches Football and              run in her spare time  She
                       With family  His lavonte               Boys We1ghthltlng. HIS hob-           coaches the CHS Jun1or
                       song IS "Midnight Cry". HIS            bies mclude hunting and               Vamty Cheerleadmg Team.
                       talents Include slngmg and             fish mg. HIS lavonte color is
                       somethmg people would                  blue and hiS lavonte song
                       be surpnsed to learn about   0         IS "Thunderstruck' by ACOC.
                       tum would be that he used
                       to smg 1n a gospel quartet.
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