Page 222 - 2013 Columbian
P. 222

tevea                                           olowsKi

                       Mr  Sm1thy graduated from              Ms.  Solowsla graduated               Ms. Sp1tzer graduated from
                       the UNF and holds a B.A                from USF and holds a B A  of          SW and JU where she
                       m Education and a M.A. m               Sc1ence degree. She teaches           obtamed her BA degree
                       Ed Leadership  He t  ches              P.EIHOPE and coaches Cross            She graduated college.
                       PEIHOPE and IS the head                Country and Track. Her                She holds a BA m Busi-
                       coach for Boys Golf HIS                hobbles mclude runmng,                ness AdminiStration. She
                       hobb1es mclude hshmg,                  cookmg, read mg. fitness,             teaches Algebra l and 2. Her
                       golf. and pla)'lng With hiS            and bloggmg/technology                hobbles mclude readmg,
                       children  HIS favonte colors           Her talents mclude art,               runmng, and kayak1ng. Her
                       are purple and gold and hiS            soccer, and runmng  People            favonte color IS red and her
                       favonte song IS "Don't Stop            would be surpnsed to learn            favonte song IS "Little Talks"
                       Behev~ng•  People would be             that she has played soccer            by Of Monsters and Men
                       surpnsed to learn that he              all around the world and
                       has 5 children.                        rode port1ons of the Tour
                                                              de France.
                          11rnes                                evens                  hristicrncr  wcmson
                       Ms. Starnes attended the UF            Ms. Stevens graduated from            Ms. Swanson attended Col-
                       where she obtamed a B.S                UF w1th a B.A. m Educa-               lege of the Atlantic m Bar
                       and a degree m Education               tion. She also holds a M_A            Harbor, Mame. She holds
                       She holds a B.S. mAmmal               from AC of Education. She              a B.A.  m Human Ecology,
                       SCience and she teaches                teaches read1ng and IS the            Concentration m Manne
                       Agnculture, Vet AssiStants,            Literacy Coach. She tutors            Sc1ence. She teaches Chem-
                       and Am mal SCience. She                mght school for students              IStry and Manne Sc1ence
                       IS m charge of FFA and her             tT)'Ing to pass the FCAT  Her         and sponsors CHAOS. Her
                       hobby IS  bemg outs1de. Her            hobbles mclude read mg.               hobbles mclude readmg,
                       favonte color IS green.               shoppmg, cookmg, and                   moVIes, and fishmg. Her
                                                             decorating. People would be            favonte song IS "Smgmg
                                                             surpmed to learn that she IS           m the Ra1n. • Her talent IS
                                                             a CHS alumni and she was               mus1c and draWing. People
                                                              MISS CHS 35 years ago                 would be surpmed to learn
                                                                                                    that she plays the BanJo

               Kim.       edt                        cludyTilte                                       crylor
                       Ms  Sweat attended GSC                 Ms. Tatem graduated from              Ms  Taylor IS a data process-
                       and BPC Colleges. She holds            FFSU and the AC of Educa-              mg Wizard. She can dehver
                       a B.A degree m Math and                tion. She holds a degree m            any school-related stahst1c
                       teaches Math for college               Elementary Education and               m record time. She IS also
                       success at CHS  She 1s                 Educational Leadership.                the sponsor of the Jumor
                       happily mamed w1th 2 won-              She teaches Teen Parentmg             class, and assists m plan-
                       derful ch11dren. She enjoys   ~                                               nmg prom. Rumors md1cate
                                                              classes. She enjoys read1ng
                       cooking and gardenmg and               and runnmg as her hobbles              that her typ1ng speed IS
                       her favonte color IS green.            Somethmg people would                  near 600 words per mmute.
                       Her favonte song IS, "Unfor-           be surpnsed to learn about
                       gettable" by Nat Kmg Cole              her IS that she has been
                                                    0         mamed for 25 years and got
                                                              engaged on the top of the
                                                              Eifel Tower.

                                                   buies Th  rnton
                       Ms. Thomas graduated from              Mr  Thorton attend  d FGC             Ms  Thornton graduated
                       FAMU and SW  She holds                 and NADC. He teaches Auto             from SW and holds a B A
                       a B.S. degree m Bus mess               Mechamcs and IS the FFA               m Busmess AdmmiStra-
                       Education, and holds a M.A             AgriCUlture Mechanics State           tlon. Her hobbles mclude
                       m Educational Leadership.              Champion. HIS hobb1es                 travehng and readmg and
                       She IS an AdmmiStrator here            1nclude spendmg time With             her favonte color IS purple.
                       at CHS  Some of her hobb1es            hiS children, we1ght hftmg,           Her favonte song IS "She got
                       mclude readmg and soc1al               cars, trucks, motorcycles,            her own· and her talents
                       networking. Her favonte                and gomg to the beach                 mclude shoppmg and cook-
                       color IS  pmk and people               HIS favonte color IS  blue            mg  Somethmg that people
                       would be surpnsed to learn             and somethmg that people              would be surpnsed to learn
                       that she IS a former All-State         would be surpmed to team              about her would be that she
                       basketball player.                     about h1m would be that he            has danced m the Macy's
                                                              IS loyal and fnendly                  Day Parade

               cderieTUt                                                                    11riea T  wery

                       Ms. Tilton attended the                Mr. Tompkins attended VS              Ms. Towery graduated from
                       UNF and FSU. She holds a               and holds a B.S.  m Second-           SW and holds a M1ddle
                       BA degree and currently                ary Ed-SoCia! Science. He             Grade Math Education. She
                       teaches Intensive Reading              teaches Cnmmal Justice L              teaches Advanced Topics
                       at CHS  Her hobbies mclude             n. and m and coaches the              tn Mathematics and her
                       spendmg time With her fam-             Vars1ty Girls Basketball and          favonte color Is blue.
                       Ily and traveling. Ms  Tilton's        1s the Assistant JV Base ball
                       favonte color Is green and             coach. His hobbles mclude
                       her favonte song "Glitter tn           folloWing UF athletics, Fan-
                       the A1r" by P!nk.                      tasy FootbalL and NASCAR.
                                                              His favonte song IS "Unde-
                                                              feated".  D1d you know he
                                                              had long ha1r 1n the 80's?
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