Page 151 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 151

MaJor  or  Colonel ?         since  they  can't  understand  the allusions.  1  myself
                                                                did not like it at all."
                         Ccnnt.\:->D.\'>1'  (at  a  ladies  recitation of commis-
                                                                   S \t·~~"· .-  "  Oh,  how can you say that!  Its simply
                      sioned  officers).  "  ~Iajor  Rowe, what  i ·  the  differ
                                                                fine'  But  then,  you  must  know  a  little  something
                      ence b.:tween the insignia of rank of  ~[ajor and  Lieu-
                                                                about mythology and history to appreciate it. "
                      tenant  Colonel ? "
                         Row E.- "  I  don't think there b  any, sir. "      Anglo Suon  Words.
                         Ccnn1 \:->D.\:->1'.  ''Then  we  may  expect  you  to
                      ha\·e  these other cadets  call  you  Lieutenant Colonel,   PROF.   \\'.  (in  logic).-" Wilson,  \\hal  is  a
                      ruay we not, sir?  1 1                    fallacy .''
                                       0 . K.                      \\' II.SO'> .-" Something that  has  no truth in  it. "
                                                                   PROI'.  \\-.  " ;o.;o, sir  1  That's a  lie  1 "
                         The" Ycll':->G  ' '  SoPH upon being asked how the
                      little stenographer was,  replied,  "He's O.K."        The Choostng  Boy.
                                   In  Geometry  Class.            I leimburger is somewhat  of  a  choosing  disposi-
                                                                tion.  llis choice in jewel  is the Pearl, in flower« , the
                         ST.\TE  Sl'PT.  SHEETS  (visiting  Fresh.  ~lath l  -
                                                                Lillie, in food, Oats  O'its l. an( d) a  Bell is his favorite
                      '' This is  about as  hard as  Cuban  language  to under-
                      stand.' '                                 musical instrument.
                               A  Ddlicult  PsychologiCal  Problem.
                         M  Rl•  :-: .-" Pat,  someone  ha~ made  a  standing   Special attenlton is called to the fact that Frankie
                      date with  her for  Friday nights after this week  .,   LeRoy  Carrel  carries  a  select  line  of Phologr.tphic
                         PAT.  "I have one for this week all 0 . K.  Sure   Supplies,  Dark  Rooms, Cleveland  \'iews, and  makes
                      Pup! ,,                                   \·irginian Scenes  a  specialty   If  you  would  add  to
                                                                your art collection, something  rare and novel , get one
                                The  Houseboat  on  the  Styx.
                                                                of those  graphic  word  pictures  which  he  presents
                         The  '99GR-\Ill" \1'E . -  "  I  don't see why the lower   daily  to  all  with  whom  he  may  chance  to  come  in
                      classwen enjoy T he  Houseboat on the  Styx so much ,   contact
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