Page 217 - 2013 Columbian
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               ie.toricr  II is                      uey Fulford                           cr11t.uel Getzen
                       Ms. Ellis attended Manatee            Ms. Fulford graduated from             Mr  Getzen graduated from
                       Jun1or College and USF (Go            CHS and later attended FGC             ABAC and holds a degree
                       Bulls!). She also attended            and SLU. She holds a B.A.              in Agncultural Equ1pmant
                       Flonda A & M and UF. She              1n English Education. She              Technology  In his spare
                       holds a B.A. '" Political             teaches nmth grade English             time he restores old trac-
                       Sctence Ed. and a M.A. 1n             I and EngliSh Honors. Her              tors  HIS tavonte color IS
                      Gu1dance and Counseling.               hobb1es mclude spendmg                 "John Deere· green and hiS
                       She IS currently the 9th              time With her family and               favonte song IS ·y Saw the
                       grade counselor at CHS                Jogging.                               Light" by Hank WilliAms Sr.
                       Her hobbles mclude read-
                       mg. traveling, spoiling her
                       grandchildren. and ·arts-y
                      stuff"  Her current favonta
                      songs are all on her step-
                      son's new album.
          Anthony Giddens
                      Mr  Giddens graduated from             Mr. Gilliland graduated                Ms. Godbold attended FGC,
                      the UF With a B.S. 1n Math·            from UF and holds aM. Ed               SLU, and IJWA. She has a
          ~                                                  hobb1es mel ude reach ng,              Counseling. In her spare
                                                                                                    B.A. 1n Elementary Educa-
                      ematlcs. He IS currently
                                                             1n EngliSh and an R.A. 1n
                      the Pre-Calculus teacher at
                                                             Engltsh and Philosophy  HIS
                                                                                                    tion and an MA 1n School
                      CHS  He 11 also an aSSIStant
                                                             wntlng, hsten1ng to musiC,
                                                                                                    hme she likes to spend
                      Varsity Football coach. In
                                                             watchmg moVIes, nd1ng hiS
                      h1s spare time, he enJoys
                                                                                                    t1me With family, read. and
                      pla}'lng golf and spendmg
                                                                                                    travel. Her favonte color IS
                                                             b1ke, and pla}'lng tennts
                                                             HIS favonte song 11 "White
                                                                                                    pmk and her favonte song
                      time With h11 two sons. HIS
                      and blue and h11 tavonte
                                                             are rock chmbmg and play-
             0        tavonte colors are orange              Winter Hymnal." HIS talents            IS "Unwntten·  by Natasha
                                                             mg the drums. When he was
                      song 11 "Moment By Mo-
                      ment• by Dee Dee N1chols.
                                                             1n high schooL he wanted to
                                                             be an FBI Agent
                           ldetl                     cdllelcr Green                                  zmcm
                      Ms  Golden graduated from              Ms. Green attended FGC and             Ms  Guzman went to col-
                      the UNK.  She holds a B.S.             UNF. She has an A.S. m nurs-           lege at ULA and UNA. She
                      1n Busmess and Technology              mg and IS currently a Career           acqu1red a degree m both
                      and Vocational Education.              Spec1altst.  She enJoys read-          the dentistry field and the
                      She now teaches Global                 mg. watchmg moVIes, and                educational held. In her
                      logiStics and coaches Vol-             sports.  Her favonte color 11          spare time she sta1ns glass.
                      leyball.  Ms. Golden loves             pink. and her favonte song             Her favorite color Is blue.
                      photography, cookmg, and               is "Dance wtth My Father               "Annte's Song· by John
                      ndmg motorcycles. Her                  Agam.·                                 Denver and "Father and
                      favonte color 1s purple                                                       Son• by Cat Stevens are her
                                                                                                    favonte songs.
          Kristea Helddoe.K                         WUiicdll Helle
                      Ms. Haddock attended SFCC              Mr  Hale holds a BSPE and a           Ms  Hams attended FAMU
                      and fGC.  She holds a degree           MA 1n Educational Leader-             and has a BA degree. She
                      1n Nursing and she loves               ship. He teaches P.E. as well         teaches Language Arts
                      Baton l'wullng  Her favonte            as Driver's Ed. He coached            and Algebra I. Her hobby
                      color IS pmk and her                   Football tor CHS from 1973            mcludes readmg and her
                      favonte song IS "The House             to 2007, and Baseball from            tavonte color IS p1nk. Some-
                      That Built Me" by M1randa   ~                                                thmg that people would be
                                                             1995 to 1998. HIS hobbles
                      Lambert.                               include golfing, fishing, and         surpnsed to learn about her
                                                             hunhng. HIS favonte color IS
                                                                                                   would be that she l.Ovt:S to
                                                                                                   watch westerns on TV
                                                             blue and hts tavonte song IS
                                                   0         "I'm Pretty Good at Drinking
                          rison                  Kcrtheryn Hcru.ser                                   erftdotJ.
                      Mr. Hamson holds a B.S. 1n             Ms. Hauser graduated from             Ms  Herndon graduated
                      Phys1cal Education from                the UF. She rece1ved a B.A. m         from the UF and has a B.A.
                      the UF, and a M.A. in Educa-           Health Sc1ence. She teaches           m H1story.  She teaches A.P.
                      tional Leadership from NV.             Liberal Arts Mathematics at           World HIStory, A.P European
                      He IS an ASSIStant Pnnctpal            Columbia H1gh School Her              H1story, and Regular World
                      at CHS and loves to hunt.              tavonte color 11 green and            H1story.  She coaches the
                      fish, and nde motorcycles '"   ~                                             Academic Team, and m her
                                                             her tavonte song 11 ·cold"
                      h1s spare time  H1s tavonte            by Cross Fade                         spare time she reads. SWims,
                      song IS "L1ve L1ke You Were                                                  and travels. She en)Oys any-
                      Dymg· by Tim McGraw                                                          thmg by Bryan Adams.
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