Page 219 - 2013 Columbian
P. 219

TruyKu  eftdcdl                                                                   Justia. Lcm.
                      Ms. Kuykendall graduated               Ms. KVIstad attended FGC,              Mr  Lang graduated from
                      from SLU and rece1ved her              FSU, UNF, and FAMU  She                UF and rece1ved hiS B.A. m
                      A.S. m Early Childhood Edu-            holds a M.A.  m Elementary             EngliSh and h1s M.Ed. He
                      cation, a  B.A. m Elementary           Education and Phys1cal                 IS an Instructional Coach
                      Education. Readmg, and                 Education. Ms. KVIStad                 and IS the SAC Cha1rman
                      ESOL Endorsement  Her                  teaches Early Childhood                Some of hiS hobbles mclude
                      hobbles mclude runnmg                  and coaches Softball at Lake           Iii rn. mUSic, cooking, and
                      m SK's, spend1ng time With             City M1ddle School.  In her            traveling With lam1ly. HIS
                      her family, shopping, and              free t1me she enJoys read-             lavonte song IS "Lucky Man".
                      watchmglootball. Her                   mg. spending lime With her             HIS talents Include cooking,
                      lavonte song IS anythmg                lam1ly, and coachmg. Her               euphemiSms, sarcasm.
                      by the Zac Brown Band                  lavonte color IS  Pmk.                 tnVIalmlormatlon, and
                      Her talents mclude pla)'lng                                                   dumb Jokes  D1d you know
                      the flute and sm!Jingm the                                                    he used to cr  te electromc
                      church chou.                                                                  mUSIC?

                Heletl Lee                       eheKCih Loa.  sh  re
                      Ms. Lee IS one of CHS's                Ms. Longshore graduated                Ms. Lynn graduated from
                      expertly tramed secunty                With her A.A. degree. She IS           FGC and SLU. She holds
                                                ~                                                   EngliSh 2 and sponsors the
                      ollie  rs  She's a welcommg            the vocational teacher here            an A.A. degree, Apphed
                      s1ght m the commons each               at CHS. Her hobbles mclude             Technology diploma. and a
                      morn1ng and dunng class                traveling, read1ng and                 B.A. speaallzmgm English.
                      changes.                               cooking  Her lavonte color             She teaches lOth grade
                                                             IS green
                                                                                                    National Honor Soc1ety. Her
                                                                                                    hobb1es mclude reading
                                                                                                    song IS "Love 1s All Around·
                                                    0                                               and cooking  Her lavonte
                                                                                                    Her talent IS that she can
                                                                                                    organue anythmg. Did you
                                                                                                    know she IS totally crazy
                                                                                                    about football?

             rie.  e.  hesftey                   Wetldy Me.l'crtter                         sh
                      Mr. McChesney graduated                Ms. McFatter 1s the first per-         Ms. Mcintosh graduated
                      from DeniSOn Un1vers1ty
                                                                                                    from Silliman College and
                                                             son VISitors are greeted by
          ~                                                  She has her Radiology and              She teaches Earth Sctence
                      and from UF. He holds a B.A.
                                                                                                    holds a B.S. m ChemiStry.
                                                             when they VIS\t our school
                      m EngliSh Uterature and a
                      M.A. m EngliSh Educatlon.
                                                                                                    and m her spare tlme she
                                                             Dental AssiStlng Llceme
                      He teaches Creative Wntlng
                                                                                                    likes tore  d romance
                                                             She 1s a maJOr fan of football
                      and Drama and sponsors
                                                                                                    novels and grow plants. Her
                                                             and loves to scrapbook.  Her
                      the Drama Club. His hobbies
                                                                                                    lavonte song IS "My Soul Is
                                                             lavonte color IS purple and
                      mclude wnting, photog-
                                                             her lavonte smger IS Shan ~a
                                                                                                    serves as Dl rector of the
                      nd1ng. HIS lavonte song IS
                                                                                                    North Flonda Center of Ex-
             0        raphy, film. and horseback             1Wam                                   Anchored m the Lord". She
                      "Et m Terra Pax".  Did you
                                                                                                    cellence where she directs
                      knoW that though he IS a                                                      Natlonal Ach1ewrs activltles
                      pac1tist now, he was once                                                     m ColumbiA, Hamilton. and
                      an NRA expert marksman?                                                       Suwannee.
            Kctte                                                                          errie.K
                      Ms. Mcintyre attended                  Ms. McMahon's lavonte                  Mr. Memck attended FGC,
                      UF and receiVed a B.A. m               hobby ts gotng to college-             where he rece1ved hiS
                      English. She teaches Engltsh           senously. She's attended               assoc1ate of arts degree.
                      and some of her hobbies                UF, UCF. FSU, AIU, and the             He recetved B.A. in Bibli-
                      Include baking, garden-                Arnencan College of Edu.               cal Stud1es from LOGOS
                      mg. and DIY proJects. Her              She holds M.A. m Ed  Lead-             Chnst~an College. He IS a
                      lavonte color IS blue and              ership and Ed. Cumculurn.              Truant offlc:er who works
                      her lavonte song IS "La V1e            as well as B.A. m Journalism           1n the attendance offlc:e.
                      En RISe·  One of her talent            and Commumcahons. She                  He loves to wnte and ride
                      ts cake decorating. People             teaches JournaliSm, Dlg1tal            hiS Motorcycle. HIS favorite
                      would be surprtsed to learn            Oes1gn. and Web Oestgn                song IS "Nobody Greater
                      that her guilty pleasure IS            and IS the coach of the CHS            Than You:
                      cheesy Sci-Fi books, mOVIes            Ladtes TenniS. She enJoys
                      and shows.                             photography, tenniS, and
                                                             planntng world domtnatlon.
      y      bley                              oseley
                      Mr. Mobley attended FGC.               Ms. Moseley works m the               Ms. Moses graduated from
                      He teaches all sub,teets. and          Computer Lab, assiSts m               CHS and got her M.A.  tn
                      IS the AssiStant Band Direc-           Discipline, and helps around          Busmess Educatlon from
                      tor. HIS hobbies include               campus when she's needed              the UF. She later attended
                      helpmglads realize theu                She has four chtldren and             FGC. She teaches Busmess
                      mustcal goals  He thinks               enJOys domg crafts m her              Educatlon and Cooperatlve
                      black IS beautiful; therefore          spare ttme. Her lavonte               Education. Her hobbles
                      tt IS hiS lavonte color  He            color IS blue and she likes           mclude Gator football and
                      likes all mustc except Adele           most country mus1c.                   basketball aerobtcs, SWim-
                      He IS the master of perfec-                                                  mtng, moVIes, and readtng
                      tion and somethtng that                                                      Her lavonte color IS purple
                      people would be surprised                                                    and her lavonte song IS "Red   C..J
                      to learn about him would                                                     Rubber Ball" by The Cyrlde.   ('
                      be that he and Mr. Schulz
                      are tWins!
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