Page 214 - 2013 Columbian
P. 214
ui e.helle AlhUPY-
Ms. Acosta currently attends Ms. AI bury-Owens attended Mr Allen graduated from
FGC. Her favonte hobby Is FGC and SW. She graduated FSU He holds a degree
~ ~ cal Education. He coaches
Wlth a B.A. m Psychology
...admg and her favonte
m Soc to logy and teaches
color IS blue. Her favonte
and teaches World HIStory.
Amencan HIStory and Physi-
songs Include anything 80's
She coaches Uttle League
Cheerleadmg, Youth Softball
and Chnst1an Rock.
Football and We1ghthftmg,
and 1s a co-leader for the
loves to hunt. fish. and do
Junior and Cadette Girl
car restorations. HIS favonte
color is blue and somethmg
Scouts. Her hobbies include
tStry. Her favonte color IS
surprtsed to learn about
0 0 reading and children's mm- that people would be
h1m would be that he IS a
green and her favonte song
IS "Hero· by Superch1ck.
country boy at heart
Ms. Baisden graduated with Ms. Baker attended NCCC, Mr. Barnes graduated from
a HS Diploma. As a hobby Medaille (Buffalo, NY), UF with a B.A. tn HIStory and
she plays w1th her five and Lamar Un1vers1ty a M.A. m Soc1al Studtes Ed.
grandchildren Her tavonte (Beaumont, TX). She holds He teaches US Htstory and
color IS red and her favorite a B.S. degree in Med1a Com- Holocaust. He sponsors The
song IS "Remember When· muntcahons and teaches Perfect Student Club (no
by Alan Jackson. English. Her favonte hobby members but still hopeful)
IS traveling. Her tavonte HIS hobbles mclude scuba
colors are green and teal diVIng and recreational
"Gorilla" by James Taylor IS thmkmg. HIS favonte color
her favonte song. IS ever changmg and hts
favonte song ts "Vmcent•.
HIS talents are nonlinear
thought and finding humor
tn every situation.
les eftder
Mr. Beadles attended col- Ms. Bender rece1ved her B.A. Mr Benton graduated from
lege at TAMU at Commerce - and M.A. degree from FSU SW, FGC, and CCAF. He
and graduated m 1992. with in Voc. Home Economtcs holds a B.A., A.A., and two
a B.A. He now teaches the Education. She teaches Cu- A.A.S. degrees. He teaches
Education Options Lab linary Arts 1-4 at CHS. Her World Geography and hiS
and coaches We1ghtllftlng. • hobb1es mclude cookmg. as hobbles mclude photog-
For fun he likes to spend well as collecting antiques. raphy. computers, golfing,
time Wlth hiS family and go Her favonte colors are blue hunting, and fishmg. HIS
huntmg. and green. favonte color Is blue and hiS
favonte song ts "Dream On"
People would be surpnsed
1 ... .,. ·~·
~~(.. C... Ci,. to learn that he was born
"' •t - \.• 1nJapan.
Kristifte eftt oris
Ms. Benton attended FGC. Ms. Blair graduated from Ms. Boris attended SFCC,
As Bookkeeper she IS m Shorter Umversity and FGC. and the UF. Ms. Boris
charge of all the school holds a B.A. in B1ology. has an A.A. and a B.A. In
accounts. One of her hob- She teaches Biology and Economics. She teaches
bles IS researchtng Fenton coaches Volleyball and Soft- Economics and Amencan
Glassware m Antique Shops. ball. Some of her hobbles Government at CHS For
Her tavonte color IS blue. mclude hunting, fishing, fun. she enjoys readmg and
and playmg softball. Her snow sknng. Her favonte
favorite color IS lime green color IS blue and her fa-
and her talent Is softball. vonte song IS "I Can Only
People would be surprised lmag1ne."
to learn that she has 3
conference championships
from college softball.
J hft rcdey ree.Keftrid e
Mr. Braley attended SFCC as Ms. Brannen graduated Ms. Breckenridge teach s
well as the UF. He graduated from FGC and holds an A.A. FLVS at CHS. Her hobbies
~ &Ad sponsors HOSA. Her and bemg outdoors Her
Include bemg with fam-
from UF With hts M.A in
in nursing & ASDN-RN. She
teaches Health Occupations
Ily. gomg to the beach.
Engltsh Education and has
a B.A. tn Engltsh. He now
teaches EngliSh 3. He enJOys
hobbies Include spendmg
favonte color ts blue and
ttme with family. helping
spendmg time Wlth hiS fam-
she lakes any 80's music. Her
ily and playmg mus1c Wlth
talents include pamtmg and
with youth at church. and
attendmg Fl Gator events.
friends. The green color that
coo long. People would be
and her favorite song IS
off is hiS favorite color.
was a Ttgerette and HOSA
0 glow-m-the-dark stars give Her favonte color ts purple surprised to learn that she
"You lead." People would
sweetheart In high school
She also loves tned pickles
be surprised to learn that
she mamed her h1gh school and fned sn1ckers.