Page 218 - 2013 Columbian
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cmclue                                           K
                       Ms. Hmes went to SC and                Mr. Hook attended SW and              Ms. Hosford attended FGC
                       the VA. She has a B.A.  She            1s part of Student Care at            and SW, and received a B.A
                       teaches 9th grade mtens1ve             CHS. He coaches Football              1n Bus1ness Adm1mstrat:ton
                       read1ng at CHS  She loves              and Baseball HIS hobbles              Management  She also re-
                       pamting, cntftlng, and                 Include hunting, worlong              ceived her teach1ng degree
                       tntvehng. Her favonte color            out. and watchmg Gator                from the EPI program at
                       is green and her favonte               football. H1s favonte color           FGC. She teaches Finance,
                       songs are by the artiSts: Joe          11 blue and his lavonte song          Accountmg, and AVID. She
                       Cocker, Rascal Flatts, and             IS "Kick It m the Sticks" by          loves bemg a mom to her
                       Bob Dylan. She has 4 chil-             Brantley Gilbert.                      three gtrls and spendmg
                       dren who she IS very proud                                                    t1me wtth her family  Her
                       of and th  y hve all over the                                                favonte song IS "In the Atr
                       Un1ted States.                                                               Tontght" by Ph1l Colhns.

                                                 Terry Huddlestoa.
                       Ms  Houk attended FGC                  Mr. Huddleston IS now the             Ms. Hunt was born 1n Ecua-
                       and SW and holds a B.A.                former prmc1ple of CHS. He            dor, South Amenca. She at-
                       1n Psychology. She teaches             has worked to Improve the             tended FGC, and earned her
                       Enghsh II and 1n her free              schools !'CAT grades, and             A.A. and received a B.A. and
                       time she enJoys yard sales,            was usually heard on the              a M.A. from UF. She enJoys
                       shoppmg, sports, and                   momtng announcements                  danctng, read1ng, shoppmg,
                       spending hme wtth her                  welcommg teachers and                 and spendmg t:tme wtth her
                       fam1ly. Her favonte mus1c              students to a "wonder-                family. She teaches Span1sh
                       IS anythmg that has a good             ful day at Columbia H1gh              I and D. Her favorite color IS
                       beat and tells a story. People         School."                              red, and her favorite songs
                       would be surpnsed to learn                                                   are "You Are the Wind
                       that she was a s1nger for 7                                                  beneath My W1ngs, • and
                       years (profesSionally) and                                                   "Dynamite.·
                       recorded 3 albums - 2 1n
                                                        UIHua.ter                                        SOft-Lee
                       Ms. Harper Hunter attended             Ms. Jill Hunter rece1ved her           Ms. Jackson-lee attended
                       FSU and holds a B.S. tn                B.A. m Mathemat:tcs from               FSU and earned her B.A.
                       psychology and a M.A. 1n               SW. She teaches l.eadership            and .M..A. m SOCial Sctence
                       Fam1ly Relations. She cur-             and sponsors the Student               Educat:ton  She currently
                       rently teaches re  dmg at              Government Association. In             teach  s Government and
                       CHS. She takes pleasure in             her spare time, she loves to           Economics and when the
                       coolong and read1ng. She               cook and is a member of the            time comes to reap the
                       regards pmk and purple as              Women's Club of Lake C1ty.             pleasures of hie, she enJoys
                       her favonte color                                                             readmg and shopping.  You
                                                                                                     can also find her proclalm-
                                                                                                     mg that her favonte song 1s
                                                                                                     "Great IS thy Faithfulness."

                       Mr. Jefferson graduated                Ms. Jones graduated from               Mr. Jordan gntduated from
                       from KSU and holds a B.A.              ASU & SEU. She holds a B.S.            FGC and SW. He holds a
                       m Bus1ness Education.                  m Mentally Hand1cap an                 B.A. 1n psychology and
                       He teaches ESE Support                 M.A. m Teachmg and learn-              an M.A. m Educ:at:ton tn
                       Factbtatton as well as Math            Ing. She ts an ESE Support             Educataonall.eadersh1p. HIS
                       and SCience  He IS the Boy's           FIICihtator. Some of her               hobbles mclude hunt:tng,
                       Basketball Coach and hiS   dJ          hobbles Include cooking,               fishmg, traveling, and out-
                       hobbles Include readmg,                readmg, and sewtng. Her fa-            door act:tvtttes. HIS favonte
                       crossword puzzles, and                 vonte song IS "Shake It Up".           songs are "I'm in a hurry•
                       ptaymg slow p1tch softball.            People would be surprised              and "I Could S1ng of Your
                       Hts lavonte song IS "God               to learn that she is a people          Love Forever·. His talent IS
                       Favored Me"  People would    0         person and she never meets             read1ng people and people
                       be surprised to team that              a stranger.                            would be surprised to learn
                       he can wnte and read                                                          that he loves to garden

                       Ms. Joye gntduated from                Ms. Kmght gntduated from               Ms. Knowles attended
                       CHS as the Class Secretary.            TSU. She has an A.A. in Gen-           FGC, SLU, and UF where
                       She attended FGC and the               eral Stud1es, a B.S. in HIS-           she rece1ved a degree m
                       UF,  rece1vtng a M.A. degree           tory, and an .M.S.  m CT1m1nal         Elementary Education She
                       1n Education  At CHS, her              Justice. She teaches JROTC             teaches Intensive Math here
                       JOb IS to mamta1n the medta            at CHS and coaches/spon-               at CHS and she loves to
                       center, and tn her spare               sors exhibition. dnll team.            shop! Her favonte color 1s
                       t:tme she enJOys gardemng,             and color guard. Her hob-              purple and her favorite song
                       cooktng, and fishtng. Her fa-          bles include readmg, wnt-              is"CruyGtrl."
           dJ  vonte color IS green and she                   ing, poetry, and Swtmmmg.
                       loves the song ·unchained              Her favorite color IS orange
              0        Melody" by The Righteous               and her favonte song IS
                                                              lake me to the K1ng" by
                                                              Tame Ia Mann.
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