Page 150 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 150
A Tr11tor. A verse to Cold.
TICKV,-" Is Carrel patriotic?·· MisS BROOKS.-" I'm going to a warmer climate :
TmiMv.-" Xo, he loves Virginia more than he I can't staud the cold here. ''
does Ohio.'' ,\ Co Ft·sH.--'' Cuba is that warm climate. \Vhy
not go home with me? "
A Smokess.
MR. I,~; B. "\\'hat! llid I understand you t<> say
PRoF. OF P~WCIIOJ.()(; \'. " ~Iiss A. B. F ., define
you smoked, Miss F? '
emotion 1 "
~I ISS A. B. F.-" Why, I smoked a grape vine
one day and it I didn'tmake me sick, either." :-ltss A . B. F.-" \\'hy, it's your insides going
He Overlooked. A Btble Student.
PROF. OF CuE"ISTRY. "~Ir. Carrel, why is it TE.\CIIER.-" \\'hat is the sacred book of the
that you can't learn your chemistry?'' Hebrews, Mr. Bridges? "
C\Rin:L.-'' I looked over the lesson Professor.' ' :-IR. BtHI>GI(S.-" I er don't know-I belie,·e
PROF. OF CIIE~IISTR\'. " Yes- Von mean you they have none.' '
oz•o/ookrd the lesson." A Stnktng Success.
A Beauhful Compleuon. A FRESIDIAX.-" I think the Junior Year Book
will be a striking success. "
MORG.\X.-" How is it that Fontain's cheeks are A SOPIIO~!ORE.-" Yes : I think it -u-•i/1 be a strik-
always so rosy?" ing success. It has struck everybody in school and
CoOGLI{R.-" \Vhy, it's only ten cents a package each of the sophs several times. It is striking all
at the drug store." right. "