Page 223 - 2013 Columbian
P. 223
Pfter onothcm Vlsh
Ms. Turner 1s in charge Mr Tyler graduated from Mr. Ulsh graduated from the
of Student Care and her Erskine College He holds a USA. He holds aM. Ed. m
~ a \so coaches Boys· Soccer sultative Coordinator and
hobbles mclude dane~ng,
leadership, a B.S. and an
B.S m B10logy and currently
smg~ng, and havtng fun. Her
A.A. degree He IS a Con-
teaches Biology at CHS. He
favonte color IS blue and
her favonte song 1s "Be For
coaches Baseball HIS hob-
1'yler enJoys coach mg.
Reali' Her talent IS talkmg to
adventunng, and pla}'lng
bles mclude pla)'lng cards,
people and somethmg that
watching footbalL and gnll-
sports. H1s favonte color IS
people would be surpnsed
green and hiS favonte song
lng out. HIS favonte song
1s the Nat10nal Anthem.
be that her son played
HIS talent IS
0 to learn about her would IS the song from Top Gun. ~ that he can
college football (Kentucky
Juggle and people would be
surpnsed to learn that he IS
land of a b1g deal
hbuyler Yclft-MOfttfraa
Ms. Umstead graduated Mr. Van-Montfrans gradu- Ms Van-Montfrans gradu-
from FCC and holds an ated from Wand UF and ated from Mony BaldWin.
A.A. degree. She sponsors holds a B.S. m B1ology, soon Wand will graduate 1n
the PreciSIOn Rubber Band to have a M.A. m December December Z013 from C.U
Shooting Club. Her hobbles Z012. He teaches Manne She has a B.A. m Biology
mclude fiShmg, read1ng, Sc1ence and B1ology Hon- and Secondary Sc1ence Ed
and bemg outdoors. Her ors. HIS hobbles mclude and IS trymg to ach1eve a
favorite color is yellow and pla)'lng guitar. tishmg. M.A. 1n Communication &
her favonte song IS "Oh campmg, hangmg out w1th Leadership. Her hobbles
How He Loves·. Her talents his son and fam1ly. and are anything outdoorsy and
mclude sarcasm and she watchmg the Ronda C.ators. traveling People would be
has the coolest laugh ever. People would be surprised surpnsed to learn she was
People would be surpnsed to learn that he toured the born m Germany and hved
to learn that she has 5 awe- East Coast m a rock band m Saud1 Arab1a as a child
some grandsons. after college.
Ki11lherlee Wud Kcdeh WcdiCiu
Ms. Wacha holds a B.A. m Ms. Ward attended the UNF Mr. Watkins graduated
Elementary Education. She where she obta1r1ed a B.A. from the UF He holds a B.A.
currently teaches Intensive and M.A. in Elementary m EngliSh and a M.A. 1n
Reading at CHS. Ms. Wacha Education. She IS the Test- Secondary EngliSh Educa-
attended FC.C and SW. She Ing Coordmator and her tion. He teaches EngliSh/
spends her free lime en)Oy- hobbles include traveling, Language Arts. He loves to
mg outdoor sports, and her shoppmg. and mterior travel and go to Gator sport-
favonte color IS blue. Her des1gn. Her favonte song Ing events. HIS favorite color
favonte song IS "The More I is "Free" by The Zac Brown IS gator blue and somethmg
Seek You" by Kan Jobe. Band. People would be that people would be sur-
surpnsed to learn she was pnsed to learn about h1m IS
a former 1st grade teacher that he has a twm brother
and Media Spec~allst. named Kevtn
Mr. Weekley graduated from Mr. Westra rece1ved a PH.D Ms W1chterman attended
TSU and holds a B.A. HIS from the USD. He currently the UF where she receiVed
hobbles Include basebalL teaches Math and Physics at her B.A. m English/Film and
readmg, and spendmg lime CHS. He en)Oys gardemng her M.A. m English Educa-
With hiS family. H1s all lime and sports 1n h1s spare time tion. She teaches English II
favonte song Is "Song tor Ha favonte mus1c1an is Honors and AP Language
Ireland". His talents are Bruce Springsteen. and CompoSition. Her hob-
drawing, photography, bles 1nclude art. photogra-
poetry, and wnhng People phy, and film. Her favonte
would be surpnsed to learn color 1s hot pmk and her
that he IS a certified forklift favonte song IS "The Pas-
operator and he used to live senger" by lggy Pop.
off the Coast of Afnca.