Page 152 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 152
!'ointing at fliose jau!ts o/ !1Ji111 ;,-fu'dt an I!O!cJJi<lll\ .
F\Cl'I.T\'. .. :\ature hath formed strange f~llows in her time '
"\\'e took sw~'t:t l'OUthd together "
\'oct " " An·ording to his ,·irtue let us usc him ··
:\lcCI.t:-<T!lCK "She is-but words cannot tell what.
Think what a womcln should b~.
And she is that."
CR00\1. " Frosty, but kinuly "
!It \IF " I hear in the chamber abon~ me,
The patter of little feel.''
FJ(:t RO.\. "She is a ohsen·er, and looks ![ttite
Through the deeds of men .··
'· Such art of eyes I ne\·er ~aw in books.'
l>E S11 \ , B. " I m not w young- as I once was.'·
C!nDt u'T '' ~ly lord, I would entreat your honor to scan this thing no further; lea\'!: it to time."
" The\· that go,·ern the most, makE' the l~ast noise."
STOCKBRII>GE. " lie that by the plow would thrive,
Himsdfmust hold or dri,·e."
~~\RIO:" . " How firm a foundation."
\\' \\1 BOI;t•. " (;ood senh:nccs and well pronounced.