Page 220 - 2013 Columbian
P. 220
UP by
Ms Mehnda Moses has Ms. Brenda Murphy Ms. Murphy attended Flor-
been an AssiStant Pnnc1pal waduated CHS and IS an Ida A&M Vmven1ty. whare
at CHS. She graduated Attendance Para. Some of she rece1ved her B.S. Degree
from MV wtth her B.A. m her hobbles mcluda fishmg, m Busmess Admm1strat1on.
Behavtoral Stud1es She also scuba d1vtng, and crafts She teaches Entrepre-
has a M.A. tn Education Her favonte color Is green neurship. AVID, Business
Counseling and Educational and her favorite song IS dJ Management tn law, and
Leadership. She was an "Wanted" by Hunter Hayes. Busmess Owrtersh1p Mrs.
administrator. and taught Her talent IS that she can Murphy enjoys smgmg. Her
World Geography and World play the plano favonte color IS purple, and
H1story. She was a Gu1dance her favonte song 1s "Jesus
Counselor and an Athletic 0 Is Love."
Director. She loves all Tiger
TrlsheKcr elSOft hester
Ms. Nelson attended Flonda Mr. Nordmeyer graduated Ms Nordmeyer graduated
A & M where she rece1ved from FSV and holds a B.S from FSV and she obtamed
her B.S. degree 1n Math- degree 1n Studio Art. He her B.S. m Math Education.
ematics Ed. She teaches teaches 30 and 2D art and She teaches Algebra and
Geometry at CHS. She has sponsors the P1ng Pong sponsors the Skate club
two awesome boys Alan. 10 club/ Guitar and Art. Some Her hobby IS stanng at the
and Avery, 4. Her favonte of h1s hobbtes mclude play- wall for hours, sometimes
color IS purple, and her mg gu1tar and pamtmg. HIS wtthout bhnktng Her
favorite song IS "My Worship favonte color is brown and favonte colors are green
Is For Real" hiS favonte song IS "Nothing and black. Her favonte song
Else Matters." HIS talents IS "Three Libras" Her talent
mclude ptaymg gu1tar. he IS IS solvtng really hard math
mechanically mchned. and problems and she loves to
he IS very artiStic. Did you tie dye anythmg.
~now he ts ambidextrous?
0 p
1D.Clft de Ke.s eeler
Mr. Norman attended FGC, Mr. Oakes attended Edm- Mr. Peeler graduated from
VSF, and VSV. He gradu- boro University and the VF. h1gh school and Florida
ated wtth a B.A. degree in He holds a B.A. m Enghsh. A&M Vn1vers1ty. He rece1ved
Mass Commumcahons and a M.Ed. m Gu1dance, and a hiS B.S. tn Soctal Studtes. He
Computer Technology and Medta Spec1ahst certificate. teaches World G ography,
Electromcs. HIS hobb1es HIS hobbles mclude hunt- and also coaches Football
1nclude hikmg, swtmm1ng mg. fishmg, and cooking. dJ and We1ghtl1ftmg HIS fa-
and hunting. Hts favonte HIS favonte color IS ween. vonte hobby IS golf and hiS
color IS blue and hiS favonte and h1s favonte song IS favonte color IS blue. "For
song IS "Three Little Buds" "Statrway to Heaven· by Led Those about to Rock" by
by Bob Marley. 2eppelin. ACDC IS hiS favonte song
orter vecruciX
Ms. Poppell graduated from Mr. Porter graduated from Ms. Proveaux attended FGC
the VF. She has a M.A. m CHS and later graduated and maJOred m Secretanal
Soctal Stud1es. She teaches from FSV. He teaches Earth and Bus1ness. She makes
Psychology, Sociology, and Space Science and coaches sure everythmg runs
AP Psychology. Her hobby Wrestling. He hkes to hunt smoothly at the front desk
ts Sudoku and her favonte m hiS spare time. Is favonte m the gu1dance department.
color IS red. Her favonte color IS red and hts favonte Her favonte colors are blue
song 1s "Those Were the song ts "Black". and p1 n k and she enjoys
Days·. some country mus\c and
rock n' roll
ie.hcrel eynold
Ms. Raulerson graduated Ms. Ray attended SW and Mr. Reynolds graduated
from the VNF wtth a B.A. FGC. She holds an A.A. from V F and holds a M.A. m
degree m Elementary Edu- degree m Liberal Arts, and a Social Stud1es Education. He
cation. In her free time, she B.A. degree m Enghsh Edu- teaches VS HIStory, Govern-
enjoys scrapbookmg and cation She teaches Enghsh ment, sponsors the sen1or
read mg. Her favonte color 3. Her hobbles are spendmg club, and IS the gtrls JV Bas-
is purple. time with her daughter ketball coach. Hts hobb1es
and reading. Purple 1s Include board games and
her favonte color and her Gator sports. H1s favonte
favonte song Is "What Ever dJ song IS "Call Me Maybe".
Happened" by The Strokes. People would be surpnsed
0 to learn that he competed
m a chanty contest dunng
No-Shave-Nov mber