Page 221 - 2013 Columbian
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                                                               itl  ler                   hirly      hers
                       Mr  R1ehardson gradu-                 Ms. Rmgler graduated from              Ms  Roberson IS an At-
                      ated from TSU and holds a              EIU  She holds a degree                tendance Para m the Ofhce
                       MSHRM/ MBA degree and                 tn Mathemattcs and has a               Some of her hobbtes tnclude
                       teaches JROTC  He IS  m               Teacher Certthcahon. She               crochettng, cooking, and
                      charge of the Exhtbttton               teaches Algebra Z and spon-            readmg  Her favonte song
                       Team, On II Team. and Color           sors Mu Alpha Theta. Some             IS "Old Rugged Cross.· Her
                      Guard. HIS hobbtes tnclude             of her hobbtes mclude                  talents are J&Ck of all trades-
                       basketball, teachtng, and             cookmg, slatned glass,                 master of none. People
                       mentonng. HIS favonte song            and hangmg wtth her cats               would be surpnsed to learn
                       ts "Peanut Butter and Jelly"          Her talent IS she can make             that until she was a teen she
                       Hts talents are teach mg.             stamed glass wall hangmgs             dtd not have any electnc-
                      eating, and sleeptng  Peoph•           People would be surpnsed               tty  She used ott lamps, a
                       would be surpnsed to team             to learn that she loves math.          hreplace, and all that went
                       that he ts very mce                                                         wtth tt, but she IS proud of
                                                                                                    the way she was raiSed
          Jo  etth                                                                           
                      Mr  Joseph Robmson gradu·              Mr  Tony Robtnson holds a              Ms  Ross graduated and
                      ates from the UF. He holds a           Busmess degree for the UF              holds a B.S. m Btology and a
          ~                                     ~                                                  Sctence at CHS. In her free
                      B.A. degree/BSBA and teach-
                                                                                                    M.S  tn Cellular and Molecu-
                                                             He teaches Gutded Work
                      es the Tl'ansttlon Program.
                                                                                                    lar Btology. She currently
                                                             Place Leammg here at CHS
                      HIS hobby IS  woodworking
                                                             In hiS spare ttme, he enJoys
                                                                                                    teaches Btology and Manne
                      and hiS favonte color ts
                                                             woodworkmg and hts favor-
                                                                                                    time she enJoys playtng the
                      purple. HIS  favonte song IS
                                                             tte color is blue.
                      "Sounds of Stlence · Some·
                                                                                                    ptano and pamtlng. Her
                      thmg that people would be
                                                                                                    favonte color IS  blue
                      htm would be that he has
             0        surpnsed to team about       0
                      only miSsed 6 CHS football
                      games smce 1973
                          tldtree               Che~r e.s  ClUtlder.s                                   ulz
                                                             Mr. Saunders graduated                Mr  Schulz attended FSC and
                                                             from htgh schooL attended              holds a B.A. m Mustc Educa-
                      English and a Masters tn               FGC and FSU and recetved               tion. He teaches Band and
                      EngliSh Education.  She                hts B.S. in education. He             Musoc Theory. He helps wtth
                      teaches 1Zth grade EngliSh,            \S now a counselor and                 the Marchmg Band, Jazz
                      coaches' SoftbalL and                  coaches Bowhng  Hts hob-              Band, and the Wtnd En-
                      enJOys cooking  Her favonte            btes mclude hunttng. Mr               semble. HIS hobbtes tnclude
                      thmgs to do mclude making              Saunders favonte color ts             Musoc, Movtes, and Com-
                      "pup cakes" wtth her 3-year-           caroling blue and hiS favor-          posttton. Hts favorite song
                      old step son and watchtng              tie songs are "Frtday Ntght',         ts "New World Symphony ·
                      football.                              by Brantley Gilbert and               Hts talent IS always bemg
                                                             "The Day the Squtrrel Went            awesome! People would be
                                                             Berserk", by Rey Stevens.             surpnsed to learn that he IS
                                                                                                   a related to FOR
                               ClPd                                                                  houp
                       Ms. Sheppard graduated                Mr. Shoup attended Hinds              Ms. Shoup graduated from
                      TLHC and holds a B.S. m Bt-            Juntor College and Ltvings-            the UA wtth a four-year
                       ology  She teaches Anatomy            ton Umverstty where he re-            degree m JUSt two years and
                       and Phystology at CHS. She            ceived hiS B.S  tn Mathemat-           mne weeks. She teaches
                       IS the AssiStant Coach of             ICS.  He now teaches Math             Algebra I, Algebra I Honors,
                      Gtrls Varstty Baslaetball and          and coach's Football and              and Algebra U Honors. She
                       her hobbtes tnclude cou-              Softball. His hobbtes tnclude          used to coach the Tlgerette
                       pontng, and readtng. Her              fishmg and coachmg. He                dance team and Cross
                       favonte color ts ptnk and             has two wonderful children,           Country. She's mamed to
                       her favonte song IS "Some             Ashley (15) and Hunter (11).          Mttch Shoup. In her spare
                       Nights" by Fun                        Mr. Shoup's favonte colors             ttme, she IS involved wtth
                                                             are purple and gold and hiS           her chtldren and thetr ath-
                                                             favonte song ts "Our God IS           letoc and academtc pursutts.
                                                             Stronger,· by Chns Tomlin.
         cleltlet  Uversteitl

                      Ms. Stlverstem gradu-                  Ms. Smor attended VTTI                Ms.  Smtth IS one of our
                      ated htgh schooL attended              Her hobbtes tnclude art               secunty officers at CHS and
                      Kalamazoo College, and                 and stain gtass. Her favonte          she can be seen watVlng us
                      Universtty of Flonda. She              color IS blue and her                 on as we extt the campus
                      holds a B.A. degree m                  favonte song IS "Because              She's a mother and grand-
                      Btology, and M.A. tn Health            He Ltves."                            rrtother and was part of the
                      Educatlon. She teaches                                                       first class to graduate CHS
                      Biology. In her tree time she                                                She loves her CHS students
                      enJoys runmng. Blue IS her                                                   and her favonte song ts "So
                      favorite color                                                               Many Ttmes The Lord Has
                                                                                                   Made A Way For Me."
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