Page 215 - 2013 Columbian
P. 215
Je~y Pid e.s Ks J hft
Mr Bndges graduated h1gh Ms. Brooks earned an A.S Mr. Brown graduated from
school1n 1988 and college 1n BUSiness and has worked FAMU and holds a B.S. He
m 1997. l001, and l009 tor CHS and Fort White for teaches Job Prep and HOPE.
He attended SVU and CU. the past 30 years. She now He IS the head JV Football
He teaches Spec~al Needs, works m the Bookkeepmg coach, head JV Basketball
and AutiStiC k1ds. He enjoys Office She enjoys cross coach, and IS the county co-
ordmator of Spec~al Olym-
outdoor &ehVlhes and ad- stitChing and shopp1ng, her ~
vocacy m hiS spare time. HIS favonte colors are blue and pics HIS hobbles mclude
favonte color IS yellow green. Her favonte song golf, fishing, and sm91ng m
IS "Because He Lives I Can church. HIS favonte colors
Face Tomorrow • are red and white and his
0 favonte song IS "Jesus How I
Love Cal11ng Your Name."
hui&se uzzelle1 cdlua
Mr. Busscher was a Student Ms. Buzzella graduated from Mr. Callum graduated
Care Attendant here at CHS. USM and VSU. She holds a from USF w1th a B.A. m
H retired last semester and B.A. In French and mmors InterdiSciplinary School
hiS favonte color IS yellow. m German and Secondary Sc1ence. He teaches LS.S
His hobb1es 1nclude readmg, Ed. She teaches SpaniSh 1-4 and coaches Football and
traveling, and go1ng to the and sponsors the SpaniSh We;ghtliftlng HIS hobbles
beach. HIS favonte music IS Club Her hobbles mclude trlCiude coachmg, watching
trop1cal mustc. tap danctng, read1ng, and sports and spendmg 1\me
traveling and her favonte With hiS family. HIS favonte
color IS turquoiSe. People song IS "R1ght Above It" and
would be surpnsed to learn hiS talents are bemg funny,
that she loves learmng athletic, and chansmatlc.
about Native Amencan hiS· People would be surpnsed
tory and culture to team that he has seen all
7 Harry Potter mOVIes
crine ClftftOft ClftdPCI Julie u.swell
Ms. Cannon graduated from Ms. Carpenter graduated Ms. Carswell attended UNF
SW and TU. She holds a B.A. from BCC and recetved and rece1ved her .M.A.and
~ ~ reading classes. Her hob-
m Accounting and Busmess
B.A. m Elementary Educa-
her A.A. m Busmess. She's
a Paraprofessional m the
tion. She \S now teachmg
Management and a M.S. m
library here at CHS. Her
Post Secondary Education.
hobbles mclude readmg,
She teaches Geometry
bles mclude gomg to the
and loves to read, liSten to
beach, shoppmg, reading,
camping, and traveling. Ms
and keeping up with her
music, and watch all sports.
Carpenter's tavonte color
Her favonte color Is purple
IS blue and her favonte
children and their achvttles
"Yellmg from the Rooftop/
James and "You Are the
color \S any shade of pmk
0 and her favonte song is 0 songs are "At last" by Etta 0 Mrs. Carswell's tavonte
Sunshme of My Life," by
and her tavonte song IS "All
Everythmg and All" Her
Summer Long" by Kid Rock.
Chene Amore, or any SteVIe
talent IS cooklng
Wonder song.
Glen hettPY
ThiS \S Ms. Cason's first year Mr. Cherry earned hts B.A. tn Ms. Chnstle attended UF,
at CHS. She has enjoyed Mustc Education from FSU SW, and FGC. She rece1ved
meeting everyone and and hiS M.A. In Sctence from her B.A m Classical Studies
formtng new friendships Full Sail University He now and M.A 1n Educational
She loves her job even teaches Chorus/Ensemble, Leadership She teaches
though tl can be stressful AP Mustc Theory, Electromc Algebra and Latin. Her hob-
sometimes. Her hobbtes Music, and TV Production bles Include spendmg lime
mclude her lads and spend- HIS hobbtes mclude mustc Wllh her l httle glYls. Her
ing lime With her family and and technology. HIS favonte favonte color \S purple and
fr~ends. Her favonte colors colors are purple and gold. one of her favonte songs IS
are pmk and purple and HIS favonte style of mus1c \S "Across the Untverse", but
she loves country music. smooth J&Z%. dependmg on her mood
Her tal nt \S being overly she has many other favonte
organtzed. songs.
Mr. Christie graduated Mr. Clark attended FGC, the Ms. Coats graduated from
from SW and got a B.A. In UNA. and SW and he holds FSU. She holds a B.S. and a
Psychology and a M.Ed. in a B.A. tn Psychology. He M.A. tn Physical Educa-
Educattonal Leadership. teaches World Geography tion. Her hobbtes mclude
Some of hts hobbl• lr1Ciude and hiS hobbles mclude worklng on the farm, gomg
playtng CoD. watchtng motorcycles, sports, and out to eat, and hunting. All
pohllcal shows, golf, and hangmg out at the Baseball colors are her favonte and
fishtng. Hts favonte color ts field. HIS favonte colors are she enJOys country mustc.
blue and he loves all songs red and black and hiS favor-
Something people would tie song Is "Whatever It Is"
be surprised to team about People would be surpnsed
him Is that he was a former to learn that he used to
high school and college work 1n a restaurant and he
sports official loves to cook.