Page 224 - 2013 Columbian
P. 224

imay WUlicr1ft&                                  Ms. Ruth Wtlhams attended
                                                             Mr. Jtmmy Williams at·
        "Jj-~         Mr  Wtdergren ts now our               degree. He now teaches                 WU and she obtamed her
                                                             tended FGC, UNf, and SW
                      current pnnctpal at CHS
                                                                                                    B.A  and a M.A.  tn Manage·
                                                             He recetved hts Psychology
                      He graduated from fSU and
                                                                                                    ment and l.eadershtp. She
                      FAMU. He holds a B.S. tn Set·
        ·:  . I       ence Education and a M.A.   ,~·-_.     Butldmg Constructton and               teaches Engltsh I and her
                                                             coaches Varstty Softball
                                                                                                    hobbtes tnclude readtng
                      In Educahonall.eadershtp
      i   _·.   \.   - ~  ;i   HIS hobbtes tnclude sports,   ....  '   I   His hobbtes mclude gotng   and travehng. Her favonte
      I_  :lot   ..   famtly, and hunting. HIS               to sportmg events, and hts             song ts "God ts Love.· Her
      I  71.'   I     favonte color IS  purple. His          favorite color is purple.              talent is that she ts a bloom-
      "'"~   . .,.                                                                                  mg author and people
                      favonte song IS ·seue the
                      Day· by Avenged Sevenfold.                                                    would be surpnsed to learn
                      People would be surpnsed     •                                                that she destres to learn a
                      to learn that he was tn the                                                   second language (SpaniSh
                      Navy for four years.                                                          or Greek)
                                                emetrcr WUlicdllSoa                           crrolWise
                                                             Ms. Wtlharnson graduated               Ms  Wtse holds a B.A. tn
                                                             from the UCF tn 1998. She              French from the U of I. She
                                                             holds a degree tn Btology              earned her M.A. tn French
                       btes mvolve preachmg the              Educatton and teaches                  Education from UNF. She
                       gospel and htS favorite col-          Btology here at CHS. Her               has been teachmg French
                      ors are grey and brown. His            hobbtes tnclude readmg and             at CHS smce 1980, and
                       favorite sing is "A Country           shopptng. Her favorite color           continues today. Her hob-
                       Boy Can Survtve:                      is green.                              btes tnclude tap dancmg
                                                                                                    and playtng the guttar  Her
                                                                                                    favonte "sport• IS  taking
                                                                                                    students to France, whtch
                                                                                                    she has done twelve times
                                                                                                    wtth CHS students
                                   How did you go about achieving your dreams?
                                   First receiving my M.Ed  in Educational  Leadership,  and  working hard  in school  every day  lor long hours m-
                                   cluding Saturday school.  Most Importantly I used volunteer opportunities to ga1n  additional knowledge and
                                   experience in many diflerent areas.
                                   What is  the hardest thing you have encountered in your new career and how did you overcome it?
                                   I lost control of my calendar, whereas before I could  handle most 1tems and  had  room  lor thmgs that would
                                   come up.  I now have  to plan  far in  advance and  my calendar is preset  lor me.
                                   What is  the most rewarding experience you have encountered as  Superintendent?
                                   Knocking on  doors when  I campa1gned,  I met people I had  impacted as children.  It was  a phenomenal  lee!·
                                   ing knowing I had  a made a difference m the l1ves ol  students.  I'll have  Iarmer
                                   students walk up to me  m the grocery store with their children and  1t's so rewarding to see  the  men  and
                                   women  they have  become and  are  now  teaching the1r children  to be.
                                   What is a typical " Day  in Your Work Life" like?
                                   All you  can do is  plan your schedule and  hope lor the best. Anything can change  in  the blmk of an eye  so
                                   you  never know where you  may be in  the  next 30 mmutes.
                                   Is  there any last words to your former CHS students?
                                   Don't waste this opportunity to learn and grow Don 't be afraid of taking challenging courses
                                   because  they WILL pay off.

      How long have you wanted  to become the  Principal at CHS?
      Since  1994
      How did you go about achieving your dreams?
      Widespread experience 1s  key to controlling your dreams. If  you  are prepared  lor anything that's one  less
      thing that can hold you back.
      What is  the difference between being the principal of an elementary school and a high school?
      In  the elementary school  I had  sole responsibility lor the children. At CHS,  I have an
      administrative team  that helps me with any challenges wh1ch  may occur and  the day to day
      running of the school.
      What is the hardest thing you have encountered in your new career and  how did you overcome it?
      Time management and  multitasking are struggles,  but bemg llex1ble and  w1ll1ng  to  adapt makes everythmg
      run smoother.
      What is  the most rewarding experience you have encountered as  the new principal at CHS?
      See1ng  my  Easts1de  Elementary students and how much they  have grown over the years
      Is  there anything else you want to say about your new job or any words for the CHS students?
      I am  honored to be  here,  th1s  IS  my dream JOb  and  I look lorward to serving and being the
      principal here at  CHS.
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